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Posts posted by billy_bob_rocks

  1. Here Here for more f2p bank spaces!! :D








    And to all you stuck up members (minority of members, dont think im sterotyping here), WHATS WRONG WITH a tiny 12 more spaces for F2P members?! Ive seen pictures of many members banks filled with hundreds of completely usless items, where F2P barely have enough space for basic items. 12 more spaces is nothing compared to the hundreds offered to members.








    So to all you members get down off your 'high horse' and get yourself the reality check. F2P deserves some consideration, as without F2P practically every runescape member would not of started the game, hence the game would not be what it is today with hundreds of thousands of paying players.








    12 spaces isnt much, but it will help alot, so please give your support to this petition, and not try to drag it down with negative comments.

  2. ill try and update what i can




    santas, currently about 25-28mil peaked 30mil 625%-725%


    party hats, out of my league, i know blue is about 450-500mil, thats about it. 726%-806%


    currently easters 13.1mil-17mil, peaked at about 18mil 867%-1133%




    other than that im clueless, and even these guess are no where near the standards of r2




    interesting tho, the runescape enconomy, although still rasing very quickly has slown down, and prices have changed a little as well, with easters and parties outperforming a traditional boomer on santas....lol sounds like to stock exchange... :lol:

  3. i havent really had anything awesoem dropped, i have a few rune lrgs, from ppl dieing at lessers, etc but my best find was easily a bargin buy back in rsc.




    back when easters were 200k, some guy said selling for 20k!, i was the fastest to trade and i got it. :mrgreen:




    Then went to varrock, sold it for santa+100k (easters where worth more then santas back then)




    still got the santa 2 :lol:

  4. I've been stuck at about 4mil in gold for some time now...what would you suggest? because I cannot afford any rares, and I'm f2p so whips are out of the question...








    you most likely may never read this post, being that its about 2 months late, but your only real option is to make enough money to get into the basics of rares, so your only starting point is an easter egg :uhh:


    which starts at BEST 11mill and goes up to around 19mil.... :anxious:

  5. a simple way without using any programs, if you have an old school mouse, take our the mouse ball, and click away, i dont see how you can get banned for that! :mrgreen:




    my mate did that back in classic runescape, with the continuous cliking mining (shiver, i can remember clicking on one rock constantly for hours...) he did this and got his little brother to 'play' the game, i.e. just to click heaps without a mouse ball, while we went to the beach... :lol:

  6. i have bunny ears for both of my characters, but wasnt playing when scythes were dropped, :evil: which i was understandbly angry about, but then again, i was there on the day of santa hat drops, and managed to get 5 of them :D .




    Bunny ears drops were auotmated i think, as i seem to recall seeing about 5 of them near draynor manner, with no-one but me insight, but could only pick up one pair as i only has 'one head' or somthing along those lines.




    But back to the topic of this thread, i would proberly vote for a party hat, as i can whip out the bunny ears, if anyone feels like calling me a newb. 8-)

  7. i have news, and no ive never had a maze, mime, forester or drill and im combat high 70s








    Anyway my news is i got a M.O.M. with a full inventory and he just gave me a present instead, or 40 coins.....i had coins in my inventory...








    I was thinking maybe the Mime, Maze and M.O.M. are separate events, and it makes no difference whats going on in your inventory?

  8. There is the rumor that if you have a full inventory when the Old man appears you get a maze or mime event instead of the box?








    Is this true, does anyone have an experience where this happened. And to all those people out there who have been lucky enough to get the mime event (3 frogs, so many genies but no mime, freaky forester, or drill daemon) did you have a full inventory, or not?

  9. thanks for that but i was more wondering the singular drops for each lvl, as in what does a LVL 79 creature drop, compared to lvl 120, and at what lvl do you stop getting lvl 79 and start getting lvl 120 creatures, hence this is why i was asking the lvl of creature and lvl of charatcer. I would be delighted if you could help me with this.

  10. IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ve looked all over the tip.it site and I canÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t find any guides on the drops/levels of the various random events that occur and attack you.




    These include:




    - Tree spirit




    - Rock Golem




    - River Troll




    - Evil Chicken




    - Shade




    - Zombie








    So could everyone please post on there random events here




    Please follow this format








    Monster type: i.e. tree spirit




    Monster level: i.e. 120




    Your Combat level at the time of the occurrence of monster: i.e. 75




    Loot: i.e. Nature runes (22)








    with the loot please always include the number of the item, i.e. coal (1)








    Here are some of my personal kills and their known loots








    Monster type: rock golem




    Monster lvl: 120




    My combat: 77




    Known Loots: Dwarven Stout (1), Coal (1), earth runes (5)








    Monster type: Tree spirit




    Monster lvl: 120




    My combat: 77




    Known Loots: Nature runes (22),Needle (1), steel axe (1), mithril axe (1), banana(1)












    Monster type: Evil Chicken




    Monster lvl: 120




    My combat: 77




    Known Loots: Bones (1), Raw Chicken (1), Feathers (104), Egg (1)








    Please make sure you follow this format to ensure it is easy to use for other players. Thanks

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