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Posts posted by Darkinvader

  1. I havent posted in much in years As i have been keeping a low profile. I just want to play RS but I have not stop helping the community, friends and Jagex until recently this year.








    I am not too shocked by this. As recently it keeps happening to my fellow friends ingame. People are reporting for anything anymore just to be picked as a pmod. The end result is u have newb jmods who dont know the game,dont know the community and dont even know the rules themselves obivousily by whats happening to everyone.








    But they can own up to their mistakes, learn from their mistakes and correct their mistakes. We can forgive them easily if they do this as they are just human like us all. They also have to remember we are human behind the pixels and we too have feelings.








    I am very concern whats going on with all this. Its the end of all free crafting,herb,smithing, ect to help not only lv up but also help those in the community who depend on those with the lvs to make for them.








    I cant log in anymore without hearing complaints from my friends or go anywhere in the game without hearing complaints about Jagex. It saddens me as I have played this game for almost 6 years coming up and been proud to be a huge part of it and as well as helping Jagex where I could.








    I wonder if I will ever have my own problems resolved. I was wrongfuly demodded as Pmod..but allowed to stay fmod for them because of the support from my follow pmods and jmods they couldnt publicly admit to being wrong..but they did that me but didnt even apologised for it. Instead of saving face..they decided to lie and say I resigned when majority of my pmod friends knows that was not true. I would of never resigned. Its totally unprofessional of how it was handled. I have done nothing but support the game, and the company. I have tried to deal with it as professionaly as I can but with no help from anyone and only to be ignored. So where is the years of thanks I got for helping them? Ended cause A jmod upset and couldnt read right and refused to show they were wrong and tried to brush everything under the rug.












    I remember Andrew posting he will try his best to get things organized due to a tipit mod posted its complaints on news. I almost posted on it myself. Things are just getting worse instead of better.












    So lesson in all this? I will stop helping people cause I am not a pmod, I will stop doing things for people such as crafting, herb, cause its not worth 5 and half years of hard work on my char and years of being a paying customer to get banned or blacked marked by someone reporting me and the new jmods not being trained correctly.
















    So true. I'm amazed though I still remember when you Snow fox and Mrs. Crystler became forums mods ::' Yea but heres a little something to show you how bad jagex is,








    Wow and i broke rule one how?[ this was in the middle of a pure war hence the over usage of *noob*] \'

  2. Oh wow a huge wall of you borrowing peoples stuff.








    Are we suppose to bloody [bleep] care? NO












    You wasted a hell of alot of time just to post pictures that prove nothing to anyone. So some of your friends let you hold their junk? Big friggin' deal that doesn't make you trustworthy. I don't care if you say that you "could have walked away with the items if you wanted."
















    Why wasting your time even posting? All those pics of him with other people valuables shows he not a pixel hugging nerd like you :-$ To me it shows like he values a friend over anything else.

  3. Infested with RC pkers between 83 and 91! There have been at least two out there for more than an hour, and several times there were three or four.








    Granted they're all lame (either icing or too low to teleblock), but it's kinda funny.








    Dont worry :wink: Once i get these barrows gloves I'll give them all some free tickets ::'


    Well, don't refer to me as 'kid'. As I'm probably older than you, but okay, thanks for your input.








    Um... Thats besides the point. However, that fact is that you may be older then me, but your level of critical thinking still does not show.








    Then theres the fact that you actually came on tip.it asking for an account name... I mean really, who does that?








    No... just, just no.








    How about you show your level of thinking and post on the subject or not post at all?








    Wow a Moose is pretty funny :-k

  5. It's been almost a year since i've I posted in this thread and you've made some good progression(would have expected more). Not bad though just keep practicing.




    Oh btw just learning to play with tabs will be a big mistake, learn music theory trust me.

  6. I prefered a personal responce I got before...




    Ok, maybe not because Jagex decided to mess up the message centre getting rid of it :/




    Like a billion years worth of messages gone >_<




    Anyway, the reply was something like.




    "Heil Dark Dude!


    Your report level is indeed very mighty indeed, if you spent as long killing monsters as you do reporting people then you'd be much stronger indeed!"




    I felt offended by that =( I think they called me a noob =(




    Lmao, you got ownt!

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