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Posts posted by grimsaado

  1. I'm happy with it now bcuz i dont have any skills past 75. Jagex should have double updates every week. One with a minigame-quest thing for the higher lvl players and visual and graphics update. (Like fally even though i hate the new look =)) More things for lvl 99 would be good, something to strive for. No offence, but who cares about the high lvl ppl? Jagex does, the Rs community doesn't. So Jagex has to keep them here, not with higher cap, but with more to do. (more places, items, armour.)








    Thats a bit short sighted of a view. There is more than enough in the game to keep you busy to combat level 100. The game needs more interesting stuff for the level 100+ players but not necessarily more levels. More stuff like the barrows, etc. Stuff for high levels to do, not necessarily more levels to attain.

  2. How about a few memebers servers dedicated to lvl 100+ combat players? All NPCs are 2x their normal levels with double the drop rates. IE a level 182 iron drag becomes a lvl 384 iron drag that is 2x more likely to drop dlegs etc.








    Put some of the challenge in it and another thing to attain for getting a ridiculous combat level.








    In regard to past 99, I dont think they could or should allow new skill abilities past 99. Just allow an increase in speed/hit rate etc. IE a lvl 120 fisher could catch sharks much faster than a lvl 99 but they shouldn't introduce whale fishing for lvl 110.








    The overreaching issue is lvl99 just isn't that common and above level 99 no one should obtain earth shattering special abilities for the same reason Dark Beasts drop crap. IE so few people have 90 slayer that it would drastically unbalance the game if dark beasts started dropping abyssal double mega whips (you get the idea). Once there are a few thousand players that have lvl 90 slayer, they'll do something with it.








    So it goes for lvl 99+. If there are only a couple of hundred players that can go above 99, giving them access to special smithing/mining/fishing etc abilities would drastically unbalance the game.








    Allowing people to level thier att/str/def above 99 wouldn't necessarily unbalance the game though. The benefit of getting additional combat levels drops off drastically after getting to lvl 70 in any one of the combat skills. As such I dont see a problem with unbalancing the game by allow people to go over 99 as long as they dont get access to special abilities past lvl 99.

  3. Leesters, you're a respected member of the community who has contributed to many valuable guides. That is why folks reacted 10x more negatively to your rant/name-calling/etc post in the pking forum and in this one.








    At the same time I understand your frustration. I lost 2 guthans pieces, obby set and a whip when RS crashed on me one time. I was very upset and I reported the problem to Jagex and I of course ranted to everyone on my buddy list who would let me vent. At the same time, as a software developer myself I know my bug report to Jagex was useless because I couldn't give them a repeatable condition on how to reproduce the bug.








    Instructing people who have not first hand experienced the bug does not help a software development organization. It creates a false sense of scope to a problem. For example, say for a moment Zezima posted on the forums (which s/he does not). If Zezima said, "I ran into a bug X that got me killed" S/he believes that to be a bug and it probably is. But by creating a tidal wave of people reporting a bug they never experienced can cause non-real bugs to waste valuable developer time.








    Sorry you died because of a bug Leesters. You'll make a comeback same as you did when you lost your chain. Its frustrating I know, but good luck.








    Sorry so many people flamed you, I hope you dont take this post as a flame.


    think of how long its gonna take for people the get the d2h. specially in 52 wildy...anything does. and you cant get overjoyed becuz if someone sees u with it they kill u








    Yea, and let's say you did get the d2h drop, you'd have to book it to the Mage Arena bank OR get to whatever wild level it is when you can tele. By the time you'd reach either of those spots, it could have gone through 10 pker's inventories and still switching players. :?








    Probably not... since its the highest in the smithing table it also likely has the highest "general store" price and thus is the thing least likely to be dropped unless you're skulled.








    I'd recommend if you're there to get the 2H, avoid getting skulled, fight the elemental until you get it then book out. By avoiding getting skulled you'll at least be able to keep your prize.... not that you'd be lucky enough to get it with so many people hanging out ;)

  5. Dragon 2H won't be "too powerful"... as with all of the weapons at various levels, speed in decending order :
































    The 2h would logically have the biggest strength bonus but at the expense of speed. Who cares if you can hit me for 30 once every 3 seconds when I can hit you for 4 18's with a dds? In a nutshell, its all about balance. The 2h will hit harder and thus will be slower.








    Dragon Plate wouldn't unbalance the game. Dragon Plate would be "close to" but not quite as powerful as barrows armor and thus would not lead to an overnight "meleers owning the wildy".

