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Posts posted by froman8000

  1. Well i've been playing RS for quite a while, over 4 years i rekon maybe close to 5? When i first started there was only 2 worlds, and you could only have 1250 per world. So only 2500 could play RS at the same time. I distincly remember typing in my name and password and spending 30mins sitting there just pressing enter non-stop waiting for a space in the world. I started just after they introduced the wildy, they hadn't even changed the old guide which talked about choosing between being a monster killer or a player killer. I'm fairly sure there was no such thing as an R2H when i started as no1 had that level. But i distinctly remember the day Bluerose13x got 99 smithing. it was big, everyone was talking about it, such was the sense of community. But all this is old skool, *sniff* i love reminiscing.








    man that was crazy, bluerose was like the ultimate celeb in rs. i remember when i was like 51 smithing and made it into the top 2000 when the lists first came out.








    and server status was cool. i remember there was only 2 people on a server at one point (including me) and i was on server status for a split second, i wish i took a screenshot.

  2. woah froman, lighten up.




    it takes a long time to produce these kind of large updates, especially after christmas and new year (the devs are people too!).








    that's true, but for something like pohs they said that they've been coming for a LONG time, and for other things I think it would be better that jagex concentrate on bigger updates that will become a large part of




    the runescape world, instead of just little ittby bit quests, and new random events.


    Jagex have stated they plan to implement clan support sometime along the track.








    yeah but Jagex also said POH would come out at the end of the year and where's that?








    amen brother.








    it seems to me like jagex wants the players to be miserable, so that we'll just keep playing in anticipation for better things.

  4. Hey, I think it would be good if RS would put more emphasis on clans in the game and such. Clans make the game much more interesting, and the game is funner to play when you know more people.








    I know I have played games like Warcraft III, and Neopets (ya thats right) they have options so you can make clans in the game, and thye make it so that no Joe Blow can make a clan either. I think you would need like 15 at one place at the same time in RS to start a clan, and it would be good if each clan could get it's own page somehow on the RS site. Nothing big obviously, maybe just a small basic messageboard, and perhaps basic layout stuff for the leader of the clans.








    This could also be continued in the game so people could have clan wars in the duel arena and such, and possibly clan mini games, where you can have ACTUAL enemies and allies and such.








    any thoughts?









    any people who have been playing rs since near the beginning can appreciate how many times they've told us player houses are coming soon, and never show up. i think i can count for times they've said they're coming, and they've never showed up on time.








    anyways jagex should get everyone on their staff working on player houses for the next update.

  6. hey! how bout this!








    new christmas holiday items came out for people to wear. why get a santa hat when u can get four trendy scarves and four neat hats for free. people just want to get all christmassy and maybe they just wore scarves instead.

  7. i'm christian, and i belive in god. and i can PROVE it. well i can't prove it, and im not sure that anyone can, but personally ive read about all of gods and jesus' teachings, and when u think about it if we all lived by these things, the world would be a much better place. unfortunatly bush is still president, and theres more people worshipping the devil, then i have fingers (10, including thumbs) so the world is doomed. yay.

  8. thx for watching everybody. for the next movie i'll try making the characters move and stuff, but i'm not promising anything, cause it would take a long time, and it would probably end up looking very choppy. ill probably add more music too, and maybe sound effects. but thanks everybody to everybody for the suggestions!



    Sorry but even if that is likely to be safe I'm not clicking it :o




    you not clicking on it cause its newgrounds? or cause ur a crazy paranoid person or something?








    Because, maybe I don't want to go to a website that is potentially unsafe just for the sake of watching some pointless flash movie you made about a game I don't even play anymore? Maybe, Just maybe.








    I wasn't trying to be rude or anything lageris, just curious. Also, if you don't play RS anymore, why are you on a forum, thats main topic is RS related stuff?








    PS Thx to all who have watched the movie so far.

  10. Hey everyone, I made a movie about RS. I just wanted to see what other people think about it. If you want to see my movie go to http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/178200 and check it out. If you liked (or disliked) my movie please post back here, because I'm planning on making another one, and I'd like to know what improvements i can make. thx :)












    Edit by Dusqi:




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