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Posts posted by Jaccoud

  1. That is low, even by Suomi standards. Oh well, enjoy your new reputation as a real world trader.


    I'm still holding out hope that it's just a joke to highlight the stupidity of what Jagex has done.


    Yeah it was indeed a late April Fools joke, very bad one I admit lol. Of course people will be now saying I am just changed my mind because of so much hate but people will be hating no matter what I do so that isn't true.


    I will make a video about it later. Didn't get any IRL donations except some 0,01 dollar donations and 5 dollars from Stokenut haha, that really made my day. I even offered to pay it back to him.


    I won't be ever buying any SoF spins, of course I can't prove that but will be easy to see from xp gains. I just wanted people to realise how shitty this update really is. Obviously I would be doing spins already if was really going to do it.


    I find it funny how people write so offensive comments on yt, even way before this video. I hope that kind of people just unsubscribe to be honest. :/


    And they shouldn't blame me, they should blame Jagex.


    But thanks everyone for the nice comments. :)



    But you obviously changed your mind because of all the hate from Runescape community.


    Zezima Maxing in 06 > Suomi's effigyed/donated skills/rwt'd xp.


    ^ Delete it now. ;) Oh wait, you can't hide the truth here.

  2. Getting 200M EXP in any skill is hard, it's nearly impossible.


    I have been training thieving for several years now, and I manage to get my thieving exp up pretty fast. But I'm nowhere near 200M EXP, let alone 100M.


    If someone could get 200M EXP in all skills that would be one hell of an accomplishment.


    Sorry but I don't see how getting 200m Thieving is hard. I'm currently going to 200m Thieving and gaining atleast 3m XP per day. I'm not saying that I'm better than you. I just don't understand how you are training Thieving for several years and still aren't 1b Thieving XP.


    I hope you don't read this as a flame because it is not the purpose.


    It's pretty obvious: he doesn't no life like you. :wink:

  3. Lolol I have never lied about how many hours I play a day or anything else. I have never said I play exactly 10 hours a day, I have always said it varies a lot and always used the words "about 10 hours a day" or something else like that. I don't count the hours I play, I play as long as I feel like and still keep myself healthy. Also I get over 200K Attack XP/h and sometimes the Hiscores don't update when I log out so it shows 2 days XP gains as 1 day.


    That's how I got my 18M+ Contruction XP in a day, 14,5M+ Crafting XP in a day, 18M+ Herblore XP in a day and 25,5M+ Prayer XP in a day and 2,3M+ Mining XP in a day records too. Never played even close to that much in a day. So yeah trackers are very misleading and don't really mean anything anymore because of Effigies (luckily Jagex nerfed them), Soul Wars etc.


    Funny how people assume things and think they know everything but I don't mind, mostly just makes me laugh when I see people rage about how many hours I play a day or something else like that. I have never lied about anything and would think that people have more important things to worry about. Obviously I like to joke a lot so not everything I say is 100% true but it's pretty easy to tell if I am joking or not. This should be obvious but thought I would say it before someone makes more false accusations.


    Sorry about a bit negative post but this thread isn't meant for discussing how many hours someone plays a day or spends their time. I can play RuneScape 30 hours a day if I want, it's my decision. I have no need to lie about it since I can play as many hours as I want, I don't have to explain it to anyone and I know I am enjoying my time. You can assume I play 30 hours a day if you want, doesn't make a difference to me but I have never lied about it. I would like to know where I have said I play exactly 10 hours a day every single day.


    About the name change, I can change my name to whatever I want as long as it doesn't break any rules. It didn't really break any rules but I understand why Jagex changed it. Anyway I didn't change my name because of the organization and never told anyone to donate anything to the organization. I changed my name because I thought the video was very touching. Everything in this world is about money so it was no surprise to me that the video was a bit misleading about the donations. I just thought that if people watch that video they would have more important things to worry about than how many hours a day someone is playing RuneScape or how many free pixels someone is getting but I guess not.


    Sorry about a bit too long message and thanks again for all the nice messages and gratzes :)


    Glad to see you posting here more Dragonseance :)




    Just checked some of my videos. In my message to haters video I said I play about 10 hours a day at 8:30, that was long time ago and obviously if I say I play about 10 hours a day it doesn't mean I am going to play exactly 10 hours a day every single day for the rest of my life. That should be obvious though.