  6. Haxor speek... most of it rooted in telephone related terms thanks to the silly spelling of phone. Although spelled Phone, it phonetically should be spelled fone. It became popular in the old days (back when computer ppl identified themselves by area code, IE, if you were from Austin you would say "512 crew" etc), since phone was such a silly spelled word when done correctly it leaked into other things like phreak (someone who hacks phone systems usually to make free phone calls, sometimes to illegally tap).








    In the BBS days, if you wanted access to the sysop's (person who owns a bbs in this case) copyrighted files (or philes in leetspeak) you'd ask for "Elite" access. Quickly hax0rs morphed it into Leet or Eleet following this "phonetically correct but spelling wrong" logic.








    Then number replacement became popular and mixed with the phonetically misspelled words. Thus Elite became Eleet became 31337.








    As the internet displaced BBSes this languge persisted. As the internet became mainstream leetspeek was hijacked in popularity by wannabe hackers and thus in the real hacker circles proper language became popular. The wanna-bes still use it.








    I hope you enjoyed your hax0r language lesson for the day. Oh my, I believe i've revealed my age a bit. :oops: When I was a kid I was into cracking and phreaking but as I grew up I just became a legit programmer only. Why would I risk jail time to save 10 cents a minute on long distance? I have a family to support here ;)

  7. They've already said the 100th quest is going to be a Big Deal . I tend to think the Dragon 2H is going to be a "shop reward" for completing the 100th quest. IE, once you complete the quest, you will be able to buy it from the shop they way you could for Lost City or Heroes. The Dragon 2H is the last "highly anticipated" dragon weapon. The remaining are destined for shelfware (dragon warhammer, dragon shortsword, dragon claws?)








    Dont get me wrong, any weapon with an interesting special attack is likely to be carried, but D2H is the last dragon weapon people are highly anticipating. (DDS and DBaxe are frequently carried secondary weapons solely for thier specials)








    Armor wise, we still need dragon plate, dragon full helm and of course dragon boots. I have no idea how they will be able to introduce dragon plate given the current scarcity of dchain without causing some major market upsets. If they make d plate a quest shop reward or if it is equally as hard to get as dchain, the price of dchain will plummet dramatically (given that dchain is only marginally better than rune plate, its mostly a display of 31337ness. The existance of dplate will make dchain instantly non-31337). If they make it harder than dchain to get, not only will it drive everyone insane that it's impossible to get but dchain prices will still fall like a rock as the money follows the most coveted item. For referance: Does anyone buy or sell rune chain or rune meds for anything other than alch fodder?








    Based on this logic, I'd say that the new monster will either:




    * Drop only existing dragon items, including dchain, perhaps more frequently to soften that market a bit before dropping dplate into the game 6 months to a year from now.




    * Drop one of the aforementioned "lame" dragon items like warhammer or dragon pick.

  8. I think this weeks update is probably this monster. Supporting logic:








    This is the kind of update that needs careful testing. IE, if there is a bug in the new beastie that makes it too easty to kill they need to find it and fix it before release. Likewise with the additional map updates.








    Since the only other update expected this month is treasure trail spots I don't think the tt updates will require as much testing or require "last minute" bug fixes that would delay an update.








    BTW, given it's a tuesday and still no update, I'm amazed there isn't the obligatory "OMG no update yet, I quit RS!" or "OMG no update yet, must mean POH is coming out!"

  9. A lot of the complaints here seem to be a matter of people not knowing how to work some of these slayer monsters. When I was lvl 80ish combat and got 120ish bloodveld, I had no problem completing the slayer with melee in one run. (black dhide, elemental shield, mystic hat = high mage defense = bloodveld rarely hit you)








    I never got desert lizards... I think I was like lvl 70 slayer when they came out. I've never backed out of a slayer assignment. I've done a total of 3 140ish iron dragon slayers, probably 5 20-40ish steel dragon slayers and maybe 5-6 15 bronze dragon slayers. I've gotten multiple dlegs drops, these, IMHO are great slayer assignments. You should be able to complete a 140 iron drag slayer with 35 prayer (4) pots (1 dose per drag) and 10 antifire pots. Do the math 50k worth of anti-fire + 175k worth of pray pots = 225k investment. On average I get 1 dleg drop per 140 iron drag slayer = 2.5 MILLION = 2.25 million profit + tons of slayer xp. Not to mention all of the rune dart (p), rune javelin, alchables (addy stuff mostly), and blood rune drops you get. You can also antifire and mage the dragons but runes are more expensive than pray pots.








    I hate crocs for the same reasons everyone else has posted. Water management, no good drops, limited spawns.








