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    Long Range Shooting
  1. I am 40 year old man and I love playing Runescape when I get time away from all my other family duties. I think there should be games for adults and younger kids alike, Disney has an online game for younger kids. But the problem lies in two areas, one being money, as Runescape draws alot of money for its creaters and how much is enough. More players equals more money, bottom line, thats why there in business. Don't like capitalism or how it's conducted, don't play RS, find another game. Second is this namby pamby Politicaly correct world we live in, were everyone is offended by words such as "NOOB". My son is seven and I teach him that words are harmless and only have power if you give them power. It starts with being a parent and watching what your kids play, watch, say and load up. that includes RS and if it was too ruff for him I wouldn't let him play. In America we have freedoms that alot of other countries could never imagine and slowly they are being stripped away and RS is one example of political correctness. Part of having freedoms is having the bad with the good, so if you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen!
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