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Posts posted by Conrose

  1. I've found the X-Bow good for training after I get like.... 10k bolt racks from Barrows, lol. And no Piman, you don't need to replace it, you just have to have it restored for 100k when it finally breaks down... after what... 14 hours of use?




    Due to the fact that buying them en masse is expensive and you can't recover fired bolt racks... not suggested for training.

  2. I've seen on the Jagex boards alot of people complaining about the cost of training Construction. I've found there are two really cheap ways of doing this... using lots of soft clay or lots of limestone bricks. I spent about 50k before finding this out myself (I was caught up in the plank hype for a while).




    So to put it simply... soft clay and limestone bricks can be made absolutely free, unlike planks. I've used this method to get from lvl 20 to lvl 40 without spending a dime on resources... but because I was using servants, I did still end up spending money... just not tons of it on planks and the such. You just make and remove alot of ponds (100 xp=10 exp per clay), decorative rocks (100 xp = 20 xp per limestone brick) or imp statues (150 xp = 10 per clay, 20 per brick) in a second garden.




    The cool thing... you can start doing this from as early as lvl 5 construction.




    Now for the downside to this... it isn't as fast as spending all that money.... not nearly as fast, but it works for a good number of levels. Should be considered if you are just starting out the skill. Another downside to this is that the high demand for the stuff can leave the limestone and clay mines pretty crowded.




    Side Note: You can use the Gold Necklace on the Crafting calculator and planner to calculate how many Limestones (Rounded up to the next multiple of 5) you'll need to get a target level (Preferable a lower level) or how many your current supply will take you.

  3. Okay, I'm pretty sure alot of you have checked out the new Pest Control minigame.




    I like it a bit, and I bet Warrior-mages like it alot as it is runeless mage exp.




    I'm going to delve into the combat basics of it... I just plan on giving possible roles a player can take during the mini-game... others can add their own thoughts and when we have enough info, I'll update this to include it all (With credits included).




    First off... TURN AUTO-RETALIATE OFF!!! If you don't, you'll be running everywhere everytime you click something that ends with an idle action.




    Second off: SPECIALS DON'T SUMMON SPINNERS!!!! If it were true, There would be 30 Spinners to each Portal I ever witnessed the fall of. I've seen random amounts of spinners to many portals, and once at the beginning of the match, I watched 4 spinners pour out of a single portal before we were able to even touch it. This is a false rumor and I don't even know how it was born.




    Okay, you have the Void Knight at the beginning. Loads of people feel like protecting it and killing everything that attacks her. For those of you who've been through this... you know what I mean. And you know which one NOT to kill. But there are those uninformed who kill it anyways and say "Oops" when they watch 5-8 attacks coming from that souther wall. Yeah, that's right... the South Shifter Shield. That shifter that you pray pops up just south of the Void Knight, and blocks pretty much every ranged or mage attack that comes from that general direction. Yeah... range and mage attacks cannot get through alot of the monsters, and they can't be moved through them. So one Shifter being spared can be the difference between Winning and Losing in this short minigame... I say short because the Void Knight dies or the Portals die before 20 minutes passes in the vast majority of the games.




    Okay, Shifters are a bit spider-like in appearance... okay, they look pretty much like abbysal demons. They do the least amount of damage and because the Void Knight heals herself periodically, you don't have to worry about even the lvl 100+ Shifter killing her.








    So the First Role... Defense. Protect the Void Knight from north bound shifters and diagonally located shifters(In other words.. anywhere not directly east, west or south of the Knight), and east/west rushes (I suggest sparing the east and west shifters too for the purpose of keeping these rushes from dealing her any damage as the Scorchers and Defiler's of even the lowest level are more potent than the shifter of the highest level (Though if the opportunity arises, switch a high level shifter for a low level shifter).




    Now your biggest task is informing new players of the minigame of the role the Shifters play in the game.




