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Posts posted by topham

  1. I went to a spin class today, which was tough, but not too bad apparently, as I ran my personal best 2km time on a treadmill at 9 mins 21 seconds afterwards. Then did some tabata style training, with pull ups and press ups for my first set, then clean and press with 20kg and burpees. I had to leave as I wasted a lot of time talking after running and needed to pick my sister up from elsewhere. I've never done any clean and press before and was pretty stuck at the weight once I'd started due to lack of time between exercises, will go for more next time, but this was a sighter to what I should be able to do.


    I'm looking forward to them at Bloodstock, and I have a feeling I'm missing some depth from the album, so am due to listen to it again soon.

    I'm not sure if I want to hear the new Agonist album or not, theres been some strange mixed reviews of it, but I loved their first 2, so I should enjoy the latest.

  3. Yeah she is...


    I've got Epitaph and Planetary Duality, Omnivium is on my list of albums to get too.


    Yeah, I think the Bloodstock line up for this year is incredible. There are bands on the support stages that I wanna see, and I really hope there aren't any timing conflicts.


    Not sure if this is metal, mainly because its a mad mix of so many different things:


    I've been impressed recently with the strength of the Basick Records line up, and the bands they've signed, and also Sumerian Records.

    I'm awaiting the debut album from The Haarp Machine, based on the one video I've watched, and the other tracks that were available to listen to, I've got something very decent to look forward too, although there hasn't been any substantial updates about the band really.


    Is it just me or was Alcest - Les Voyages De L'Ame really over hyped and reviewed too positively? Maybe I've not listened to it enough times, but nothing really stands out to me as incredible and worthy of a place on a top 10 or so list of the year...

  4. Yeah, I've got both of Peripherys albums, not the Icarus lives EP though, and 2 of Chimpspanners albums. I got Skyharbors album this weekend and its very good. I also purchased Uneven Structures album Februus as well. I think it's the better of the two albums I got.


    Recently I've also got really into tech-death, well more so than usual. I got the latest Nile release, At The Gates of Sethu, but missed the previous one and am intending to get it soon. Gorod put out one of the best albums I've heard this year with The Perfect Absolution. I've also been looking forward to get Allegaeons latest, but accidentally ordered there first CD, although thats ok, because that album is incredible too.


    Last month I went to Download festival. It was pretty cool. I got to see Furyon do an acoustic set, and it was wicked. Also, got to see Jesse Leach back with Killswitch, which was awesome. Periphery also kicked ass, but Black Sabbath were just so Awesome, even better than 2005.

    I really want to go to Bloodstock this year, but I'm not sure if anyone I know wants to go at all.


    Has anyone heard any Sigh? Crazy Japanese band. Very good album out this year, In Somniphobia.

    Did anyone hear Slash's latest album? I think it was pretty cool, and Myles Kennedy gives the vocals a beasting.

    Does anyone check out any Podcasts or read any decent blogs? I listen to the metal cast, which is interesting, but I don't know of any others. I also read things like Heavy Blog is Heavy and Angry Metal Guy. Peripherys latest album caused quite a stir on AMG.


    Peace -x-

  5. It has been a while since I posted, and a lot has happened in the world of heavy metal.

    Now my favourite albums recently have been very varied.

    Woods of Ypres - Woods V: Grey Skies and Electric Light. I absolutely love the album, but theres such a tragic story behind it.


    World Under Blood - Tatical. Insane speed Melo-Death. Pretty amazing and technical, great CKY vibe to it, probably due to Deron Miller being the frontman.


    Tesseract - One. Yes, such awesome rhythms and incredible music really. Shame that Dan Tompkins left, but that just lead to him singing for Skyharbor. Who also I enjoy listening to.


    Theres so much more but got things to do.

    Who likes Steel Panther?

    Peace -x-

  6. I have some Audio Technica headphones, the ATH-A55 and I got them 3 and a half years ago, but they're discontinued now. They still work, I use them for everything, listening to music, watching movies, recording music, specifically guitar, best headphones I've ever owned. I'm amazed they still work given how much use I get out of them. I think I paid about £40 for them, but I did get them in Japan when I went previously and the exchange rate then was very good in comparison to now.


    If I really want to get a good grip on a new album I'll listen to it on those headphones before playing it out on speakers so I get really immersed in the music and appreciate it. They haven't let me down yet, and have no sign of giving up. The 1.5m cable also helps as its a sturdy cable so it shows no real sign of any damage at any point.