    Turoths are the only monster in the game that drop white mystic tops. Yeah, the leaf bladed spear is a real pain (and the walk quite long), but white mystic is pretty cool.








    For those that are complaining about constantly getting low level assignments, try a harder slayer master. If you keep getting assignments that are over your head, go for an easier master.








    Right now my favorite slayer assignment is probably gargoyles... rune fulls, black mystic tops, granite mauls... sweet. For each gargoyle assignment I get 1 of each it seems.








    Slayer overall is a *great* skill. Especially at high levels, slayer monsters have some unique drops that make them the most profitable monsters in the game to kill. Lvl 76 now, almost 77... here I come 85 :D

  10. Ok, I did this quest the day after it came out but the majority of runescapers don't have access to the pirate island... why? They lack the farming level to do Rum Deal (loved Rum Deal). My farming level is only 55 and I'm ranked the 12,000th farmer in all of runescape. The fact that level 55 ranks me so high in the high scores tells me there are *a lot* of people that can't do Rum Deal and thus can not do Cabin Fever.








    Now, for 25k I wasnt expecting a sword to rival even a dragon dagger, but as a quest reward for a quest that so few runscapers have the level to do I would have at least thought it would have some useful utility. Barring useful utility, I would have thought that it would at least be tradable so I could pawn it off on the fashion concious who dont have the stats to do the quest. (I made 100k selling pirate outfits for 25k ea with only 5 minutes of standing in Seers ;) )








    I agree that the whole slash/stab thing is wacked. Although not a proper fencer myself, I've always been into RPGs/sword-era combat etc and consider myself quite well educated on the real historical angle. Indeed, if you were slashing with a rapier to attack your enemy you're not using it right.








    Since rapiers were popular flourentine weapons, why not allow a dual wield (one in each hand)? Even though its only as good as a rune scim, being able to wack 2x as often might make the weapon at least interesting.


    The Wilderness welcomes a new visitor this month. At first, local bandits and wolves thought it was some kind of rain cloud, but the path of devastation scattered in its wake told them otherwise. Even the KBD made sure not to annoy this beast, since he knew it was bigger than him. Fans of dragon weapons should make sure they visit but be careful! Multiway wilderness areas are not the safest places in the game, so take some friends to watch your back. More information to follow on release.








    they didnt sad it was a new dragon wapon... could be a monster that drops hallys often... or ddp 100%...








    THAT is a good point... it may just drop existing dragon items. When they introduced the other dragon weapons they always said "new dragon item" with the emphasis being on NEW. In this one they didn't say new... so indeed you could be quite right, this beast may just be another dchain dmed dropper...

  12. Speculation on the unnammed minor improvements:








    * Fixing the pathing problem walking from tzharr to the brimhaven dungeon created by the addition of that hand in the sand quest hut. Man I hate that hut... now the walk is much more painful.




    * The ranging bug-It's real, I swear it is. Black demons didn't used to be this hard... you keep running at them instead of standing and shooting from the places that always worked before.




    * New agility shortcuts. (I don't know where but they're an easy minor improvement for them to stuff in)




    * More servers. Man they are getting so overloaded that its hard to find a midwest server under 1950+ ppl playing on any given afternoon. (Dallas, St Louis, etc) They added some new servers today but I really think they need to add 1 or 2 additional servers per existing city for most of the US at least (don't know how overloaded things are getting elsewhere).








    I predict it will be easier to sell sharks and super sets in edgeville for a few weeks after the wildy update ;)








    I'd also speculate that the new wildy beast will require more strategy than just super set/sharks/whip/prayer. Dagganoth kings introduced a new balance given that you can't just attack one with prayer on lest the other two smite you, you need friends and a battle plan... I predict this one will require some kind of special item to be equipped that is useless virtually anywhere else. Or something off the wall like you have to be skulled from doing a pk before attacking it.

  13. there just jelous that ur gonna make more money than them and b more succesful








    That is the exact attitude that leads to so many rude people playing the game... "I dont care who I annoy/steal from/con etc as long as I earn more gp" Just like the thread on here not too long ago, "Would you share a dchain drop with your friends that helped you kill the kq"... 1/2 the people said they'd take the chain and lie to thier friends about the drop.








    Doesn't anyone have a sense of politeness or honor? Does anyone in RS value friends and respect more than GP?

  14. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. If you walk into the kalphite soldier area and there is already someone training in there, the polite thing to do is world hop until you find a world where the area has no one in it.








    However, once you've found such a world and have your cannon set up, anybody that comes along afterwards to complain and go train somewhere else. A lot of politeness when it comes to training is respecting the "who was at the training spot first" concept.








