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Posts posted by Weslee_Dean

  1. Are the drops worth it for other people? I think JaGEX is saying rubbish about it being profitable. If I wear 200K in gear and die, then I'm out 200k, simple as that. I kill someone wearing about 200K in gear, and what do I get? Bones? Maybe 1 item that doesn't equal anything close to 200K? Another time I killed someone from full hitpoints, and it gave the kill to someone else, with the game saying they did more damage. Nice...




    Edit: Looks like i just had some bad luck. Got a full rune kill and also got a warrior ring which looks like it was probably generated from the drop table :)

  2. I for one, have killed a few people in rune and dragonhide so far, and pretty much have been rewarded with bones for drops. On the other hand, I'm risking a lot with my equipment, yet I lose all of it each time I die. I've died twice, once to a melee'er 15 levels higher than me :o , and the other time someone dark bow specced me and took all of my 89 hit points in the first two hits :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown:




    What are your thoughts? Have you gotten any of these PVP specific items yet?

  3. AutoIT? Nice man, autoIt is a cool scripting language. Here's a timer I made to help me be efficient when I cast "String amulet" for lunar magic. It plays a sound and flashes colors after I input the correct time (about 47 seconds in this case to cast it 27 times). It might be of use to other people too. This only plays a sound and flashes, it does not interact with the game itself in any way.




    Edit: Once again, this doesn't interact with the game, and does not give any unfair advantage. So please think before posting and saying this is breaking rule 7./Edit




    On autoIT, its a very robust language. But I would not recommend trying to have it do anything like macro'ing. It is very dangerous to do so. It is very possible, but JAGEX will probably be able to detect it. Trust me from experience back in 2006 when I tested this theory out :)




    See code below: (indentation is all messed up but it should be readable)








    Timer Program












    GUICreate("Timer", 250, 125) ; will create a dialog box that when displayed is centered




    $buttonTimer = GUICtrlCreateButton ( "Start", 4, 4, 121, 118) ; Start button


    $time = GUICtrlCreateInput ("8", 125, 4, 100, 20, $ES_NUMBER) ; Input numbers only


    GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Enter time in", 125, 28) ; static text line 1


    GUICtrlCreateLabel ("seconds for", 125, 42) ; static text line 2


    GUICtrlCreateLabel ("alarm, then start.", 125, 56) ; static text line 3


    GUISetBkColor (0xFFEBCD)


    GUISetState () ; will draw GUI to screen




    ; Run the GUI until the dialog is closed


    While 1


    $msg = GUIGetMsg()




    Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE




    Case $msg = $buttonTimer


    $sleepTime = GUICtrlRead($time)










    Func soundPlayFunction($sleepTime)


    $soundDing = _SoundOpen(@WindowsDir & "\Media\ding.wav", "ding")


    If @error = 2 Then


    MsgBox(0, "Error", "The sound file does not exist")






    $sleepTime = $sleepTime * 1000 ; multiplier to change into seconds from milliseconds




    _SoundPlay($soundDing, 1)




    For $loop = 1 to 15


    GUISetBkColor (0xFF7F00)


    GUISetState ()




    GUISetBkColor (0xFFEBCD)


    GUISetState ()







  4. Edit: Stringing jewelry is about 130k xp an hour. But you can only buy unstrung unholy or holy symbols in the GE in mass. They cost 140 GP and cannot be sold back (junk). So you make more xp per hour but lose more money overall then stun, but its still a good choice. I went from 97 to 98 magic stringing and lost about 6 million :)




    Plank make depends, I don't think you make a profit anymore now that its easier.


    1) Can you mention how to rebind keys? I'm not very good with computers, so if you could tell me how it would be much appreciated.





    It can be done through changing your registry on your own. But, I used a program called "sharpkeys" that changes the registry for you, which makes it much simpler(try googling it). If you already have switched on "MouseKeys" (Numpad 5 will now be a left mouse click), here is an example to rebind your keyboard in SharpKeys:




    Make "from" (Key of your choice) --- I used Numpad "."


    --> Make "to" Function F7




    Make "from" (Key of your choice) --- I used Numpad "Enter"


    -->Make function "to" Numpad 5




    Click write to registry.


    Now logoff and log back on to windows, your keys should be rebound.




    (If you want to unbind just click "delete all" and logoff then log on)





    2) Do you have to be on high detail for this to work? Other than making runescape look prettier, I don't understand how it could affect whether or not you can use this guide, especially if you use mouse keys.





    Yes. The trick here is closing the spellbook and having a monster under your spell. The spellbook in low detail is off in its own area and won't work. You'll understand better if you try it.





    3) Can you substitute Stunning for Cursing? I've never wanted to cast a few hundred thousand spells, but if your guide makes it this easy I'm sure I could manage.





