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Posts posted by Thief2668

  1. 1. 20 degrees 54 minutes N and 7 degrees 4 minutes E
















    2. 7 degrees 4 minutes N and 20 degrees 54 minutes E
















    hope this helps








    Please forgive me if this has alredy been posted, but, in the second picture, the location seems to be exactly one space north of the gravemarker, the one which has a symbol which looks like that of Zaros. It is also the same grave that we dug on to get some sort of skull in a quest for the Necromancer, A Fairy Tale part 1, I believe. Maybe this has to do something with Zaros, which has something to do with the Necromancer south of Falador?








    Edit: Okay, maybe not exactly on space north of it, but it's very close to it.








    Off Topic: I just found out, the Zaros symbol seems to look quite similar to the one that the 'Zodiac Killer' used to sign his letters... Just something I noticed.

  2. Look, I don't mean to flame, but this might be one of the most common types of thread on Runescape forums. I guess one of the craziest things that ever happened to me might have been when I saw a train of completely blue people, wandering in the wilderness.








    Sounds like Attack of the Nulls.








    Anyway, the craziest thign that happened to me would be finding out that I was about 5 levels higher than I thought once. (I thought I was level 74...)









    Ahem... The above statement wasn't directed at anyone, and I hope nobody is offended by it.








    It's a really bad idea. N00B populations would rise dramatically, little kids would play without any permission, lots of parents and Christians ranting! Alot of people saying that it is satanic or pagan, and that it's bad for children! And, most important of all... think of all the chavs! The horror!!!! :ohnoes: :( :uhh: :shock: :cry: :evil:








    EDIT:And, to Coolgirl, what garantees they will become members some day? I've some friends I met from when I first started to play. They are all Free Players, and they tell me that they don't plan on becoming Members...


    This had better have a use for those Bear and Wolf Furs! :evil: I am looking forward to this skill very much, I hope we get some new Bear Helmet type things. Seems quite fun in my view, lets hope we can find a use for those bear furs instead of collecting them for 20 mins :oops:












    They actually alrady exist, the bear head helmets. You get them after a quest, can't remember which one.












    That'd be Mountain Daughter. I used the helmet on Halloween, I was a bear. :oops: :anxious:

  5. I am 100% sure that is the Anger Mace. It looks different because the angle is different. They have the EXACT same number of [bleep]es and they looking circular or squared, again, has to do with the angle you look at it from. As of the sword, how can we really be sure if we don't know how it looks? Ah well, only time will tell... Or some Mod-Stalking. :?

  6. I was one of the 'non-believers'. Guess I was proved wrong, even though if it does sound kinda like a rip-off of Slayer. Just... non-combat. Anyway, I hope it's not a Farming-style skill. Set trap. Wait. Wait. Check trap. Animal on trap. Cage/Kill Animal on trap. You advanced a Hunter/Hunting level! I hope it'll be something new, something unlike other things alredy in the game. I also hope we'll be able to make armors for rangers and mages. All in all, I can't wait for it to come out! ::'

  7. You swing your axe at the tree...


    It turns out to be an Ent, and breaks your axe.




    Suddenly, a huge level 702 monster appears besides you.


    Everyone runs away except you, then you see in your text box:


    "Here come Tz-tok-Jad!!"


    Oh dear, you are dead!

  8. strange plant, they are so annoying... i killed one before, but it took me a full 15 minutes mashing it with guthans.




    dont lie its impossible to kill them they disapeer when you get it down to half health.




    They can too!! I saw someone kill one once in Castle Wars. When it was 0 health, it just disappeared, no animation or anything.




    Anyway, the most annoying would be... Baby Blue Dragons. Apparently they don't like us killing their mommies. :-#

  9. Um, about the 'it teleported itself inside' theory... That'd only be possible if there were Imps around in the first place. I don't know about you, but I've never seen an Imp around there. Probably a bug, like that thing that NPCs follow you when you teleport...

  10. I personally only killed one of those tree spirits when I got to that place for the first time. I didn't even know they dropped nature runes! Do they poison? If not, I'll practically live there, since I alredy hang out there alot...






    Oh, and, +1 to what Manuvdv said. :XD:

  11. Here on forums: That weird guy who suddenly appeared, and is making stupid posts.






    Irl: That weird guy from 9th grade that never talks, always has a blue jacket on and always gets As. What a nerd.


    Then, a random girl who's sorry for me yells out loud: 'He's not a nerd!!'




    I'm not kidding either... :uhh: <.< -.- :o :oops: :?

  12. Emos-




    I hate them, do they actually count as people? :P Just kidding, but theres this emo in my school, who i tease because hes an emo, so he started kicking my fett whe i was walking and then this conversation escalated-




    Me: Whats your problem? *speeds up walking away from him*


    Emo: hehehe.. your such a (word for cat which i cant post XD) when someone turns on you


    Me: go home, slit your wrists and listen to panic! at the disco ;)


    Emo: *lowers his head in shame*








    Yeah, that never happened.




    And if it did, it's a shame he didn't beat the hell out of you. You might not agree with what he wears or what music he likes, but that doesn't give you a reason to ridicule him. Think about it, "emo" is seen as someone who is depressed for whatever reason, and what exactly are you going to do by ridiculing that person apart from make it even worse?


    People like you are far worse than any of the people you think it's your right to make fun of.




    I really don't see how anyone else could have had said it better. =D>

  13. Both. Creative, because they thought about saying words without using much lettles, but dumb because of being lazy and using them when they have good working fingers which they can use and make their sentences more understandable. Actually, scratch the first, I'm staying with dumb.




    Never have so many words been used to say so very little.






    People are just stupid and/or lazy.




    Is that a good thing or a bad thing? :| :oops:




    Then again, that is what I think of it, and the full reason of why I think of it that way. Maybe I should change the scratch part and instead say that I'm more inclined to it being dumb? I don't even know what I'm saying anymore. :(

  14. Alright, simple answer for a simple question. Thanks. :)




    Sorry for the stupid question, but as I said, I don't really have acces to that history, since the schools here only touch History about the dicovery of America and such. Thanks for your time anyway. :)

  15. I don't see where I said they ALL were depressed and cut themselves.


    I never said only 'emos' and 'goths' are depressed. You don't have to be depressed to cut youself. Insane isn't the same as depressed (not saying they all are insane, nor that they aren't depressed, and are insane).


    Not all of them dress in black. And if some of them do, what if they do it just because they like the colour on clothes? Or maybe they just don't want to have shirts that attract attention (Like ones that have text in them, sometimes funny, sometimes obcene).






    I agree with you on the music genres part though. The music is great, but the lyrics sure aren't good.

  16. Both. Creative, because they thought about saying words without using much lettles, but dumb because of being lazy and using them when they have good working fingers which they can use and make their sentences more understandable. Actually, scratch the first, I'm staying with dumb.

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