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Posts posted by ilya

  1. Maybe the reason you spend all day playing video games is because you're socially awkward and don't go out much?

    You've got nothing else to do so you go online? Not the other way around.

    Don't go around blaming everything else around you, you're the one that made the choice to waste your life away in front of a screen here.

    The internet isn't this terrible thing that forced you to play video games 24/7.

    Blaming the "addiction", like it's out of your control? You should look at yourself and try to fix your flaws.

  2. Lol. I hope this doesn't get locked.


    I'm guessing you're a stoner. Your information is moslty incorrect or biased towards the benefits.


    -You are not more attentive to detail when high, you just think you are. You are actually concentrating less.

    -Smoking marijuana at a young age increases the chance of dangerous hallucinations when older.

    -Lack of motivation will result in failure of both your social life and your career.

    -You aren't actually happier. Stoners are prone to extreme moods, usually a result of mental addiction. This means when you aren't high, you will be randomly mean to people, and occasionally experience mild depression. You may say you plan on staying high, but that's impossible. You will build up a resistance, eventually needing massive amounts or stronger drugs, which have more serious health issues.





    Actually I'm not even going to bother to prove your silly


    I dont mean to be biased, sorry for that. I have done a lot of research and not once have I read that smoking at a young age increases the chance of hallucinations, where did you read that?

    Ive been smoking for 12 years and during that time I've gotten a degree in digital media, kept the same girlfriend (Soon to be fiancé), and I now make 75,000$ a year editing videos for a newspaper's website. I've not once tried "stronger" drugs, and yes, it does take me larger amounts to get high, but the difference from when I began smoking and now is not very much. I would like to point out that when I say 'Live high" I really mean it. Wake and bake, smoke throughout the day (Yes, on my lunch hour, I use Visine, body spray and mints, and no-one has noticed, plus it hasn't negatively affected my work.) so saying you aren't actually happy is wrong, because when I am high, I am happy, and I am always high.


    I understand that this is not always the case, but the same can be said for your disadvantages.

    You might be the exception to the rule, but if you're always high, how do you know what it would be like to be sober?


    I will admit that the health risks of marijuana are about as bad as those of alcohol. But nobody tries to stay drunk constantly.

    Alcohol is far worse for you than weed. No one dies from smoking too much. That being said, neither of them are really good for you. There's a very small amount of conditions where the of marijuana benefits outweigh the "negatives" in terms of health.


    I personally am no longer smoking though. It was fun and still is, but I've decided I'll be just as well off without it. I don't need any criminal charges either.


    No one dies from smoking weed? High driving is an increasingly common phenomenon with mortality rates similar to drunk driving, for one.


    Not mentioning lung cancer (paralleled in alcohol with liver disease) or stupid decisions under the influence(similar to alcohol).




    I'm guessing you've never smoked pot in your life or bothered to do any research on it.


    - Attention span is arguable, depending on the situation and person. I find studying much easier when stoned, and I produce quality work.

    - Dangerous hallucinations? Find me one study to prove this, it doesn't even make any sense. First time I hear this in years o hearing marijuana scare stories.

    - If one's social life and career FAIL, pot is most definatelly not to blame.

    - "eventually needing massive amounts or stronger drugs, which have more serious health issues." LOL WHAT?


    Actually I'm not even going to disprove the massive amount of [cabbage] I see in this topic.

    If you like to believe everything you hear, or jump to conclusions without any proof, then go ahead.

    If you'd like to learn the truth I suggest going on google and doing some research or start off by watching the following movie: "The Union: Business behind getting high"



    * Lung cancer? - please find me one recent study that confirms that marijuana gives one any form of cancer. Not to mention that eating weed isn't the only way to go. One could eat it, make tea or vaporize it, completely eliminating the need to smoke plant material.

    * If you think that health risks of marijuana are as bad as alcohol, I will admit that you know nothing about either marijuana or you think alcohol is harmless.

    * High driving is a common phenom? Find me one case where marijuana was the cause of a driving death. Mortality rate here is 0.

    * Did I mention that there are a whooping zero people that have died directly from smoking weed?


    Take a look at this annual mortality rate in the USA: http://drugwarfacts.org/cms/?q=node/30

    - Tobacco 435000deaths.

    - Poor diet and inactivity caused 365000 deaths.

    - Alcohol 85000 deaths.

    - Marijuana 0 deaths.


    Are you people just pulling facts out of your asses?



  3. Lol. I hope this doesn't get locked.


    I'm guessing you're a stoner. Your information is moslty incorrect or biased towards the benefits.


    -You are not more attentive to detail when high, you just think you are. You are actually concentrating less.

