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Posts posted by daxter727



    When you wanna go to karamja you don't need to talk to the workers, Just right click on them and press Pay fare 30 gp








    Wrong, you still have to talk to them, be a bit strange jsut giving them 30gp without saying anything.








    Wrong, You must be a noob. Because on my main... I just have to press pay fare but my noob needs to talk to them when he press pay fare.








    you haveto have completed pirates treausure

  2. If you say drop party, drropping 1mil worth of items and then u drop 5 buckets, and a spade, is that consider item scamming? I was in falador and that happened and someguy was telling everyone to report her for item scamming(even before she started dropping). I was just wondering if that was breaking a rule, but i dont think it is because she didnt take anything from us but.....

  3. I was in varrock bank doing something in a not busy world and this noob walked in and








    noob:free stuff pm me ur name and password








    noob:free stuff pm me ur name and password








    noob:free stuff pm me ur name and password (he did it like 10 times flashing text)








    me:shut up noob








    noob:no u shut up




    *starts saying it again*








    Finaly everyone in the bank agreed with me(there was like 5 ppl there lol) and he shuts up. Then, he walks over to the corner and says:




    Free stuff plz








    hahah,it was hilarious

  4. I have two embarrassing deaths:




    1. I was pking in edgeville and i had managed to kill a guy with out using too many lobs. I quickly ran to bank and ran out to where the guy had died and a pker one lvl above me attacked me. I only had 14 hp (i forgot to eat a lobby before i stored) and he he hit ...a 14. I died.




    2.I was in the wildi,lvl 30 i think. Didnt have that much stuff, not my rune just my blk or something. I was just standing there wen a group of pker noobs came out and attacked me. I made it all the way to lvl 1.......

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