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Posts posted by deathhead154

  1. Bit of an odd war. War was supposed to be a 2-rounder, but...


    First round rules:


    Melee & binds

    Matched opts

    3 range cap

    3 snipe cap

    No dungeon equipment

    No corrupt

    Usual bounds, ect.




    We hadn't been in the war business for a while, and therefore only pulled 11.




    Our tanking was a bit rusty, kudos to RA for great hugging and tanking. We went from 11 to 9 in around 2 minutes, but got our stuff together and ran the counter down to 8-5 for us with some great KO action.


    Second round was supposed to be same rules, but with the range cap being removed. We entered portal, but they refused to drop and just rushed us with dung weapons, so we didn't even bother. As soon as we left portal, they all cabbage-port so, meh.


    Guess we're back, guys :)


    EDIT: I r gud speel.

  2. Starting opts for BSE: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzh.png


    You can see LTH's starting opts too, they dropped down to 17 to match us.


    Ending opts: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzen.png


    Hoo-ah for BSE, after a long hiatus from post-wars, we're back in the game :D.


    Congrats on LTH fighting a very clean fight, no issues on either side (other than BSE stepping out of bounds for a few tiles). The war was very close, and was fairly even until the very end, when LTH started piling one of our best tanks.


    All in all, thank you to LTH for allowing us to war them, and congrats to Bloodshed for its first major victory in a few months.




    ( and no I am not gay, I'd kill myself if I'd found out so )




    Gee, that's a great way to start a topic.




    Anyhow, I find that affection often tends to end conflits. If some jerk and I are arguing, in the middle of the fight, I'll offer a hug. If he accepts, yay, fight's over. If not, the awkward silence tends to break the ice.

  4. To clarify, the crimson, hornless object presented in the Ancient Page most probably refers to the DFH, which is crimson, and hornless, unlike the other pieces of dragon armour ;).












    ........ :shock:




    Aaargh I'm blind!! #-o And you sir, are a freaking genius! =D>


    ...But it does have horns...




    [Credits to darkjab for the avatar]




    Those are more [bleep]es than horns. Horns tend to be the largest chunk of bone on your head, and be on the top of your skull.

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