    In my KONY 2012 video I said I don't play 20 hours a day, more like 10 a day. That was just a random guess though, if you know any English you should know that more like doesn't mean exactly the same as 10 hours a day. I meant that the hours I play a day is closer to 10 hours a day than 20 hours a day.




    I would really like to know where I have lied and said I play exactly 10 hours a day.


    Btw no XP was wasted while writing this.


    inb4 someone rages about me saying no XP was wasted, lololol love you all <333


    EDIT2: Always been wondering this one thing, why does it matter to people how many hours I play a day? How does it affect their life?


    I can understand if someone is worried that I play so much that it starts affecting my health a lot but it's not. I excercise a lot and never had any pain in my hand, eyes or anywhere else while playing RS. Or I might have had long time ago at some point, can't remember now. Just had to mention this so someone doesn't think I am lying.


    I am in good shape (mentally and physically) so no need to worry about me :)


    Wow, look that wall of text.

    You are obviously butthurt.


    And look at your agility record (month): 35m xp.

    If you did 70k xp/h (which was impossible) you would have to play almost 17 hours/day for a whole month.



    I don't care if you play 10, 15, 20 hours a day. It's your life.

    I'm just pointing out the facts because playing that much isn't a common thing, that's why people talk about it. We are just curious because you aren't an usual player.

  4. also why did they change suomis name...i didnt see anything offensive about it really. only jagex

    Maybe they removed it cause of advertising or Suomi himself asked them to reset his name so he can change it back.


    Jagex removed every rs name related to this 'kony 2012' campaign.




    That's because there is alot of misleading information about where the donated money is going.

  5. Your kidding yourself if you don't think a fair few people have 200b already. Not everyone is silly enough to make bank videos saying "look at me I have £100k waiting for you to steal".

    The smart ones have it over multiple unknown accounts afaik. If they don't, they should start...




    I know 2 guys with 200b+.

    One of them have his cash spread over 5 accounts.

  6. What I'm wondering is what ever happened to all the f2p skillers with like 1bil xp. Yeah, the f2p guys who were given a full paid trip to runefest.



    If they enjoyed the game then it wasn't for nothing.

    Now if someone play a game for 5 years without enjoyning it they have serious mental problems.


    So lets say at 18 I make a successful company, end up doing extremely well - make 20million from it. Decide that 20m is enough for 1 lifetime and play runescape after. Would that be a leech on society or retirement? :lol:


    Not saying I indend on doing that, id continue working even if i made my fortunes but if I didnt id hardly say id be a leech.


    Well, technically speaking, at that point you've stopped contributing to society, so by one definition you are indeed a leech (and a NEET).


    Now, if you consider that you can still contribute to society without attending school/job training/being active employed, then maybe not so much. Or if you take the view that once you've achieved a certain degree of success it is permissible to stop contributing to sciety, as you have reached your quota for life.


    Story - The Mexican fisherman


    The Mexican fisherman

    An American investment banker was at the pier of a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the small boat were several large yellow fin tuna. The American complimented the Mexican on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them.


    The Mexican replied, "only a little while."


    The American then asked why didn't he stay out longer and catch more fish?


    The Mexican said he had enough to support his family's immediate needs.


    The American then asked, "but what do you do with the rest of your time?"


    The Mexican fisherman said, "I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take siesta with my wife, Maria, stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine and play guitar with my amigos, I have a full and busy life."


    The American scoffed, "I am a Harvard MBA and could help you. You should spend more time fishing and with the proceeds, buy a bigger boat with the proceeds from the bigger boat you could buy several boats, eventually you would have a fleet of fishing boats. Instead of selling your catch to a middleman you would sell directly to the processor, eventually opening your own cannery. You would control the product, processing and distribution. You would need to leave this small coastal fishing village and move to Mexico City, then LA and eventually NYC where you will run your expanding enterprise."


    The Mexican fisherman asked, "But, how long will this all take?"


    To which the American replied, "15-20 years."


    "But what then?"


    The American laughed and said that's the best part. "When the time is right you would announce an IPO and sell your company stock to the public and become very rich, you would make millions."


    "Millions.. Then what?"


    The American said, "Then you would retire. Move to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take siesta with your wife, stroll to the village in the evenings where you could sip wine and play your guitar with your amigos."