    Now normal Melee typically works perfectly for this role, and if someone opens a door while you have a shifter shield, you can partake in some assembly line slaughter while you wait for the Offense to take care of their job.




    Now there comes a time when some uninformed kid decides to kill that southern shifter (Or some jerk who decides to play the bad guy). For this reason, I suggest at least one person have Ancient Magics on and using burst spells... I say burst because you need only drag attention to yourself. Use a few spells to get the attention of that big group of Defiler's and Scorchers so they attack you. Seeing as you'll be in melee armor, you should turn on your anti-mage prayer. You'll buy your team time... and if a Shifter was among the front group, you'll also have a replacement for the dead Shifter.




    Tower Defense: I don't suggest this for Rangers unless you have Karil's Crossbow or Crystal Bow, and even then you'd probably be better off on the Offense. Ancient Mages however... will find targets in plentiful supply early on in the game after the Southern Shifter Shield is implemented as they will pile up against that gate trying to get closer to the Void Knight. I've seen most Ice Bursts/Barrages hit for 17+ on all targets (Usually 6 at a time too). So that's a good idea for those Mage Pures with Ancient's out there. You'll be a winner whether your group wins or loses.




    Note: It is recommended that all people on defense carry Logs and Hammers to repair the Doors.








    Here's the Business end of the team. Your goal is to destroy the portals. I suggest all people who are using Abyssal Whips or Full Dharok's do this. You have 4 Portals to take care of. In a large group, it is suggested you split into two groups. One group to goes to the East and one to the West. For small groups, it's preferable to go to one side and work your way to the other together. Spinners become a really big problem as they undo all the damage you do deal while at the same time giving you a headache as you cannot move through all the monsters surrounding them to get to them. Solution... Ancients if you have them. Burst or Barrage. It can get the monster in the way and the spinner behind him. And because at the portals, monsters can be stacked, you can get alot more than 9 targets at a time (I once saw a single square with 10 monsters in it alone). Probably the most Rune Efficient Mage Exp in the whole entire game. Clear away the Spinners (and everything around them) in seconds so your teammates can finish the portal unhindered. It is possible to poison the Portal, but I've seen Abby Whip do more in less time. Because of the relatively high defense of the portal, I'd suggest the D B Axe and better to defeat it's defense more frequently (DDS has just gotten me loads of 0's... same with D Long).




    Special Tip




    Shifter Bait:




    Here's a special little trick. If someone kills the shifter, or one hasn't appeared south of the Knight, go out, provoke a shifter and return to the knight with that thing following you. Sometimes it will disengage and go after the Void Knight instead (In which case it takes some luck if it appears where you want it), or it can keep going after you. In the latter case, it will take some moving around to get it where you want it... and then you have to stay there until it dies or the match ends. This will typically leave you open to countless Range and Mage attacks from the south end. It buys time or if you are equipped properly, you can stay there the rest of the match (I've saved alot of games this way and recieved alot of compliments for it). To improve the chances of getting it in the right place (And getting in the way of your movement too btw), you can provoke two or more at the same time (My record is 5 and I had a terrible time getting anywhere).




    You can post your own tips and tricks. Personally... I have ZERO sleep over the last 24 hours and um... Goodnight!!! (Er... morning!?)




    So I'm Nocturnal! It don't make me a loser (The fact I never went on a date in my life does that perfectly fine)

  4. Okay, some people do things that are fairly unusual on RS. Like one person who takes pride in being the highest ranked player who can't get into the Fishing Guild... btw, I liked your old sig better, lol!








    I'm gonna probably end up taking pride in being one of the few highly ranked players out ther whose highest skill is his HP.








    And also one of the lowest ranked players to ever solo the Chaos Elemental (Died 5 times in the process though, but I was able to bring it down, lol).

  5. In Varrock Sewer ages ago on a day I felt like playing dumb with a scammer cuz it's funny.








    Scammer: Hey, I know how you can upgrade your addy to rune




    Me: Really, how?