    Sure, this seems like a good way to cast any non-autocastable spell on a stationary target.

  6. I went from 88 to 94 magic using stun before high detail mode came out. It was a lot faster than high alching, but the downside was that its somewhat expensive and requires more attention + repetetive stress from mouse movement and clicking.




    But, with high detail mode, I've found that its still expensive, but there is a way to elimate the attention and repetition part. You will essentially only need to do one mouse click and open and close your spell book. The trick is to place a monster directly under where the "Cast stun" option is. Now place your mouse over "cast stun". [ Click mouse to select stun, Hit F7 to close book, Click mouse to stun monster, Hit F7 to open book ] Notice the pattern? All you do is F7,click mouse, F7, click mouse. Now with a little intuition, you can rebind your keyboard. So move F7 to someplace that works for you, and make another key a left mouse click. Now you can just press one key and then the other, and get about 100K magic xp an hour :) Edit: The reason this is good is you can just use 1 hand to press 2 keys, its just like tapping your fingers. It's requires almost no attention. You don't have to think or even look at the screen (but be sure to glance at the screen incase of random events!). So you can do this and watch a movie at the same time. :D :thumbup: :thumbup:




    I did this by using mousekeys, which for XP can switched on under accesibility options on the Control Panel. That makes numpad 5 a left mouseclick. So all you have to do is rebind F7 and numpad 5, which I did using "sharpkeys" (just google it).






    Edit: Here are 3 screen shots. The first 2 show how to enable mousekeys in XP. The third shows how I have rebound my keyboard in "sharpkeys".
















    See short video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnMqM4bvTxQ

  7. Where is a good place to train using ancient magicks in a multi-combat zone?




    I heard the ape atoll dungeon is good, but has anyone tried training there with ancients? And about how much xp per hour is it with what spell?




    The newly added chaos temple seems ok, I tried using blood burst there on the level 77 skeleton room. I never had to eat, but only managed about 90k xp/hour while using around 900 casts, which isnt all that much faster than the MTA (mage training arena), which is also a whole lot cheaper (although a lot more boring too :( )


    Thanks for any advice, cheers!

  8. Kk, I was on the way to Varrock, and at Barbarian Village this noob followed me and heres what happened.




    Me:My god, what the heck do you want?




    Noob:Can I have your full rune for free plz? I need..




    Me:Ok.... Your level 3, how can you use it? And why would I give you full rune which is worth like 180k, for free?




    Noob:So can I have it plz?












    Me:Shut up please.




    Noob:Not unless you give me full rune and d long.




    Me:Your not a member...




    Noob:Yes i am.




    Me:Hey, I got a question.








    Me:Do you know what the wildy is?












    So I took him into the wildy and he died he pmed me and said "your a **** noob!!"

  9. Yeah I can't really see this as being too effective against other players atm. My initial feeling about all of the enchanted bolts in general is that they are tedious to make, the specials are too inconsistent to rely on, and are rather expensive to make with all of the required steps.

  10. Here's a 49








    Notice the little blood drops? That is the special animation from the blood forfeit special. I don't have any more ruby bolts.. and these were the only screens I took. So this will have to do until other people try it and post some screenshots. I hope somebody tries it on a monster with >250 hitpoints and show us >:)

  11. Verify with the Blood Bolts if the max hit is based on the opponents current hit points




    This is true. I hit some pretty bad numbers with the special when the portal was low on hit points. When the special works its seems to ALWAYS be 20% of the CURRENT hit points of the target... and I dont think your range level matters (although im not sure on this one). So, anyone who has Ruby Bolts could of hit that 50.

  12. Yeah! The new range max hit could be over 60! But remember- the special only does it for the current amount of hp the target has remaining. So if the portal only had 100 hit points left, the special would only do 20 damage :)

  13. Here's the highest I've hit so far.








    I was using ruby adamant bolts (e), which have a chance of taking off 20% of the current life of the target. So, 20% of 250 equals 50 :P




    I'd like to see some screen shots of dragonstone bolts in action, I had 12 of them made but the special never happened :(

  14. They cant change it ITS NOT bug abuse or anything.. and if you change it after 3 months of it being out.. Its unfair on some members because others went earlier than others..




    This I agree with. Letting pest control be the way it is for 3 months, and then cutting the xp to 1/4 of what it currently is really isn't fair for many people. But then again, giving this much xp in the first place wasn't fair. I really don't understand what takes Jagex so long to fix these problems, waiting only makes the problem worse.

  15. well..JaGeX staff were at pest control the other night..and when the staff go somewhere, it is for a reason






    Wait, did you see Jagex staff at pest control yourself on Saturday night? And if not, who did? What were the names of some of the staff? I'm just curious, I want to get more info if this happened or not :)

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