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Posts posted by Shadowx0

  1. Just outta curiosity on the runescape warning update, it said passwords have been leaked out for some time from the site that was breached?? Whats up with that?




    Well that means if you used the same password for tip.it and runescape, then your runescape account got locked for security purposes.I believe everything is explained in the first post.




    You must not have read what I wrote. I asked what was up where they had said passwords were leaked for some tiime. As in some time meaning more then this recent occasion..

  2. Honestly, in the long run, there's little/no difference in graduating when you're 22 (not saying this is his age) and going straight into work than there is graduation when you're 22 and going into work when you're 25. In the long run it makes little to no difference.




    Your absolutely right oddfaery whats 3 years off of working...


    3 years on the average income of a fresh graduate = 90k


    How about 3 years of contributing to a 401k to retire when your older?


    At a 6% thats at least another 5.4k in just 3 years without company match.. But lets say in 64 years how much just that 5.4k would be. 64x5.4=300k at least! So Is 3 years really going to matter in the long run? Id rather stick with $400,000....


    His choice he made was something he felt was in his best interest which is cool by me, but still there comes a time when you need to live life...

  3. As with every action theres a reaction that follows. Yes Jagex has spent countless hours making runescape, yes of course you would too be angry if your hard work was attacked, but it's sad to see something back down to the bigger "bully". If I was put in this situation I'd of said bring on your legal actions you have no ground to stand on and of had my attourney contact them.. =p Much like a bully demanding lunch money Jagex has done the same. What good are the rights are ancestors fought for if a simple post can wipe them away? When I saw what Andrew posted about legal reprocussions I literally laughed!! I asked myself how can the useage of freedom of speech be threatend? Tip.it does have their reasons why it was pulled, if this was the real reason we won't ever know. I love runescape, what's been created is amazing and I'm glad this game exsits. Stand up, fight for your rights, dont back down, no matter how big the problem is...






    and Umm wow im surprised this has been allowed....


    I had my RSPAJ Petition going, but it got locked because tip.it mod are are afraid of F-A-G-E-X!
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