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Posts posted by crazykiwi


    Within a darkening universe,


    Reappropriated Polychromatic Reptile




    Reappropriated - Reappropriation is the cultural process by which a group reclaimsre-appropriatesterms or artifacts that were previously used in a way disparaging of that group.




    Polychromatic - The term polychromatic is used to described light that exhibits more than one color. In a technical respect, this can also mean that it contains radiation of more than one wavelength.




    Reptile - Reptiles, or members of the class Reptilia, are air-breathing, cold-blooded vertebrates that have skin covered in scales as opposed to hair or feathers.




    This quite literally spells out to:




    Beings with Scales which are of different colors are going to reclaim artifacts that were previously used in a way disparaging of that group.




    Dragon Kin Anyone?


    Looking into things a bit much?


    He's just signing off on the bottom of his letter:




    Reappropriated = stolen


    Polychromatic Reptile = chamelean


    stole chamelean is an anagram of chaos elemental

  2. It hasn't even been a year since summoning. Jagex said it takes an extremely long time to create and tinker with a skill to get it just perfect.


    It was only 6 months between the construction and hunter skills, and barely over a year between hunter and summoning. It really wouldn't surprise me if a new skill comes out in the next few months.

  3. Oops, I guess I broke the law then. I listened to a few songs on the radio today and didn't buy the rights to listen to them.


    You weren't the one distributing the music, the radio station was, and they did buy the rights to distribute the music over the radio waves. You paid for it by listening to the ads on the radio station.


    If you recorded the radio station and then gave people copies/put it on the internet then you'd be breaking the law.

  4. I actually prefered more frequent updates. For instance, next month there is going to be two more combat mini-games, which I think there is enough!




    While they mentioned two new minigames in the last Behind The Scenes they didn't say they would both be out next month, just that they are "coming soon". I predict one of the them be out next month, and the other maybe the month after.








    I think in a couple of months we'll find that the updates are much better updates, rather than some of the flawed updates we have had where people will try it once and never go back to.

  5. If you're not me, my girlfriend, or intellegent, I most likely don't like you at all.


    Seeing as you made the distinction there, does that mean these three groups are separate, implying that you, and your girlfriend, are not intelligent?




    My confession: I'm really, really lazy. Like super lazy. I should go do the dishes cause they're really piling up, but I know I wont.

  6. there's no toilets either, good luck.


    Tell me about it... my character's been holding it in for the part 3 years and is absolutely busting.




    Just because it's a fantasy game doesn't mean it has to be exactly like JRR Tolkien's fantasy, different people have different fantasies. Just be thankful it's not based on my fantasies... it wouldn't be a G-rated game then ;)




    Shooting stars is a great way to train mining, I had one that was level 5 and only one other person mining it... it took about an hour to mine but I got over 30k xp for it, plus another 6k for finding it.

  7. It's been taking an extremely long time for the pages to load lately. (The past 4-5 hours) I was just wondering if anyone else has been having this problem. :? :(




    Actually...they haven't loaded at all. :wall:


    My internet went down yesterday, possibly due to some stormy weather here in Wellington lately, and the site is just hosted on my home internet connection. Seems to be up again now.

  8. i recorded a drop log in MS word of 60 kills, and registered, then clicked, then submitted each of the items/charms i got in one go. Does each submit count as one drop? I'm not sure.


    Each submit is one kill. I should really re-word the page to make that more clear (you're not the first to do that).


    What you can do is save your file as a plain text (.txt) file and send it using the "bulk list" page. I'll check it over later and add the data. The submit page is really for submitting each kill as you go.

  9. Greater demon is also F2P (deep wildy) I don't know if any F2P Tip.Iters use it though


    Oh yeah, I forgot about those ones. Not many F2Pers go hunting greaters, but for completeness sake I've switched them to being available in F2P now.




    i love the idea and have already been adding my kills to it.


    there are some problems with it though at least the avansie choas runes isnt on the list of dropable items and you have to select feathers for every kill.


    Yeah, I got a little confused with all the different types of aviansie. Chaos runes are now added, feathers are preselected, and previous feather drops have been updated.

  10. Green dragons ftw!




    Also, rune dagger is not a listed drop as a green dragon, however you can get them (rather frequently)




    Perhaps add charm drops also?


    Oops, ok fixed that now. Let me know if you find any other items missed off anything, I can add them in pretty easily.

  11. Seems like a lot of drops got lost in the switch to the new layout, though. I had 321 Ankou kills that dropped down to 233, 500+ Drone kills that dropped to 4, and my 100 each kills of Cockroach Soldiers and Workers vanished entirely, as did my Ice Warrior kills. Is the database getting restored?


    Actually it was working with it all, but then I kinda buggered up the database with a typo in a command and my latest backup was nearly a week old :o . Really sorry about that, you had more kills than anyone in the database before that.




    I'm working on some automatic daily backups now, but looks like all kills done in the part week are wiped :|

  12. Now with many many thanks to texasmd91 I have finally updated the site layout. The new site should look much better and be easier to navigate. All the data collected is still in the database, this is just a change to the look of the site. More updates are also in the works...




