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Posts posted by henk333


    Pinguin, they ARE greedy, lazy human garbage. They don't write their scripts, they just download a proxy then go in with some script they have never seen in their lives, just to get money and see what it would do. And by money, it's actually REAL money. Go to en.wikipedia.com and search for runescape. Jagex is having trouble because the asians are running around selling accounts and hacking the place up with 1000 accounts each. Which ends up being about 500 billion accounts daily... -_- overpopulation with asians is so scary. They, besides Jagex's poor judgement, were the cause of pure essence. And now you're wondering "He writes hacks, but he hates macroers?" Let me be more specific. I'm working on a hack for air crafting. I will NEVER write anything in the following - Woodcutting, Smithing, Melee, and probably not Magic. The reason I took the time to explain is because there really is no reason to hate all autoers/scripters.




    That 500 billion must be a typo, because even if there were that many RS accounts every citizen from China would have to keep 500 accounts running daily and that's simply impossible. But even if it were 500 million it seems too much to me.




    I think I see your point, you draw a very clear line between people that macro for real world cash and people that write their own scripts to do some of the more tedious jobs in the game. To me both these kinds of cheating are wrong, but I'll grant you that the cash macroers are worse kinds of people.


    The people that make scripts to do stuff on their main account are just lazy. Part of the fun in RuneScape to me was the sense of earning stuff and/or the ability to do something new. Sure some of the things are tedious to do, but there's allways the gp or xp to show for it and give you a sense of accomplishment.




    I realize different people play the game for different reasons, but to me even people that use auto alchers/teleporters are cheating and deserve to be banned. You say there is no reason to hate all autoers/scripters, well I don't necessarily hate you, but I do think you are doing something wrong. Upon creation of an account you agree to play by the rules made by Jagex, so when you break them, you can't complain about the punishment.

  2. What I don't really get is your respons to some of the reactions here. Your state of mind obviously is "macroers exist, deal with it", but most players, actually most people, seriously detest cheating. I bet you do aswell, but runescape isn't really close to home for you. Let's say your dream job was out there (either something in IT or goatmilking, judging by your sig ;) ) , you go there for an interview and see your 1 of 10 possible people for the job. When your interview ends the next applicant walks in, drops $10,000 on the table and gets the job instantly. All your efford is lost, just because somebody can drop $10,000 on the table. Most people react from that feeling, so are more emotionial in their reasoning.




    I can understand, to an extent, the anger that people feel against cheaters, but I dislike the bloodthirstily overzealous attitude many normal players seem to have about cheating. I see tons of people complaining about macroers, and calling them "greedy" and "lazy", but all I see from their arguments is: "I want macroers to go away so prices on all my stuff can go up and I can get rich selling them without doing anything." I consider that completely hypocritical.




    However, coming from a cheating background, I realize that cheating is wrong, but I don't detest them to the extent that the people here do. I still have friends in the cheating community who I talk to regularly. Just because they're doing something that I know is wrong, that doesn't automatically make them greedy, lazy human garbage.




    As for your last point, if that happened, I'd accept it as the other applicant being better prepared than me. I can never end cheating, just like I can never end worldwide crime, but I can accept that it does happen, however unfairly.




    So yes, you're right. My view on cheating itself is primarily: "Cheating is wrong. Live with it."




    It doesnÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâôt make them automatically greedy, lazy human garbage because you know them personally ;) Most people around here feel pretty strongly about Runescape (I used to be one of them), so if they see someone cheating the game their first response is anger. I actually still think that response is legitimate. Just because autoing keeps the prices down doesn't mean we should condone it. When I was still playing I would have happily paid 1k per coal or flax or gathered it myself if it would have meant there would be no more autoers in the game.




    As for the bolded part of your answer... I don't believe you. If that really was your dreamjob, the someone else getting it should be earning it, not just "having come better prepared". If you can really shrug off losing your dream job to a guy that "cheats" to get it, you and I might aswell be different species because I simply cannot understand that.

  3. No offence, but that's actually a horrible idea. I doubt more than 50% of members even HAS a creditcard, let alone f2p. Jagex isn't adding alternative payment methods just because they can, they do it to get the money from people that don't have a creditcard.






    @scorpiona; You make a valid point, but only because of the age of the runescape market. If Runescape were to reset tomorrow or Runescape 3 was started the game could work itself out completely clean of autoers, i.e. it wouldn't NEED autoers to sustain the market. Sadly that's only theoretical, because if Jagex found a cure to kill off all autoers instantly, the current market would indeed crash.




    What I don't really get is your respons to some of the reactions here. Your state of mind obviously is "macroers exist, deal with it", but most players, actually most people, seriously detest cheating. I bet you do aswell, but runescape isn't really close to home for you. Let's say your dream job was out there (either something in IT or goatmilking, judging by your sig ;) ) , you go there for an interview and see your 1 of 10 possible people for the job. When your interview ends the next applicant walks in, drops $10,000 on the table and gets the job instantly. All your efford is lost, just because somebody can drop $10,000 on the table. Most people react from that feeling, so are more emotionial in their reasoning.



    I *think* each strawberry heal 5, which means a basket heal 30 hp.




    I thought there are 5 items per basket? If you use those strawberries for summer pies, they heal, restore energy and up your agility level a bit for a while :)




    Yeah, you are riight of course, I cant count :oops:








    I had 30 in my mind for a basket of strawberries too, so that either means they heal 6 or we both have a bad memory :D

  5. I beleive you (no reason to lie), but your information is flawed








    Flawed is a bit harsh I think, but you're right that I can't ever prove that I got my fletching cape untrimmed and that it was trimmed at the moment I got 99 cooking. That's why I said you'd have to take my word for it.

  6. ah, but if you got your first cape when you had 2 or more 99 skills, ten it would be trimmed anyway




    I got both 99 cooking and attack after the release of skill capes, I can't really prove that however. You'll have to take my word for it, your first 99 cape WILL get trimmed when you get your second 99.




    however that doesn't prove anything, you just have two trimmed capes.








    Yes that proves everything, the mod said that the first 99 cape you get would never get trimmed, but since all my capes are trimmed he was wrong.








    Check my stats, I have 3 level 99s. In my last post I showed trimmed cooking and fletching cape, here is the trimmed attack cape:












    So, 3 level 99s, 3 trimmed capes, the mod was wrong.


    When you get your cape, it is untrimmed, your second one will make both of them trimmed. Quest Cape can not be trimmed nor count towards a second cape.
















    Dear Sworddude198,








    Thank you for your question regarding the trimmed capes of achievement.








    Unfortunately you can only get a trimmed skill cape when you get a second skill maxed out. This is a reward for getting multiple skills to 99. The reason that you can't trim your original cape is because this cape is a reward for getting your first skill all the way to the top. The trimmed capes are extra rewards for getting even more fantastic results from your skills!








    Hope this answers your query and good luck in getting those maxed skills!












    Don't forget to use the RuneScape Knowledge Base to find the answer to your queries quicker.








    You can also find help on all free player and all new member quests through the QuestHelp system.








    Sorry to disappoint you, but that mod is wrong. My first 99 was fletching and I got that cape untrimmed. When I got my second 99, both my capes got trimmed.

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