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Posts posted by zammymammy

  1. Playing the game for fun? I make it a point to be somewhat generous (well I used to, before unbalanced trade).


    I was out killing raw chickens for the new summoning skill, when in comes a guy (I won't state names, but he was lvl 117 with a black cav, lava cape, and a whip).


    "I need chickens, kids", he states.


    I don't take to being called a "kid". I worked hard for my level, what makes him so special?


    I point this out, to which he responds, "shh. Don't make fun of yourself, nerd."


    I'm level 90 with fair armor. He's a level 117 with the runescape equivalent of WoW epics. I decided to not argue too much with him (it was like boxing with an armless man).


    But he continues calling me a nerd. I got my chickens, and before I left decided to give out 20k to a level 36 that needed it for a new weapon. I remembered the unbalanced trade rule and declined, apologizing to him. 117 overhears this and responds with, "maybe thats why you have such garbage armor givin money out to people sad sad sad".


    Whatever happened to playing this game for fun? Why can't people be generous without getting mocked? Sure he's a level 117, but what gives him the right to diminish me when i'm trying to be civil and helpful? It's sad to see this kind of thing, high levels that think they can talk down to people because they have better armor, or spent more time on a skill than others. "HEY EVERYONE, LOOK AT ME! RESPECT ME! I MAY HAVE NO SOCIAL SKILLS AND THE WIT OF A 7 YEAR OLD, BUT LOOK AT MY ARMOR!!". Now keep in mind, this is not directed at ALL high levels (I know many that are very kind and helpful people), but come on!


    What really gets me is how this guy appears to play the game just for status, not for fun. You don't have to be high leveled to enjoy the game. Make friends, have fun! Don't spend the entirety of your time lusting after money.


    Whew! Long rant, kind of veered wildly around, but I feel a little better now... :oops:





    seriously i'm 13 and my index finger and ring finger can reach from green to orange easily




    index finger on red, middle finger on yellow, ring finger on blue, move when nesscicary




    (before anyone says that i'm not suitable to give advice i only need to finish One, NotB, and RB on expert)




    Do my curse on Expert. Hurr hurr.

  3. Damn you, set 7!




    Lol, I've made it past 70% on Before I Forget and Knights of Cydonia, but the furthest I've gotten on 3's and 7's is 30 percent. I just can not figure out those wierd chords. And it figures that they would be prevalent throughout the song #-o .




    Maybe being gone for the weekend will gve me some time to recharge or something :lol: .




    Are you on hard or expert? If your on expert and you need help with songs, pm me. I've got strategies for almost all of them. I'll be happy to help :thumbsup:

  4. Just beat Cliffs of Dover on Expert! \'




    Only Raining Blood left + Lou Battle. ::'




    (Btw, I took over the overall groupie lead from ya runescapeloser22 :P )




    wth?! tell me how to beat One and NoTB!!!




    Cliffs of Dover is the easiest song out of that set!!!




    Ok. To beat One, when the solo starts hold down the lowest button on the hammer-on tower and then play the other two like a trill.




    Another Q: On Hard and Expert, do you guys move your hands for all oranges, pinky, or a certain combination of the two? If a combination (which I think is the proper way), how do you decide which method to do, and how often do you do either? Me, I never move my pinky; always shift my hand. It just feels unnatural moving just one finger for oranges and then having to shift it back, and it screws me up. But at the same time I still get messed with the handshifts at at least one point in each song [getting better -_-"].




    So again, for Hard and Expert, pinky, whole hand, what?




    Sometimes, you kind of come up with it on the spot. One tip for you is on hard and expert, start with your hand in the rybo position (last four buttons)


    Only move your hand up to hit the greens. This works for some people and it doesn't work for others. Find out what works for you.


    Also, get used to stretching your pinky to hit the orange. It's required for certain chords (like in my curse). To help with handshifts, try playing Prayer of the Refugee on expert, with the slower/slowest speeds.

  6. I hate the strings of notes that are like O-B-O-B-O-B etc. Sorry, but my pinky just can't move that fast. And if I use other fingers I confuse myself even more.




    Practice makes perfect I guess.




    Take it into practice mode. Those strings of notes are called "trills".


    Go into practice mode, and practice using your index and middle fingers to hit them.


    Probably the best song to practice on is Raining Blood by Slayer.


    Play the "FLOOD!" section on slower.

  7. I've got a ps2 but the GHIII for that one has no online play. But I've got a camera...maybe we could pick a song and I could post a picture of the results...just throwing that up in the air.




