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Posts posted by ironfist

  1. Frankly you can never be sure when someone is dead. There were 5 shots, and apparently there is some confusion as to whether that killed him immediately either as an air ambulance was called in.








    Also, we do not know for how long the police were chasing him so it was not an impulse decision to shoot. Also, the police gave him a warning that if he did not stop they would shoot him. At this point, the man made a decision knowing what the consequences would be. It was not a random shooting by the police. They chased, they warned and then they shot as they believed him to be a threat.








    Simply restraining the man may not have prevented the bomb being detonated. Truth is, no one ever knows how a bomb will be detonated. There could be multiple detonators on his person. Removing his jacket could make him blow. Hell, untying his shoes could set it off. Simply keeping his hands free doesn't mean it won't go off. Even in handcuffs people have reasonable mobility, mobility enough to set something off.








    But, until all the facts are known... which will probably never happen, one can't really judge but one can talk about morals... which in this case, were held. At least in my opinion.

  2. Supposedly our universe exists on a membrane, alongside multiple (perhaps there's an infinite number of membranes, or in a circle) other membranes which collide causing 'big bangs'.








    Supposing this is true, you still have the question where did the membranes come from which is rather upsetting.








    On these membranes, strings are supposed to be vibrating if I remember rightly which make up the building blocks of the building blocks of atoms. Which I can't really make sense of because a membrane is 2D and atoms exist in 3D.








    Another interesting question is, some people reckon there are more than 4 dimensions. This may very well be true, but I really do not like the explanation they give. I believe the thoery is that the dimensions are so small we cannot see them. Well no matter how small anything is, it still exists in normal 3D space.








    I would prefer to think of multiple dimensions in this way:








    Our 3D space actually exists in 2D. This 2D object exists in another 3D world. This new world is actually 2D itself, which exists in another 3D world. Can you see where this is going?

  3. You divide by (x-y) since x=y you're dividing by (x-x)=0 which is, as we all know not allowed ;)




    Basically you're saying 2*0=1*0 which is true. then you divide by 0 and end up with 2=1.








    Sorry to give the answer so soon :P








    While we're at it, I'll add another need trick with numbers that's actually correct.








    0.9 repeating = x (=0.999999999999...)




    10x=9.9 repeating (=9.9999999999...)












    x=1=0.9 repeating








    How'd you go from:








    10x = 9 + x




    9x = 9









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