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Posts posted by diverboy699

  1. Wow! Really nice article! At first when I saw the beginning of it, all that went though my mind was "Oh great, another article about scamming/hacking/cheating." I can't specifically say why, but I just feel like for the most part too many people have made articles basically saying "Scammers are bad and should all die." type of thing. But this wasn't like that at all.




    I'll have to say, first and foremost, the idea for this article was an extremely well thought out one. As you stated near the beginning you haven't gone to school for psychology or anything of the sort, but still, you've had some real world experience. And that, I think, may have contributed to the fact that your article was extremely good.




    One of the points that you addressed, was that the very same people in RS were the same ones that out in the real world may not be used to having to listen to people. Whether it be not respecting their parents or guardians (as I've heard before "If you treat them like dirt, then they'll act like dirt"), or they don't care about their spouse, or other family members, they're all the same basic types of people. Ones that may not care if by scamming that the money they just stole will make the other person work back to get what should be there's. And the process of earning back those possessions may be both emotion, and possibly traumatic to whomever is affected.




    But also, as I said before, you didn't go on the route before of "We should wage war and genocide all the people who have ever even thought about scamming/hacking/cheating." You managed to remember another type of scammer out there, the ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅExperimenterÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

  2. :lol: Nice way of numbering the different things people sound remember: First, 2., III, 4th, E.






    But anyway, yet there are some suggestions in the Suggestions forum that REALLY need a 5 minutes look over. Whether they're just one mass of words with no capitalization, punctuation, or paragraphs, to people suggesting the Swimming skill (yay, I swam a Mile/Kilometer, I win 100k!).




    Also, along the lines of the 5th point (or E. Whatever.) there are many parts of the game that doesn't make sense. For instance, how is it that a bronze pick can mine rune? Or are all rocks in runescape the same hardness? And don't get me started on how there can be a "Shadow of the Storm" when there are no shadows.

  3. I don't think I would personally consider it a scam. He couldn't have gotton anything out of it unless he lured you into the Lost City dungeon where you'd be trapped.




    I think he was just stupid/felt like being annoying. We seem to have a lot of those people today.

  4. Personally I try to tell them the rule, but also, a lot of times I end up reporting them. Because its their fault they didn't read the rules. They know they're there. And with all the time people play runescape you should atleast find time to read the rules.




    And also I usually report them on the first time if it's something that might possibly harm me. Whether its websites that may contain keyloggers, someone asking for personal information, etc. I usually report them immediately. No warnings. Because how do I know that they didn't just ask 20 people before me to go to some unknown website. Only jagex knows that so I'll let jagex work it out.

  5. Yeah as you said worlds 1 and 2 have been around for a looong time, but they've never been made official. But also, let me remind everyone of onetime when world 2 was down. After they fixed it jagex made some comment like "Happy trading!"




    And of the 2 possiblilites I think that the first one, although it may take more effort, would be easier. Although you'd have to wonder about possible pking (the abyss for law runners) and where they would go if Lumbridge was taken out...




    So I pretty much think that while this things would be nice to be recognized (like fansites such as Tip.It) Jagex won't do it because of complications, laziness to fix those complications, or just reluctance to accept that the players can actually behave themselves.




    EDIT: The major law running world is 66 (branched out to 99 also). And its a forum based player run opperation. Although now its just word of mouth :( (too many people come without reading rules, or even knowing what to do).

  6. Today I only kind of liked the Tip It Times. With the title name I would have expected something more about, say summer events, ideas for summer fun, or speculated updates. This was more of a Tip It Times that was looking back to recent updates, instead of forward to future updates.

  7. Wow! Just awesome!!! This must seem great for you guys at Tip.It. Definately shows that people appreciate you as a major fan-site!




    Well I'm a bit disappointed that zezima didn't give a bank screenshot, but I understand. People are always trying to "sell" his account.




    Now all we need is The Old Nite and we have a nice little set (lilyuffie would be cool too)!

  8. My reaction to this update in 1 word: devasted.




    Sure the ess macro'ers needed to be dealt with, but what happened to the IP bans they had previously implemented? And couldn't they have done something?




    As said in the article, if you're going to mine for money, iron other ores are faster money and experience. So who would want to get to 30 mining, and become member for a slower method?




    And not all non-member ess miners are macro'ers. Doing this would be like bombing NYC with a nuke in order to get rid of the petty thieves. In the end it won't solve anything, and will just get more people hurt.




    And as a runecrafter this update is looking like it will do nothing but hurt certain areas of the economy. Not just runecrafting. But once the initial supply of stocked rune ess runs out, then we'll have to find a price at which members will mine the ess. And no matter what you say, there is a HUGE difference between the member and non-member economies in Runescape.




    Those higher ess prices (possibly record high) could then trigger one of two things. Rune prices could stay the same, while the ess prices potentially triple from their pre-pure essence prices (making cosmic runes and up a lot costlier to make). That, or the prices could rise with the pure essence prices. At which point training mage would definately become a lot harder. Cosmic runes would certain rise, so using the Mage Training Arena would be that much harder. Not to mention law and nature prices, and I think we all know what they're used for.