    -Smoking marijuana at a young age increases the chance of dangerous hallucinations when older.

    -Lack of motivation will result in failure of both your social life and your career.

    -You aren't actually happier. Stoners are prone to extreme moods, usually a result of mental addiction. This means when you aren't high, you will be randomly mean to people, and occasionally experience mild depression. You may say you plan on staying high, but that's impossible. You will build up a resistance, eventually needing massive amounts or stronger drugs, which have more serious health issues.





    Actually I'm not even going to bother to prove your silly


    I dont mean to be biased, sorry for that. I have done a lot of research and not once have I read that smoking at a young age increases the chance of hallucinations, where did you read that?

    Ive been smoking for 12 years and during that time I've gotten a degree in digital media, kept the same girlfriend (Soon to be fiancé), and I now make 75,000$ a year editing videos for a newspaper's website. I've not once tried "stronger" drugs, and yes, it does take me larger amounts to get high, but the difference from when I began smoking and now is not very much. I would like to point out that when I say 'Live high" I really mean it. Wake and bake, smoke throughout the day (Yes, on my lunch hour, I use Visine, body spray and mints, and no-one has noticed, plus it hasn't negatively affected my work.) so saying you aren't actually happy is wrong, because when I am high, I am happy, and I am always high.


    I understand that this is not always the case, but the same can be said for your disadvantages.

    You might be the exception to the rule, but if you're always high, how do you know what it would be like to be sober?


    I will admit that the health risks of marijuana are about as bad as those of alcohol. But nobody tries to stay drunk constantly.

    Alcohol is far worse for you than weed. No one dies from smoking too much. That being said, neither of them are really good for you. There's a very small amount of conditions where the of marijuana benefits outweigh the "negatives" in terms of health.


    I personally am no longer smoking though. It was fun and still is, but I've decided I'll be just as well off without it. I don't need any criminal charges either.


    No one dies from smoking weed? High driving is an increasingly common phenomenon with mortality rates similar to drunk driving, for one.


    Not mentioning lung cancer (paralleled in alcohol with liver disease) or stupid decisions under the influence(similar to alcohol).


    I'm guessing you've never smoked pot in your life or bothered to do any research on it.


    - Attention span is arguable, depending on the situation and person. I find studying much easier when stoned, and I produce quality work.

    - Dangerous hallucinations? Find me one study to prove this, it doesn't even make any sense. First time I hear this in years o hearing marijuana scare stories.

    - If one's social life and career FAIL, pot is most definatelly not to blame.

    - "eventually needing massive amounts or stronger drugs, which have more serious health issues." LOL WHAT?


    Actually I'm not even going to disprove the massive amount of [cabbage] I see in this topic.

    If you like to believe everything you hear, or jump to conclusions without any proof, then go ahead.

    If you'd like to learn the truth I suggest going on google and doing some research or start off by watching the following movie: "The Union: Business behind getting high"

  4. The point isn't that it was a double, but that I was mining iron, and that I only have 68 mining. Of course if you have 99 this is going to happen a few times, but I'm guessing most of the triples and "quads" were on coal, mith, addy or rune?


    And, AGAIN, I didn't have a glory ammy!


    Are you trolling? It can happen to anyone, anytime on any rock. Whether you have 15 mining or 99 it doesn't matter.

    It's not an achievement or rare in any way. Doesn't matter that you weren't wearing a glory amulet.


    Why is this still open?

  5. (note that these are not in any particular order,i love everyone of them, the numbers are ony to list them)


    overall:a good game, but control issues prevent it from getting any higher up this list



    This doesn't make any sense. Also if you're chosen to write something like this, at least try to use proper grammar and such.

    And the only game I liked from your list was Spyro. Way too biased for sure, but that's your opinion.

  6. Hmmm, is this like drawball?



    NVM, just played a couple of rounds seems pretty fun!

    We should get a tipit group going on and do this together


    edit: this is really fun.

    I usually finish within the top 3 people in the group.


    Just a hint, if you're drawing - make it as simple as you can. If the word is love, than just big red heart is better than trying to draw two stick figures holding hands and kissing aha.

  7. If you are going to post a picture, make sure to edit anything that is normally censored here.


    Good job!


    But we try to fix as much as we can, especially if we're low on ink, we don't want to use it all up to completely colour one circle, when we can kinda fix 4 instead.

  8. Out of ink, well be back tomorrow.


    To all the night warriors: make sure you keep the letter intact, especially the RUNE part. The the brown colour.


    There's a strip of about 6fat pens of blue (outline), followed by a pink one that can be as large as you guys want!

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