    That said, I really think the user population is at the point where more worlds are needed. Most of the time I get on in the evening now the members dallas worlds are either full or near full (1900+ players). When there are 2000 people in any given world pretty much every training spot is saturated. I'd also like to see them add a couple more "chambers" in the kalphite mound and in the dagganoth area. These two areas can be very frustrating when the servers are full to even find a creature to kill that someone isnt already killing. :(

  15. IMHO there is a polite way to use a cannon and a rude way to use a cannon. Using it in a single combat area like at blue dragons, who cares.








    Using in multi-combat areas like dagganoths, I'd propose a few reasonable guidelines for polite use of a cannon:




    1) Don't set it up in the dead center of the dagganoth area. Your cannon will utterly dominate the entire dagganoth traning area leaving no place at all for anyone else to train. If you set it up in one corner, your cannon will stay quite busy while still leaving a place for others to train.




    2) If you show up at dagganoths and someone else already has a cannon set up, wait for them to take thiers down before putting yours up. I was at dagganoths before and there were 6 (six!) cannons set up. It took me 3 hours to complete a stupid 100ish dagganoth slayer for all of the cannons stealing my kills.




    3) In a smaller training area like at the kalphite guard chamber, if you walk in and there is already someone training there, its a bit rude to just walk in and say, "I'm training here now, you have to leave." which is what you're doing by setting up a cannon. If you get there first, set up your cannon and someone else comes along and complains, their problem.








    In a nutshell, if you're going to drop an "area dominating" item like a cannon, the same basic concepts of politeness apply as they do with any other training spot. If an area is already busy, the polite thing to do is to world hop.








    Notice I didn't say any of the above should be considered rules, anything the game lets you do is legal, but are instead guidelines for how to get your cannoning XP in a polite way. Unfortunately there are too many people in the game that could care less what is polite or rude.

  16. Why the current anti-macros don't work (disclaimer, I haven't used or attempted reverse engineering on any of them but I'm a software professional and know how stuff like this in general is approached): They don't process the graphics in the game. The read what is going through at the network level. Every texture, piece of text, etc that gets sent to the client is processed and a response is formulated.








    Every time a new random event comes out, macroers get stumped by it until a software engineer writes an appropriate response. Then viola! The macroer is back to his old evil tricks.








    Here is how Jagex can actually stop macroers without killing players or annoying us to death with 100 different randoms :








    Here's what I'd propose, once a week at a random time, introduce a new random. If the user fails that random, present them with the classic "mangled letters" problem. As long as the images are well generated server side and sent to the client solely as image bits there are programs that make mangled words quite well to the point where no software will succed in decoding it. If the user fails that test then they are temp banned. The mangled letters were removed from RSC because players were so annoyed by them, by only using them in a "only if you fail the first random event"








    Keep a semi-permanent database of all trades conducted with vastly inequitable sides. IE, player A gives player B 10k sharks for 1000gp total or nothing at all. If player A is discovered to be macroing, player B joins him in the ban. Likewise, track drop trades. If player A drops 10k noted sharks and player B picks it up. For this one, you'd need 2 or 3 such drop trades of reasonable value to consider it "A is giving to B".








    Overall, I'd consider this a pretty effective way to manage autoers without really annoying real players.








    Some of my bad experiences with randoms:




    * Anyone ever get a evil chicken while fighting a tzharr ket?! It aint pretty you either have to blow all your prayer on protect from mage and finish of the ket (ignoring the chicken) or just run away




    * Killed a steel dragon, saw I got blood rune drop, then poof! Drill demon, by the time I get back, my bloods are gone.




    * I almost failed prison pete because 2 of the !*!(*@ balloons look virtually identical to my eyes.

  17. 15k autoers banned. Lets assume this is all of them. Some say that so what there are 2.4mil rs accounts. The differenace is the 2.4 mil rs accts are not playing virtually 24x7. 1 autoer fishes 5k of sharks per day.








    Lets say 10% of the 2.5 mil players *can* fish sharks. 250k player can fish sharks. 1 non-autoer maybe fishes 200 sharks per day. Therefore legit players add 4.5mil sharks into the RS world per day.








    Those 15k autoers, lets say 10% of those fished sharks as opposed to something else. 1.5k of autoers * 5k of sharks per day each 7.5mil sharks into the economy per day.








    Supply and demand ppl. If more than half of the supply disappeared then demand will exceed the supply thus driving prices up of these raw materials.