    Also many thanks to everyone who have submitted drops from their kills. Some of the stats are starting to take shape although many more kills are needed to get drop rates on the rarer items.

  13. Could be an interesting site if people add articles and clans and stuff. But is this not already covered by boards like tip.it's?




    Let us know when it's finished... looks like you've got quite a few more php pages to code...

  14. All 100 f2p lesser demon kills are mine :P




    Could you add:






    Ice giants/warriors




    Ah, the great f2p player! I wanted to make sure I had a few good f2p monsters in there so everyone could use this.


    Added all those now.

    • After I submit a drop and wait for the redirect, the page it redirects to fails to load. In Internet Explorer 7, I get a blank white screen -- from my own experienced with PHP, that means the page is bugged somewhere; I wish you luck with the debugging.



    I use firefox, and thought my html was basic enough to work with anything... guess I was wrong. It turns out IE7 has "meta refresh redirect" turned off by default, and that's how I was doing the redirect. After a little research I've now got a javascript redirect in there instead, this now works in IE7, and still have the meta refresh redirect in there for anyone who has javascript turned off. Let me know if there are any more problems like this, bugs suck!




    • Would it be possible for users to see their own submitted list of drops? Could be helpful in determining if the system is being used properly.


    I've added an "options" page that tells you how many total drops you've submitted. The way the database works I'm adding the drops together rather than keeping each individual drop, so a full list is now impossible, but I could add something like "56 Lesser demon kills, 32 Green dragon kills", and even list the total for each item eg."56 Lesser demon kills with 32 coin drops, 10 chaos runes, 5 gold charms..." although that could get rather big.


    I'll think about it and add it to the growing list of ideas for improvements (must get around to implementing some of those...)

  15. The website looks really sad,




    come on make a decent background :?




    :roll: oops :D


    I have the drawing and design skills of a monkey smoking too much crack :? . Seriously, you're lucky it even looks this good. Maybe I'll get around to making it look better one day. Maybe I should learn CSS?

  16. I'm not having a go... I like it, I'm just saying it needs a lot of work. My concern is people deliberately submitting false data, you have to rely on everyone being honest (not a trait that Runescape players are famous for lol). I think there should be a minimum number of kills to be submitted, say 50, which should cover most slaying tasks?


    False data has been my biggest concern when making the site too, currently I'm handling it by an automated scan that looks for drops that are too far out of line with others submissions, although with such a low number of recorded drops so far it's still not great. If I do find someone has recorded false data I can easily remove everything they submitted.




    A minimum number of kills is an interesting idea, although right now it would eliminate most users so far. The way I've structured the database wouldn't make it that easy to implement without a bit of work, but I'll add it to my list of ideas.

  17. This topic was here before the downtime and had several pages, it is perfectly fine.




    Good to see you've cleared the visage drop from miths, I'll start adding my drops again when i start up at miths.




    Heh, re-reading my post it does look a bit spammy... good to see people remember the old topic from last week.




    That visage drop really stood out, that person had only submitted one drop, so it was clearly wrong. The admin side of the site makes it easy to spot and remove such anomalies.

  18. After starting my drop database site a couple of weeks ago there's been over 1000 kills submitted, although spread across 20 monsters there's not a lot of interesting statistics (but mithril dragons look to be good charm droppers if you can handle them).


    A basic bulk list submitting page has now been added too, for those of you who have made massive lists.


    I still have a lot of ideas to work on, and not really a lot of spare time to code them, but the site has been an interesting project so far.




    Come check it out at http://www.rsdrop.com if you haven't already. Check out the statistics on the drops recorded so far, and make an account to add your own drop data to the database. Let's see if we can work out the drop chance from some of runescape's commonly killed monsters.

  19. When I read about the trading update and the 3K limit in price difference I was wondering why they didn't have it a percentage difference, just as many other people are wondering too. It seems such an obvious thing to do, just like the GE has the price limits based on percentage from the market price.




    Then the penny dropped. If the trading limit was percentage based then RWT could still happen! It would be trickier, but still possible... consider this:




    Player A wants to give Player B 1 mill


    They do a trade, player A puts up 20 mill, player B puts up 19 mill


    The trade goes ahead because the amounts are within 5% of each other, therefore a "balanced trade", and effectively player A gave player B 1 mill.




    That's why it isn't percentage based, and the 3K limit for a balanced trade is here to stay. It's a pain, but there's no way to do it differently. They really have thought hard about this.






    For me, the RWT wasn't that bigger deal. But what is cool is this basically makes scamming impossible, and account stealing pointless. Take a look in the "almost got scammed" sticky. Most posts are "someone changed items in the trade and I lost heaps", or "someone stole my password and when I got my account back everything was gone". That will all change now... It'll be "someone changed items in the trade.... and the trade didn't go through" and "someone got my password, when I got my account back everything was still there, they couldn't steal anything". This is what will save runescape. The cheaters have been ruining the game for years, now they can't to it anymore.

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