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Posts posted by gamerpenguin

  1. lol. ive only read the first post and i can tell you some of their stupidest quilities.








    1. wearing girl jeans




    2. having hair thats longer in the front and having it over their face so the can be all like "i am tragic and mysterious....."




    3. cutting their wrists




    4. crying themselves to sleep








    you can find all of this in the infamously [developmentally delayed]ed song that they play too much on mtv 2, "ohio hearts" or some other crap.








    ALL EMO MUST DIE!!! :twisted:








    l33t version: 3M0 T3H SUXORZEH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :twisted:

  2. lol. it so crazy cuz now everyone i know is messaging me on aim saying "did you get anything for me?"




    one girl from school who i forgot what her screen name was messaged me and asked if i got anything for her. it was funny.








    her: hey did yu get anything for me from the concert you went to?




    me: holy crap! now strangers want free crap off of me!




    her: what?!?!?!




    me: who the hell are you?




    her: sarah




    me: ..... oh. hi. uhm... no, sry




    her: riiiiiiight...... bye




    hahahahahhahahahahahaaaaa....... :lol:

  3. yeah theyre really good live. sometimes they even changed the lyrics like in holiday they said "the representative from new jersey has the floor"








    best concert ive ever been to. and i went to a linkin park concert and an acdc concert and i think a few others when i was little

  4. holy crap the green day concert last night was freakin awesome! i went in the mosh pit and got to crowd surf. during some songs they had fire go off from the side of the stage, and during another they had sparks rain down from the back of the stage. at one time he picked three people who could play the drums, the base, and the guitar and had them play. they were so lucky cuz the person got to keep the guitar, the other guy got to keep the base and th other guy got to keep the sticks. sometimes he even ran to the side of the stage when the fire was going and played the guitar behind his head. he said it was the biggest concert they ever did. there were 35,000 tickets for the pit and 50,000 tickets for the seats and it sold out. the people in the seats did the wave sometimes. they had against me and jimmy eat world open for them which was pretty cool. at the end they played we are the champions and had millions of fireworks go off. at the end as they were leaving on their bus the threw out free posters and t-shirts. i got a poster which was ok cuz i already bought a t-shirt before the concert. it was freakin awesome! :D


    Lmao u cant sing at all,




    I know, can't you read the disclaimers?




    thats really sad tbh.




    I know, but then again so is clicking a screen for hours on end to be able to hit 44s




    Cant believe u posted that volunterily.




    Better believe it, tubby.








    man, you own everyone








    anyway, i made one myself. how do you like it?








    "Beggars Finish Last" -by gamerpenguin (feat. green day)








    Beggars finish last.




    You're running out of cash.




    Hatred for you will get you left behind.




    Sometimes you're at your worst, when you beg the most.




    Do you feel washed up, like rares dropped to the ground?








    Lumbridge cook's range fry my brain and tell me I'm insane.




    Such a freakin noobie I could cry.




    Every joke can have its truth but now the jokes on you.




    I never knew you were such a crappy guy.








    Oh beggars finish last, when you run out of gas.




    Don't put your sword away now you might cut yourself.








    Livin on command.




    You're startin a new clan.




    You're Kissing up and bleeding all your trust




    Begging for your needs.




    Follow while you plead.




    You lose your life to chickens with no shame.








    Lumbridge cook's range fry my brain and tell me I'm insane.




    Such a freakin noobie I could cry.




    Every newb can have his truth but now the ban's on you.




    I never knew you were such a crappy guy.








    Oh beggars finish last, when you run out of gas.




    Don't put your sword away now you might cut yourself.








    Oh beggars finish last, when you run out of gas.




    Don't put your sword away now you might cut yourself.
















    Oh beggars finish last, when you run out of gas.




    Don't put your sword away now you might cut yourself.








    Oh beggars finish last, when you run out of gas.




    Don't put your sword away now you might cut yourself.








    already workin on another one :wink: not as good as yours but it took me awhile and i like it. :)








    edit- updated lyrics

  6. arrgh. i hate you people! lol i cant believe i read the whole thing. that SUCKED! :evil: but i guess thats the point of the joke. and if you think you dont have a good enough attention span to read that try buying warcraft but then not knowing anything about the game so having to force yourself to read the "ancient lores" on the website. too freakin long








    edit: and by the way thx for wasting 40 minutes of my life that i couldve spent getting to the next tourney on nba ballers. yeah thanx alot :x

  7. i've dated some chicks before but im really not lookin for a girl considering my life's to-do list for the next year or so is get up, go to school, play poker with friends, try to quit smoking, watch family guy/south park/mind of mencia with a can of beer, then fall asleep while listening to some good rap or rock like ludacris or audioslave








    but if i was looking for a girl i would say she has to be hot, she has to have a good sense of humor, she has to be intelligent, not that smart but not completely stupid, she has to know how to take a compliment, and she cant be a *




    i would prefer a brunette, and some other stuff im pretty sure i'd get banned for saying



    Man, Malak on KOTOR is so damn easy on the dark side lol.








    Just you all know that part before getting to him? Like, the droids keep spawning lol. I thought I had to kill them all :| :oops:








    Killed like 50 before I realized I could walk through the door :lol:








    So did I :?








    Yay, i'm not alone.











    man, did everyone do that??? :roll:




    anyways, probably the hardest bosses ever were dark link :evil: from zelda, OoT, dr. nefairous from r&c U.Y.A. :wall: , or yao ming on the diamond tourney of NBA ballers. the kid buu from dbz budokai2 was kinda hard but way easy if you fight him with someone small like goten. the longest one i ever fought had to be either drek's robot from r&c 1 or anakin from star wars ep3. the boss ganon from OoT was huge, massively ripped and/or freaking awesome, but too easy. even if he did knock away your master sword, it was easy enough with biggorons sword (or the megaton hammer if you didnt already get that). hes really pretty ugly, but the massive swords draw the eye away. the hardest guy i ever fought that wasnt necessarily a boss was my brother on tekken 5, cuz we both pwn j00 all and have ub3r sk!11z 8) . and just to let you know kindom hearts sucks. :wink:

  9. whats crushing kings, trolls and mountains. what can destroy a thousand years work?(easy one)








    under mount it lies, can kill and harm, but beautiful it is. (easy one to)








    both made by me :D








    uhhhh.... i dont get either of those :?








    anyway, whats red and green and goes 50 miles an hour?

  10. always world 8 definitly, theres only one reason i ever go on a different world and thats to meet with a friend, but i hardly ever do since most of my friends i met on world 8 and thats their home world, the only other people i can usually get to come to my world. its good since i'm not in a clan (only because i dont have i high enough lvl to get into the ones i want, and the only other clans are clans where there are no requirements and are completely ruled by "that lvl 5 noob i killed yesterday" :lol: i guess theres no place in the world for a lvl 44.....) and basically everthing i need is in that world. and the fact that its one of the least used thats anywhere near me, and by near me i mean in america. i once tried new york but there was so much lag that i almost came out with a theory that worlds dont work aswell when youre too close to them (i live in NJ)

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