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kat t

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Posts posted by kat t

  1. An old real life friend told me when I first started in about March 2002 that there was a level 99 Wildy and you could fight a level 999 White Dragon.








    When dragon items came out he then told me that you could make full dragon out of the hides and claws of the dragon.








    He also told me that on members you could fight lobsters and if you killed them you got their 'casket' (which we thought at the time was what a lobsters exoskeleton is). If you got a knife and used it on the casket you could get:








    FULL LOBSTER! And it had stats better than rune but worse than dragon.








    Ah man, I was so gullible back then.








    I was also told from the same guy to keep hold of all 3 of my halloween masks because they would be worth millions one day. That was the one time I didnt believe him, and sold them all for 80k each that same day...








    Darn :boohoo:












    I want to fight things dressed like a giant lobster.

  2. Get ready to be flamed for mentioning RuneHQ here.








    I haven't done that clue in over a year, but if I recall correctly it's upstairs in one of the houses by the thieving stall place.








    Lol. I'd rather be flamed for not being able to solve the clue than mentioning some other resource. :lol: Then again, if someone wants to come in here and flame me for stating I used every other resource I had available before posting a question, they have more time on their hands than I do.








    We all know tip.it > * , anyways.












    Thank you McGuff!

  3. Ok, I've searched and searched and I cannot figure out where it is in this city for the life of me.




    It's probably simple, but humor me. I've wasted a lot of time looking.












    "search the drawers found upstairs in east ardougne's houses"












    I cannot find anything regarding this specific clue in the tip it or rune hq database. Searching didn't turn up anything useful, either.








    Thank you!

  4. I am very dissapointed.








    Yeah, yeah, they did it out of the goodness of their hearts, thought that counts, yadda yadda.








    They could have gone so many different ways with this. As someone with more than one account, I was really glad they made getting the item take a shorter amount of time. I was pumped when I saw how awesome they made karamja volcano look for it. New items for player owned houses are always fun and everyone likes fancy headware, so I think they went the right direction there, but....








    Raindeer antlers with a red nose? Are they nuts? Even snowballs we could use all year round in fights would be better than this. A paper bag I could wear over my characters head would be better than this.
















    Worst hat idea ever.

  5. Been addicted since March 01. Would have been a little sooner had I listen to my ex.




    I think some of my favorite memories are getting my first mithril long sword (sooo powerful!), dying on a bear in my iron man armor, and watching people fight each other near the chicken coup south of falador.

  6. Anorexia is not an illness. It's a way of life, the way fellow anorexics choose to live. (Btw if anyone else wears the red bracelette please PM me?) Ana.For.The.Win.




    You don't seriously believe in that, do you? Let me guess, you're one of those silly girls addicted to ana for life websites. Ugh. Don't give us that "nothing tastes as good as thin feels" garbage. Honey, if you don't love yourself the way you are, no one will. Anorexia isn't a lifestyle, it's disgusting. And don't use tip it so you can help destroy someone else by making them a partner to your sick little obsession.




    get banned. kthxbye




    Edit: darkrick, you rule.

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