    When they do eventually give up I will have to replace them, more than likely with a new model of the same style as I'm so pleased with them.

  7. Very interesting race. Petrov was absolutely essential in that race and drove incredibly. I did not like what Alonso did following the race, was incredibly childish in my opinion. I think Webber was smart for not pushing up and trying to take Alonso for most of the race.


    This season has been absolutely incredible.

  8. I actually haven't had a chance to listen to the whole album that that tracks off, but their album Slania is some of the best folk metal I think I've ever heard.


    I cannot get enough of Mutiny Within right now, I'm listening to their album very regularly, so heres the first track, which is also one of my favourites.




    Found out that Oceano have a new album coming out this week, but i'll have to wait for it till I get home, as I absolutely cannot afford it right now.

    Their first album stuck me as complex and a brilliant listen and was similar in style to Gojira, but was not a straight rip off of them, and was a solid release last year.


    Also, Deathspell Omega are releasing their 3rd part of their trilogy of albums, which I'm inexcusably excited about, but again I'll need to wait. The band has an air of mystique around them, and don't have their own website, but their albums are pure black metal, with an insane atmosphere on their previous effort Fas - Ite, Maledicti, In Ignem Aeturnum, that I found truly terrifying at points, but was an incredible album I'd recommend to any black metal fan.

  9. Jenson Button is a lucky man. Glad he's ok after his car was shot at by an armed gang on his return to his hotel last night.


    Link to report on the express website


    I didn't manage to see qualifying however I was following it online, and I'm surprised at the time Hulkenberg put out, amazing pace.

    Also, I really wanted to see Webber win this season, as he's the only one of the 3 drivers that I like thats in with a chance. Hopefully he'll have a good race and finish ahead of Vettel, but I don't like how RBR are favouring Vettel.

  10. Wooo, I was gonna do some runecrafting, and now it seems the ZMI bank will be easier and cheaper to use soon, so I'll wait for the update before I do that.


    So far off the dungeoneering update its crazy.


    Both the quest and the herblore/hunter/farming thing look excellent, this might be the best set of updates I've seen in a long time.

  11. Monster that dropped Clue: Desert Strykewyrm

    Level of Clue (If 100% known): Elite

    Clue Hint (With picture): Compass

    Where to solve Clue (With Picture): Level 55 Wilderness by Mage Arena east side

    Additional information if needed: Compass clue




    Uploaded with ImageShack.us


    The reward was some Nardah teles, 2 yew seeds, 124 laws and 14 tuna potatoes.


    This was my 4th clue in the series, the rest were already known.

  12. Everyone could always do with a Black metal/jazz hybrid band covering King Crimsons 21st Century Schizoid Man



    They also happen to have put out one of my favourite albums this year, its terrifying in places but its musically very interesting.


    Edit: I've listened to Nevermore - The Obsidian Conspiracy today, and its grown on me, absolutely loving it. I didn't like it to begin with but now I'm really enjoying it and have began properly appreciating it.

  13. I've started developing a fondness for beer as cider isn't available here. My favourite at the moment is Erdinger which is delicious, closely followed by Tiger beer because of how cheap it is in comparison to any other alcoholic drink at all.


    However I can't wait to get home, have some cider, vodka, Jagermeister among other drinks, clearly not all mixed together, as it's horrible. Yes, I've tried. Yes, its absolutely dire.

  14. The City part of Singapore is really clean =) It's very nice, and over the whole island theres not many places where it feels unsafe, I've only come across 2 places, and that was due to me getting a little lost, and they're places people who'd come here to look around more than likely wouldn't visit.


    I really want to go to Canada, both for visiting some mountains and doing some snowboarding, but also because I'd like to compare it to where I've already been and see whether I like it, which I get the feeling I would.

    I also have always wanted to go to Sweden, Finland and Norway as those countries I find interesting and I want to visit with my friends.

    I'd like to visit Italy for a weekend as the rest of my family went without me and I haven't been and they all said it was amazing.


    I want to go to Japan, which is good because I'm going on Sunday for a week to visit my sister and I get to ride the bullet train. I don't know whether I'm more excited about seeing my sister or riding the bullet train tbh, its close.


    Also would like to visit New York for a week at most I think, I'm not too great in cities so a week would be more than enough I think.

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