    Since suomi said he can financially support himself id argue that this story applies to him as well. Problem?


    The problem is that there is no Maria.


  8. Was looking through my old documents and found this




    BTW that's the Top 21 in around October 2006... Amazing what happens in 4 years.

    I'm surprised green isnt there



    Instead she is here



    Jk thats just some noob I found ages ago[/hide]

    I'm slightly interested in the table on the right, the position of construction being one below where hunter would be, and 2 more spaces for 2 more skills. Could it be that jagex planned for 25 skills? I can't remember when hunter came out but I can tell you this was around the same time skillcapes came out. I also wonder how many of these players still play. I know Samanthaz got 200M cook within the last few weeks and well that's it. On the actually document I can view their highscores with a CTRL click.


    Edit: only links the first highscore page now.


    Hunter was released on 21 November 2006. The active players that I know off are Zezima, Casserole, Yogosun, Thehate, Madgamer2 and Samanthanz. More or less, tell me if I've missed someone out. Also, I'm not surprised that Green isn't on there because she apparently started playing in 2004 and, well, with her uber efficiency it's no surprise it took her longer than 2 years tbh.



  9. It's really hard to convice people to donate to your 200m in all skills goals, mostly because people wouldn't believe that you are capable of doing it.

    If Suomi managed to grow his reputation and got alot of money from it: good for him.


    Anyone can do the same.

  10. Tezz and Drumgun both deserves recognition for their achievements.


    (probably) Drumgun will be the first to achieve the maximum combat level possible (virtually, with 126 atk/str/def/hp/pray/summ).

    (probably) Tezz will be the first to get 200m xp in all combat related skills (atk/str/def/hp/ranged/magic/pray/summ/slayer).

  11. I'm wondering if there are Maxed sisters, or Maxed families...


    To be honest I wonder about the demographics of maxed players in general, i.e. what percentage are male/female and what age. It'd be good if someone could make a thread like that on the maxed forums or something.


    I'm 100% with you on this one..I think I would ask: Age, gender, country of residence, job (specifically). That would pretty much tell the person.


    Oh sure, let's give alot of personal informations to get our accounts recovered by hackers.


    Obviously it wouldn't happen, it's not a perfect world. Lol. Relax. Little kids gonna be little kids gonna be hackers.


    It already happened with a few maxed players this year. Also with some famous accounts like N0valyfe and Chessy.

  12. I'm wondering if there are Maxed sisters, or Maxed families...


    To be honest I wonder about the demographics of maxed players in general, i.e. what percentage are male/female and what age. It'd be good if someone could make a thread like that on the maxed forums or something.


    I'm 100% with you on this one..I think I would ask: Age, gender, country of residence, job (specifically). That would pretty much tell the person.


    Oh sure, let's give alot of personal informations to get our accounts recovered by hackers.

  13. I thought this was the 200m in all Skills thread? Why are we discussing world 117 average Dungeon times?

    My fastest large was a 7 minute abandoned, received like 30-50k xp for it..


    But more realistically, anyone who's going for all 200m's, which includes Dungeoneering, should be completing Large floors with an average time in between 15 and 25 minutes... I had a 10 page thread planned discussing why Dungeoneering fails and is going to continue failing as time progresses but I got lazy and let time speak for itself.


    I wish the best of luck to anyone trying to get record experience in the skill...

    And to those of you who are making tons of gp training it, yes, I am jelly.


    They are talking about clearing the whole dungeon...

    And no one cares about your record, you still failed on getting rank 1 dg.


    I think S U O M I loves sleep a little too much to play 17 hours a day and go cycling.


    And you do sound jealous, you have no reason to hate on S U O M I for being smart enough to accept donations - You can do the same, but i doubt you two have the same goals.


    Do you really think that is possible to get 30m slayer xp/month sleeping 12h/day?

    Who said he sleeps 12 hours a day? I was assuming he wouldn't play 17 hours a day, have ~1 hour to go cycling and then 6 hours of sleep. I think 8-10 hours of sleep sounds reasonable (11-13 h/day playtime).


    Well, himself.

    But he didn't say nothing about 12h/day, just ~12h.


    He probably plays until he is really tired (30h+?) and then sleep 12h, averaging ~17h/day of gameplay.

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