    My scorehero name is Failbox for those interested as well.

  8. *clears throat* Alright, here we go. This is actually my World of warcraft PvP playlist but here we go.




    (Not in alphabetical order, or any order for that matter)




    Alpha Twins - The Darkside


    Black Identity - Blckr thn Blck


    BT - Knowledge of Self


    BT - Kimosabe


    Devildriver - Devil's Son


    Devildriver - Digging up the Corpses


    Devildriver - Clouds over California


    Devildriver - The Axe shall Fall


    Buckethead - Jordan


    Buckethead - Warcraft


    Buckethead - Wormhole


    Buckethead - The Cobra's Hood


    Buckethead - Soothsayer


    Buckethead - I can only carry 50 chickens at a time


    Buckethead - Stick Pit


    Buckethead - Night of the Slunk


    Buckethead - Woods of Suicides


    Buckethead - Giant Robot


    Buckethead - Giant Robot vs. Guillatine


    Buckethead - Oh Jeez...


    Buckethead - Spot the Psycho


    Buckethead - We are One (Feat. Serj Tankian)


    Buckethead - Welcome to Bucketheadland


    Primus - The Ballad of Buckethead


    Primus - Tommy the Cat


    Colonel Claypool's bucket of bernie brains - Ignorance is bliss


    Five Finger Death Punch - White Knuckles


    Korn - Wake up Hate


    Mudvayne - Blue Skin


    Rhapsody - When Demons Awake


    Dream Theatre - Instrumedley


    Dream Theatre - The Dark Eternal Night


    Prong - Power of the Destroyer


    Donkey Rollers - Strike Again 2003


    Donkey Rollers - We are 1


    Donkey Rollers - Atrocity


    Donkey Rollers - No one can stop us


    Donkey Rollers - The Fusion of Sound


    Donkey Rollers - Hardstyle Rockers


    Dj Isaac - Impressed


    DJ Zany - Volt


    Dj Zany - Widowmaker


    Dj Isaac - Go Insane


    Zanza Labs - Control the Mind




    Thats all for now, more later?


    *Killing greaters in lvl 45 wilderness, and getting attacked by pure(s) - I could understand running in this situation. If your ranging, you probably have iron arrows, and enough food to survive a few accidental attacks.



    I don't get that part.




    But ya, when people run from DM's its pretty sad. No one has run from a DM with me so far but I'm sure it would suck.




    There are greater demons in f2p, a lot of people use them for ranging/mage training. It's risky because its so deep, but greaters are the only monsters in f2p that drop rune full helmets / scimitars.

  10. Now don't get me wrong, I have nothing against running in the wilderness WHEN THE SITUATION IS APPROPRIATE.




    *Killing greaters in lvl 45 wilderness, and getting attacked by pure(s) - I could understand running in this situation. If your ranging, you probably have iron arrows, and enough food to survive a few accidental attacks.




    *Deathmatches in low level wilderness - This is where I get angry. I have an example that happened not too long ago (although the problem is long running). I'm a ranger, my RSN is oromis38. I don't consider myself a pure, nor do my friends. I come across a guy who is not only a level over me combat wise, but he also has full adamant armor. Ranging people in metallic armor is hard. He agrees to a Deathmatch. No running. He runs out of food and decides to run. Another guy (probably a friend) REFILLS HIS INVENTORY WITH FOOD. He then has the nerve to run after me calling me a noob because I won't fight him again. His excuse was, "I DIDN'T WANT TO DIE!!"




    Tip.it'rs, TL;DRers, this is the important part : IF YOU SAY YOU'LL FIGHT TO THE DEATH, HAVE SOME HONOR AND DO IT. It's just a little bit of armor. You can pull yourself up again, its not the end of the world to die.


    The person fighting you worked hard to get where they are. They earned that kill. Train and try again next time, don't welsh on a bet and run out.




    : Longest post ever >.<

  11. Honestly People. Come on.




    Buckethead - Jordan (GHII version)


    Buckethead - Final Wars


    Colonel Claypool's Bucket of Bernie Brains - Buckethead


    Colonel Claypool's Bucket of Bernie Brains - Thai Noodles


    Colonel Claypool's Bucket of Bernie Brains - Ignorance is Bliss


    Drist - Arterial Black


    Dream Theater - A Change of Seasons


    Dream Theater - Instrumedly (Live at Budokan)


    John Pertrucci - Glasglow Kiss


    Racer X - Scarified


    Scar Symmetry - The Illusionist


    Strong Bad - Trogdor (And then Trogdor comes iN THE NIIIIIGHT)




