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Posts posted by FaylinaMeir

  1. These are the halliwell sisters from the popular tv showed known as "Charmed"




    therse Phoebe, Piper, and Paige :D Due to the fact they dont have such... riskay.. items in the design i had to make the last two less interesting but i think it cam eout well known the less and i have two views dunno which is better













  2. Heres my two cents.




    If you're bored with the free play game, subscribe, its that simple. Yes I do understand the a lot of free players are children or early teen years whom do not have access to a credit card (legally), ask your parents though, If they say no then thats the end of it.




    Really I think you should be thankful there is a free version of the game, most online games now a days don't even offer free version, its free trial then pay up.




    Yes I AM a member, I subscribed because I got tired of the "loggin to member services" am I rich? Heck no, but I also know i spend 5 dollars a lot more foolish then just playing a game.




    I think free play should get a small update once a year, sorry if that annoys some of you. or maybe a new quest twice a year plus a small update. I do agree though that f2p needs more bank space, heck members need more bank space, with the amass of objects they keep releasing.




    the total reason that free play exists is they hope you'll get so annoyed with not getting anything new that you'll hop on the member banwagon and give it a try, its total marketing scam. Age old trick. Kinda like the says "grass is always greener on the other side"




    all in all, don't whine about being a free player, its free, you can't have your cake and eat it to, if I pay 5 dollars a month, you should have to also (yes im one of those people) I don't think free players are second class citizans, infact I think you're great but seriously, pay up or shut up. Thats what i believe.




    Oh and hatemail is not appriciated, nor is in game spam.




    oh and side note, I think jagex should offer a 1 month free trial to members for all free players just to let them see how it is, might encourage more freebies to switch to the member services.






    oh and before someone points this out to me: yes I realize those banners generate a few scraps of cash, however, I think the amount of free players is pretty equal to those who pay monthly, therefore I belive the amount of money we (member) vs f2p generates cannot be compared. Plus if any of you really have ran a website with those little clickie ads, you would know just how little you really get from them!




    I'm done





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