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Posts posted by chicodallasman

  1. I never thought I'd see the day that some of the Tip.it greats, who through every mediocre update put up with the complainers and made the best of it, do exactly what they're protecting. And legitimately at that. When people at Tip.it start saying Runescape is over, then Runescape truly has reached it's pinnacle.

  2. Hah, I love this topic. Not to many people surprised me tho :P. Only one who really did was Fook-A-Ji, but then again whenever I imagined him I thought of a Star Wars android, or a computer nerd when I actually thought about it, and obviously he's not :P.

  3. 1) What is your favorite color (the most basic and boring quiz question)?ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâÿ






    2) Do/would you name your car(s)?


    Why would I.




    3) Your 5 favorite movies are?


    I can't even name five. I don't like a lot of movies.




    4) Do you like country music?


    Some of it isnt bad




    (theres no 5...)




    6) Would you put botulism (a sickness found in pork) into your skin to paralyze your muscle


    Why would I want to..




    7) Would you do botox?






    8) What time is it in China?


    Around 4?




    9) Which do you like better cheese or chocolate?


    I don't like either.




    10) Are you a loser?






    11] What is Youtube???ÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâÿÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâÿÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâÿ


    A site where you share videos.




    12] Right now what is your favorite song?


    Somethign from High School Musical :oops: :P




    13] What song is playing in your head right now?


    Numa Numa, since I was reading the questions




    14] Is the war a waste of time?


    Money, not time.




    15] Is the Confederate flag racist?






    16] If bush was standing here like right now what would say to him?


    Nothing, just give him a really dirty look :P




    17] Paris hilton, Is she a [bleep]?


    No, a victim of what a lot of people do and paparazzi




    18] What is your favorite saying?


    I don;t have sayings.




    19] Who is your favorite superhero (note hero means that person is a guy heroine means its a girl)???


    Don't have one.




    20] What is the numa numa song? And who is it by?


    Americanized version of Dragostea Din Tei by O-Zone. Popularized by Gary Brolsma who did a... Unique dance.

  4. I listen to about everything =\.




    Nightwish, Evanescence, Within Temptation, Epica, After Forever, Lacuna Coil, Kamelot, Slipknot, Arch Enemy, Madonna, Heart, Marilyn Manson.. About everything lol

  5. lmao, wow




    nothing to laugh at idiot






    In his defence I think he was laughing at how the person said there was a thread with the same topic and the link went here...




    But wow. Amazing he's still alive..

  6. Ya, Sean Kingston- Beautiful Girls... I loathe that song.




    "Those beautiful girls soooomething


    They got you suicidal suicidal when they say it's ooover"




    It's so obvious how much computer he used for his voice... You can tell hes a natural vibrato, yet he covers it up making it sound bad...


    This goes against EVERYTHING I said up there but.. I like Amaranth because of how poppy it is lol. It reminds me of ABBA, and Anette WAS in an ABBA cover group so... Lol


    Really! What is the name of that group? :o This might actually make me like her a bit more, because I like Abba XD


    Anyway, um...."I cannot cry cause the shoulder cries more"? That is one metaphor I surely do not get :P




    I actually am not sure if her last band was the ABBA cover band, but the last band of her's that I know of is Alyson Avenue. I believe they have a myspace, but no ABBA covers on it. And yeah, ABBA is AWESOME. Lol

  8. All I know from the beginning is




    "The end,


    The songwriter's dead


    The blade fell upon him


    Taking him to the white lands


    of Empathica






    And Tuomas said in an interview that the chorus would be:




    "Get away, run away, fly away


    Lead me astray, to dreamer's hideaway


    I cannot cry 'cause the shoulder cries more


    I cannot die, I, the w.hore for the cold world


    Forget me, I have but two faces


    One for othe world and one for "God save me"


    I cannot cry, 'cause the shoulder cries more


    I cannot die, I, the w.hore for the cold world"




    I told you Marco's growls sounded like the cookie monster >.>




    This goes against EVERYTHING I said up there but.. I like Amaranth because of how poppy it is lol. It reminds me of ABBA, and Anette WAS in an ABBA cover group so... Lol

  9. What about Amaranth lol. I'm not a huge fan of TPaTP, it bores me a lot and it's taking some getting used to to like it. I do love the chorus in it though. I LOVE Amaranth, it's truly beautiful. Altho I just think it's Dark Passion Play's Nemo. It'll fizzle out about two or three months after the single's released.




    WHole thing about Anette though... Her voice is going to take a LOT of getting used to. It's completely different frmo Tarja's and much more poppier then Tarja's. Her range isn't all the good either; she can scream, but she can't sing high. For example, in Amaranth at the end she's screaming and it sounds like she's singing high but they just toned it down. Don't get me wrong it sounds awesome but still.




    In The Poet and The Pendulum. it shows her range in it. At the very beginning they use a male sopranist, maybe for effect, maybe because Anette couldn't handle it, maybe both. The chorus is really quite low compared to all the other Nightwish songs, and the chorus is similar to Sleeping Sun, note wise anyway. The chorus meets the end of her range without going in to her soprano voice. When the sopranist comes back in Anette sings along... Just a few octaves below, pretty much proving she can't go that high.




