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Posts posted by nobodynat

  1. Heh, my cam died before i even arrived. At least they provided us with one of those disposable cameras in the goodie bag.

    I had duel with party pete in the ogre ring, got no proof, but it was recorded by them (being i assume the jagex camera team) so hope theres a vid floating about about that soon. I beat him btw, not using strength but balance against him.

    The baloon drop was fun, thou most people didnt realise that there were prize tickets inside at first which I thought was funny.

    Overall it was quite epic, rumaging through the goodies atm. :D

  2. Hi, Im going too.

    A friend told me to join a community before the runefest event and I thought I was closest towards tip.it. Well im not exactly close... :???:

    anyway, Im not exactly the 'rich runescape fan' that everyone seems to say about people who bought a ticket. In fact, I dont really play runescape anymore :eek:

    Im still going, for the whole experience and how Jagex does its stuff.

    So nice to meet you all! :smile:


    Btw, has anyone actually received the refund? I still havent.

  3. I have a really great hint for being Defender, try it and see =]




    --This Works If the Healer doesnt call, in fact you ignore Healer pretty much--




    I was experimenting on the best way of defending, and this worked out for me on Wave 5, Level 1 Def. (I'm thinking most people let out a few here) But I prevented ALL Runners from going thru ^_^




    Anyway, it goes like this:




    First off, get supplies, then rush up (dont forget to call!) to slightly left of the (right) cannon but still north of it. At this point, you should see runners either in front orjust behind. Quickly drop one of each bait (ill explain later) and move north of cannon (path connecting to trap) and drop one of each kind of bait again. What this does is to delay the runner from getting past the cannon altogether, additionally, the runners who get just past should head back and eat the bait.




    Then Go to the trap and drop two of each bait on it. Run to the hammer (dropping random bait along the way) and get 2-4 logs. On harder levels, you might want to drop all the bait on the North east corner while getting hammer and logs, and barricade the western two holes. The runners should be eating and one or two may already been killed.




    Run back to the south to get more bait, now This is where it starts. Fix the trap, (on Wave 5, the trap is gone, and runners all north of trap eating or going for the bad bait. Basically, keep dropping all three baits on the trap, when the runners eats and moves north. You should move one step south of trap so runners dont get past. The runners at this point form a line (or a bunch) together just north of the trap. Easy Kills =]








    Sorry, I dont have any pictures or anything, but if someone would work out what I did and proved it, It would be awesome.




    Thx ^3^

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