    Scammer: Follow me








    *Follows to that small cove to the far west from the entrance*








    Scammer: Drop it here, then hit Alt + F4




    Me: Alt + F4




    Me: Um... is something supposed to happen




    Scammer: No you [developmentally delayed]! The buttons ALT + F4




    a minute passes




    Me: My knuckles are beginning to hurt




    Scammer: Not that kind of hit, use the buttons




    Me: Hunh?




    Me: You really need to think about how you explain it before you go




    Me: Trying to explain it to others




    Scammer: You f***ing [developmentally delayed]!




    (Reports x2)




    Me: I've reported you for both item scamming and offensive language




    Scammer: But it works, i swear it




    Me: Yeah yeah, tell that to the guys who designed this game when they ban you.




    Scammer: wtf, how'd you know it was a scam




    Me: Because the Alt + F4 thing got me a few times in the aol chatrooms a few years back.




    Me: Cya




    Scammer: But it works, i swear it




    Me: Dude, you already admitted it was a scam!




    Scammer: No i didn't




    Me: Um... I won't comment on that cuz you may find it offensive

  6. 1.) When playing CWars and the opponents are holding their own flag with 8 high lvl players surrounding him... go the other way and combat train on some noobs cuz you ain't getting the flag.








    2.) If you hate farming with a passion and even compare it to watching paint dry (We all know that watching paint dry is more exciting than watching plants grow), then plan your stuff with super compost and go train combat or something for an hour before checking your plots and harvesting/replanting.

  7. Let me see here... I've given away some








    Glory Amulets: 8




    Full Mystic Robes: 5




    Ring of Wealth: 7




    Ring of Life: Um... I think I'm at 20+ now




    Prayer Pots: I give em to my friends for free, and I've made em for free for people without high enough herblore lvl to make em themselves... all they had to do was provide me with some Ranarrs (Often I had to ID all their herbs to find out which ones were the Ranarrs).








    People I've aided in the Desert Treasure Quest: 7 (4 of which tried using the Tip.it quest guide and found that it didn't help much with explaining how to carry out the boss battle against the Vampire boss).








    I've recovered countless semi- and expensive items for people who died in combat against a monster.








    Number of RC PKers slain: I'm at 18 now... what can I say, if you try to bind me while I'm runecrafting, you can expect to see some rampaging single item PKer with a DDS every few minutes after you killed the last one, lol!

  8. Yes... sadly, it is sad how some RuneScapers use their grammar these days, I never hear the end of it on the forums... always hearing, "shut up wbm! stupd nub!" it gets to me sometimes, so what if I type properly and they don't, no reason to be jealous... :wink: and I do type somewhat fast at the same time, I'm not trying to brag or anything, but I think I am one of the only people in the game that type with periods... that's a shame.... :?








    I'm one as well... oh, and commas too, :D

  9. Shorthand never bothered me... I am used to reading it. I don't use it myself though. What bothers me are the people who start insulting me because I don't type in shorthand or "l337"... of course, due to the fact that I type at 75 words per minute on average (Yeah, there are some days where I top out at 90 wpm), I really don't have a need to try to save a few milliseconds. I've seen 5 people's homeworks typed in l337, 4 of em ended with F's (The fifth was an A+ because the subject was l337, lol)so I understand that it can affect one's own typing in real life situations. Why can I understand l337 so fluently... well, I regularly IM a dyslexic chap from Britain, so it isn't a problem at all for me... just when people start flaming at me for being proper.








    Now for all you dedicated l337 and shorthand typists... the next one who accuses me of being a 30+ year old man with a literature major... know this... I hated Literature class in High School, and I definitely am not going to major in it when I enroll into College in a few months riding the waves of my off the scale SAT scores (Okay, they were still on the scales, just apart from the pack). But in the mean time... I got to take my beloved Steph out on a few dates. 8)

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