    The Poet and The Pendulum hasn't had the same effect as all their other "epic" songs. Beauty and the Beast, was just wow. I fell in love with it the moment I heard it. Beautiful melodic singing at the beginning going in to smooth chorus, then switching in to the next part of the song. A more mysterious sound, provoking hope along with the lyrics and then smoothing in to a harder styler of singing turning in to almost anger and at the end just overwhelming astonishment. It just SOUNDS epic.




    And then Ghost Love Score. Once again starts off with nice soft moderately high singing, catching your attention right away, then flowing in to the chorus with a choir singing in the foreground and Tarja in the background. The chorus displays a lot of emotions like love and sorrow. The next part is a lower simpler sound to it with a lot of slurs, but sounds great with the orchestra behind it. The song the switches to a harder sound, crisp and stacatto. Then into the last few lines which are the most "epic" lines in the song. The make you feel pity and sorrow and astonishment. And then they play the chorus a few times over again and fade away in to nothing. Two epic songs how about a third?




    Ok, Tuomas stated 13 minute song, their longest yet! In the shadow of Beauty of the Beast and Ghost Love Score they have to be good. The sopranist starts, it got my attention. But mostly because I saw it in their video blog. Orchestra hit, WOW, now THAT'S good. And then Anette comes... She starts off nice and soft... Almost yawnable. I figure, ahh it'll get better. It goes in to the chorus, AWESOME. Still no poetic feelings to report, but ok. Back in to yawnable singing again. Ok, Long Lost Love in Beauty of the Beast, they did that, that must be what they're doing. Chorus again, and end of that part of the song. Ok, here comes the good parts! Hopefully. Ok, Nightwish's mascot, the Dead Boy, comes in "In our lord 2005, Tuomas blah blah blah." Sounds pretty cool. Should set the mood for Anette. Anette starts whispering. I figure "Ok... Maybe she'll start singing in a bit." "I'm afraid, so afraid. Being raped again and again. Blah blah blah." OKAY! This is getting old! She finally stops and the cookie monster comes in. I mean Marco. Does ANYONE understand what he's saying there? Don't get me wrong, I like it (at least the best thing out of the song) but it's a bit... Over powering? Then Anette comes in, once again boringly. Ok, it's like nine minutes in. I'm giving up hope! Then the chorus again. Ok, it's good and all but can't make all the rest as good. And then they turn like Lacuna Coily... And Anette sings some more boringness. I MIGHT like it more once I get lyrics to it, but I doubt it for some reason.




    The only thing that was REALLY good on the track was the instrumentals. Now I hope Anette really comes through and puts some power on the other tracks. She desperately needs it.

  10. I'm sorry, but I didn't find that funny at all... How is this appropriate for the forum anyway... Keep the stories about parts hidden beneath pants to yourself... There's a reason they're hidden you know..

  11. Hah, love them. Me and my friend went through so many ideas of what to do for our talent show. First we were gonna sing One Week (Barenaked Ladies... The REALLY fast song?) and then we were in a band together... We were just gonna play with them. The band sort of died after a bit lol so we were gonna sign One Week again... Month later we were sick of One Week, so we picked Another Postcard by The Barenaked Ladies. I wasn't a huge fan of the song, so the next day we decided to sing If I Had a Million Dollars by, you guessed it, The Barenaked Ladies (we brought that band back in to popularity at our school.) A month later we saw that video on youtube, the Evolution of Dance. Ok, we both were obsessed with it and for like a month we were both wanting to do it at the talent show. A month after we finally got it out that we wanted to do it. And the talent show at this point is like 5 months away. We get the music (after a month or two) and start practising. We seriously practiced every day for like 2 hours each day. Then we were allowed to use the gym to practise for the actual talent show. We got it down good and everythign so we were good. Day of the talent show and we go up. Oh, you wouldn't believe how many times we messed up lol. Free cookie who actually read this far with mild interest. Lol. It's on youtube somewhere look up "Evolution of Dance remix cb stirling" you'll find it.

  12. I got a play list with my 500 songs on it. I sometimes play one artist, other times I play one song over and over and over until when I try to sing it my head just goes into autopilot (it's a good thing for some really fast [One Week by Barenaked Ladies anyone? Ya I can sing it]). If I'm in the mood for a particular artist I, of course, play only that artist. Most of the time I just pick my general favourites at the moment.

  13. Arch Enemy is the best easily recognizable metal band by far. You'll get what I mean believe me.






    Within Temptation


    Sonata Arctica


    Three Days Grace


    Dream Theater






    ^^ Metal variants. Awesome bands.

  14. Bees, wasps or hornets. I FREAK OUT. Earlier today there was one flying aroudn me I started screaming and everything, and my teacher was laughign her [wagon] off at me :(. And then of course there was this HUGE beetle on me... Needless to say more humour for my teacher.

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