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Posts posted by Spongehead91

  1. I have read this article.






    If you want a community-style game, try Kingdom of Loathing. I think it has a much, much better community than RuneScape does. Why do you think I've stopped playing RuneScape? :mrgreen: Seriously, give it some consideration.




    It's more of a game for more grown-up people than RuneScape is, but do give it a try! It's hilarious.

  2. i get the sandwich lady all the time on the dock and some times i get it wrong on purpose so she send me to lum then i just walk to draynor and bank my lobs but this one time she told me to grab a baggete and its not even there and i got hit when i just got to the dock








    "...and its not even there..."












    It's always there. There is never a time when it's not there. You just weren't paying attention.

  3. You can't attack me for two reasons.




    One: My Hippy Stone is intact. No PvP.


    Two; Even if it was, I'm in hardcore. Only people in hardcore can attack other people in hardcore, and they can only attack for rank or flowers, anyway.






    Hardcore for life. Stainless Steel and Plexiglass equipment is t3h rul3z0rs. Except with better grammar.






    (My KoL username is NOT Spongehead91. It's Someone Else (817094))

  4. Wait, some people haven't heard of Lemmings? It's one of the most classicest games ever.






    http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/1896 ... hotxg1.png






    Basically, you have to guide the creatures called lemmings from a trapdoor to an exit at the end of the level by giving them commands, otherwise they just walk to their deaths.




    And Lemmings had nothing to do with Nintendo. It was Psygnosis who made it.

  5. Oh, even more new emoticons for the forum. I think this is a little much, enough is enough.






    RuneScape is getting even more updates, and so is KoL.




    RuneScape updates with a rather large update, usually a new quest or area every Monday. Could the RuneScape map get any bigger? :o




    KoL has updates every Tuesday, usually improving old areas of the game (Hooray for the skills page interface upgrade! :)), nerfing something that was seriously overpowered (Hooray for the chow mein and Sauceror potion nerf... :(), or a small update, like a minor quest or a new smithing recipe. (Hooray for the White Citadel quest! :D)




    RuneScape seems a bit too business-like, KoL seems more like a small community, if you get into it. Jick (Creator of KoL) has a radio show twice a week, where he answers player-sent questions about the game, and sometimes just talks about pop culture. He sometimes implements player ideas there and then (Like making white lighting give you 3 turns of Temporary Blindness).


    With RuneScape, you don't really see any of that. At Jagex office it seems like it's only "Ahh, get this new quest with an awful plotline implemented or you're fired!".






    Anyway, that was just some meaningless rambling by me. Don't take any notice of it.

  6. Good, now please post something interesting. Like "hello's' and 'Welcome to Runescape!'






    No. I refuse to misuse the apostrophe. Why "hello's"? That's WRONG.

  7. ok just cuz im new here dosn't mean u have to focus on my grammar, just focus on runescape quotes or more interesting things than grammar.


    Geez ur gonna be a language arts teacher some day sponge. :)




    Ahh! "u"s and "ur"s!! :shame:






    Oh well. I'm not going to be a language teacher though. :)

  8. Ok, so what if there's an apostrophe? It makes more since to me.


    Geez... :roll:




    It makes more "since"? It doesn't matter whether it makes sense or not, it's still wrong.




    I get really annoyed at misplaced apostrophes.




    Geez... :roll:

  9. Didn't understand it? That's weird, it's a pefectly simple game.




    You know, it's extremely different than RuneScape. If you're in a Hardcore Oxygenarian run (If you play, you'll know what that means), then the best strategy to get through that run the quickest is to not play for a few days. Seriously.




    But anyway, if you don't like the game, it's your choice, but I think you're severely missing out.

  10. So, yeah, uh... F2P get an update, that's cool. I'll probably play it when I'm severely bored after using all my adventures, and if there's no-one on KoLchat or on the forums. I won't even need to pay to get memebrs for it, so that's nice.




    I wish I could afford a Cheshire Bat familiar (avatar), because they're just too awesome. Stupid Cymbal-Playing Monkey, I'll have to settle with that.

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