    (Maybe more when I can think of some)

  12. Honestly People. Come on.




    Buckethead - Jordan (GHII version)


    Buckethead - Final Wars


    Colonel Claypool's Bucket of Bernie Brains - Buckethead


    Colonel Claypool's Bucket of Bernie Brains - Thai Noodles


    Colonel Claypool's Bucket of Bernie Brains - Ignorance is Bliss


    Drist - Arterial Black


    Dream Theater - A Change of Seasons


    Dream Theater - Instrumedly (Live at Budokan)


    John Pertrucci - Glasglow Kiss


    Racer X - Scarified


    Scar Symmetry - The Illusionist


    Strong Bad - Trogdor (And then Trogdor comes iN THE NIIIIIGHT)




    (Maybe more when I can think of some)

  13. You have a point...to an extent. Gold IS being constantly brought into the economy through high alchemy and the like, but it is also constantly DESTROYED, through general stores and when it is dropped on the ground and left to de-spawn. And when new items are introduced (I.E. The Dark Bow and the new Dragonfire Shield) more people are enticed to contribute more to the economy to obtain these items. After someone sells this item, they may spend the resulting money on other items, keeping the flow of money consistent throughout Runescape. Although, on the topic of hoarding items, I don't think this is cause for alarm. An example would be someone obtaining 99 woodcutting. All the logs in their inventory will eventually be burned/sold/fletched and THEN sold. Hoarding rares such as party hats is no cause for alarm, they will be sold or worn and died with, unless the account is banned/locked with the items in them. WHEW! Long post. :-#

  14. the ice queen counts as a monster which uses its fists. the dag mother counts as a monster which ranges, mages, and uses its claws, which are like swords in game. the + bonuses are different








    It doesnt use mage.... and I'm not sure if you are thinking of doing the quest, but the daggonoth mother will ALWAYS do quite a bit of damage. Just use protect melee (because of the high range defense on rune) and you should be fine. There is also a safespot to the south-east of the cave, south of the pool of water. Just lure her to the north of the water and run to the south of it, from there you can use longrange with a bow or use the different mage spells (because of her color changing.) If you have a dds, try to poison her when she has melee vulnerability.




    : phew that was long....

  15. Thanks for the suggestions, and to Bob, I know the reward isnt all that great, but the completed prayerbooks are cool \' ::' And the reason I dont just buy the runes is because im running a bit tight on funds lately....so if I can't buy something I usually just make it myself.

  16. Ok, i need some opinions from some peers. I currently have everything i need for the quest, except there is one problem...the Dagganoth mother.




    Here are my combat stats:




    Attack : 52




    Strength: 50




    Magic : 38




    Range : 63




    Prayer : 41




    Defence : 45




    Hitpoints : 56




    Based on this, do you think I could take on both of the dagganoths?




    Also, because of how the daggonoth is mostly only attackable by magic, im thinking of runecrafting about 1000 runes, 250 of each rune. But as my runecrafting is only at 20, I cannot craft chaos runes, so I will be crafting runes for basic magic attacks. So, any suggestions on how I can distribute the ess equally between the requirements for the 4 basic strikes?




    Also, tips on which food I should bring are also appreciated, and pot suggestions as well.

  17. English please? I understood what you said, about the autoers ( Its a pain keeping up with them, even worse is the fact that they are advancing technologically e.x. opening doors and banking.), but please put some effort into your spelling to make it easier on the eyes.

  18. During march of '06, my dsl was shut off due to a malfunction. During this leave, I was deprived of runescape for several months. Before this time, I cut yews at a low wc level of 61. It was slow, but I made a modest living at 300 each. But upon my return, I was horrified to learn that the price had fallen by 50 gp a log! This decreased my earnings per 1k logs by an astonishing 50k! I haven't yet learned what happened, could someone please fill me in?

  19. Okay, so i'm f2p (might be p2p soon) and i'm lvl 45. I've been to elvarg a few times with the hopes of defeating him, but with no luck so far. I believe its because as a ranger, it's difficult to interchange the dragonfire shield and my bow before the fire hits.he kills me with one hit and i have 40 hp. My range is 48 and my df is 35 (lvling as I speak) and prayer is 26. Any advice?




    p.s. maple shortbow and mith arrows with green dhide vambs and chaps, coif, ammy of power, fighting boots, and a regular cape are my equipment.

  20. I have to say




    at the end of the day




    when you come home broken and bruised




    you cant help feel that you have been abused.




    say I. :twisted:

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