    Long live banning. I've never auoted, never tried to auto, never looked for a program to auto. Banning both the autoer and the "main" recieving the benefits from the autoer is a great thing and will greatly discourage all of those *!*@*! out there that flood the market for raw materials and the level 70 attk/def offering 20 mil for guthans. It stabalizes both ends of the market. The raw material prices go up and the semi rare goes down as the value of the gold piece rises.

  18. if your friends don't know, does it matter? Interest philosophical point that one. Their opinion of you will be unchanged (they dont know you got it). You haven't harmed them in any way, since they don't know. So does it still actually matter?








    Being without many Runescape friends, and being a low level, i doubt the question will arise! Unfortunately








    Ahh, the old, "If there is a cat in a box, until you open the box the cat exists in both live and dead states"








    Seriously though, they have been harmed because they went to go fight the KQ with you with the expectation of sharing in whatever the reward is. Although you could likely keep them as friends by lying, a friend who lies to you isn't much of a friend.

  19. Bones to peaches has gotten a hard rap as being useless. I'd like to point out a few areas where bones to peaches is very very useful to even the highest level players.








    1) Killing kurasks on a budget.




    You get a slayer assignment for 150 kurasks. This is one of the longest walks in the game between a bank and your slayer task. Even with a load of sharks, you'd be lucky to kill 60 before you need to bank for more sharks. Using guthans isn't an option unless you want to run back and forth to the jellies to heal. Bones to peaches to the rescue. Of course you could mage or range them but that can cost a fortune in runes/leaf bladed arrows.








    2) Food on a budget. They heal 8hp and only cost 1 nat. 1 nat = 300gp. 1 lob 200 gp. 25 bones in your inventory and you have 200hp worth of healing purchased for 300gp. Personally I wouldn't do this route because I can fish sharks but for the folks that never leveled thier fishing it might provide some alternative when they're looking for cheap food.








    3) If you don't have guthans, anywhere far from a bank that you want to train at for a long time without banking. Taverly dungeon, melee the hellhounds instead of ranging. If your doing the lesser demons there, there are lots of free bones on the ground for you to heal on. Brimhaven dungeon... fighting fire giants... now you have something to do with those dog bones. Dagganoths if you can't do a dag slayer in one trip. Waterbirth island, etc.








    4) Barrows. You want to get a 300-400 kill count (for some weird reason) but don't have guthans? Bones to peaches to the rescue.








    Personally I only see myself using it in the #1 case but that alone, IMHO, makes this spell very useful.

  20. I'm utterly disappointed yet not suprised by the number of people that see no problem with screwing thier friends over. Most 10 year olds don't have much of a sense of honor.








    None of my IRL friends play runescape, but I have RS only friends. Despite not having an IRL relationship with these people I still wouldn't screw them over.








    Before you and your friends go in, you should have already worked out how the rewards would be split. Something fair would be "he who gets a mega drop" like d chain or d med can keep it and buy out the other's fair market value share of the item. The right to keep was earned by getting the drop (doing the most damage).








    If you and your friends are KQing and some "volunteers" show up, no need to share with the volunteers.

  21. I'm 67 mage now and I've gone to using Fire Bolt in the barrows even though I *can* cast wind wave. Why?








    $$. Using magic dart, I can finish the barrows with 2 1/2 (4) dose prayer pots and 2 sharks. I also burn through about 100 deaths and 500 minds.








    Using Fire Bolt, I can finish the barrows with 3 (4) dose prayer pots and 2 sharks. I burn through about 130-140 chaos...








    Anyone who has 43 prayer and 40ish mage can do barrows. The most efficient kill method for every brother except Ahrim is maging (Although Karil is a ranger for some reason he's a lot faster to kill with magic than melee). If you have 60+ ranging it helps *a lot* with Ahrim but you can subsitute maging ahrim and an extra prayer pot (although 3/4 of your spells will fizzle on him, enough will get through to kill him slowly).








    Now here's the snag... even once you're cb lvl 100+, people still die at the barrows regularly. There is always someone alching at dharok... why? Because Dharok can kill someone even with 99 hp in 2 hits if they let thier prayer run out. People get greedy with dharok, seeing him low on hp... got 8 prayer points left... I'll hold off dosing up the prayer pot... WHAM... person alching has a very good day and picks up your stuff (or the next person to come fight dharok finds your abandoned treasure).








    Melee stats are unimportant at the barrows since protect prayers are required to fight all of the brothers (unless you use a more exotic technique like cannoning or ancient magick). Barrows is all about execution of strategy as opposed to pure ownage stats. All of the brother's special abilities render most of your stats moot except for prayer and mage.

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