    So overall, I think that this weeks update was overkill and unneeded. Right now I just hope Pure Essence prices stay steady, or else who knows what may happen.[/b]




    EDIT: And I liked some of joe_schmoe's ideas. Personally not knowing much about computer programming I don't know how much of what he is saying is true, but his ideas are definately right. Make things that also look at your total level. So just having just 10-15 of each skill would make essence mining for humans fairly easy. But for the autoers with only mining levels, it would make it extremely hard. In that way we are fighting auto'ers in the way they should be fought; with time. Real players have tons of time. But for an account that will most likely be banned by the end of the day, an hour or two would be detrimental. And if it ends up being so inefficeint, then eventually they will fall out of fashion.




    And if jagex gets that idea to work, I truely believe that ess macro's will become a whole lot less enticing.

  9. Cool, but it seems so weird to read a sort of fiction (sorry, I haven't had enough time for the quest) Tip It Times...




    Maybe its because I am too used to the more recent ones, such as "Biased Banning Raises Brows" and such, where it was basically the author's veiw on RuneScape, past, present, and future, or a day in the life of Jagex.




    Well anyway, pretty cool. It sounds like something that would be in Jagex's library of varrok.

  10. Good Article! I liked it, although I wish we could have had a Jagex Costumer Service guy to help it out, though that may have been having our hopes to high.




    I think it's good that you explained to people, that jagex people are well, real people. They aren't just some virtual verbal punching bag, that you throw as much profanity as you can at, but real people. They also aren't AI robots, that answer your every question the exact way you want, down to the letter. They're real people, and they don't (or so I presume) know the ins and outs of runescape 100%.




    While they probably do have a few different sections for Customer Service, they still don't know the fastest way to do something, down to when to run, and when not too. And there are bound to be some things, neither jagex nor they thought of, and at that point, yelling at them will do even less good then before.




    Also you said in your article, that basically the 2 real problematic things in the games are when people (who are only human and can never be perfect) make mistakes (total acceptable), and then the people who then exploit those said mistakes (should be shunned into the darkest corner of hell). And sadly, there will always be these 2 types of people. But that is not without saying that we should just give up now, and all surrender to the scammers, hackers, and cheater's lowly way of personal gain. We can ALL work together to reduce their numbers and methods.




    Finally, I think its good that people should remember to ONLY message jagex when they truely need it. Messaging them to ask about what happened on "Lost" last night, obviously isn't helping anyone (well maybe yourself, but thats besides the point!). Personally I try to message jagex ONLY when necassary. For instance, if it has anything to do with the rules such as falls into "3rd Party download" section, or a question of a Player Mods, that I heard on a fansite, I ask jagex. That way they can answer me, I can trust them, and I won't get banned for saying a website adress.




    Well, once again, nice article as usual, I love reading them! Oh, and according to Jagex's corporate site, (edited off I think) one time said that there were over 3,000,000 accounts on runescape (wow!)

  11. First off, I agree with some parts of your article, but overall I disagree.








    First off. You used the word "Bias" and its other forms in, what I feel, was an incorrect manner. As http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=bias says, the word bias means, "A preference or an inclination, especially one that inhibits impartial judgment." In my oppinion, that means that to be biased is to have some outside reason to do those things.








    Although, I think you more meant that they acted unfair with poor judgement (though not because of an unseen force). As with you friend "Limparse" I understand your point. I even agree and support it. He should not have just been banned. He should have been talked to by Jagex, and allowed his name to stay. It was, in no way, his fault that Jagex did not take the proper measures before hand.








    And with the father-daughter trade, I see where it is unfair. But unfortunately Jagex only saw 2 accounts coming from the same IP address trading (probably one sided too). To them this was probably flagged (probably from the beginning with 2 of the same IP's), and upon seeing a one-sided trade, decided that it "must" be the same person. And unfortunately with the internet, you can't really find out real facts about who is playing, so Jagex just decided to, I assume, ban both of them.








    And finally with the Tip.It banning, pardon me explaining them in reverse order, but they have a partially good point. While I do not agree with the bans, it is good that they are atleast trying to stop hacking and such. They, most likely, made that rule to stop real world scamming, keylogging for things such as credit cards, and of course, your Runescape file. The part of this I do not agree with is the fact that they do it for Tip.It. I'm sure we all remember the "Mournings End Part 2" fiasco. Tip.It made a guide in record time for one of the hardest quests, just to have jagex tell them to take it down. Yet they still wouldn't even admit that we exist!








    Finally another thing going along with the Fansites, I was one of few people to see, and read runehq.com's (another, in my mind, trustworthy site) Player Mod Guide. I sent Jagex a message through their message center, asking about something commented, and what happens? By the end of the night it's gone. No word even mentioned. This later was explain to me (rather accidently) by my Forum Mod friend. I was asking him some things about being a mod, and appearntly they have to keep some things secret (the information in question being about locking threads). But to order around a site you basically think is scum? That's too much.








    And finally (continuing on the fansite ranting) I am mad at Jagex for not recognizing fan sites. Many of these are highly trustworthy, and would rather die than become corrupt. Also many of these like Tip.it, Runehq.com, and RuneVillage.com, help out the runescaping community in many ways! Most of them have fairly extensive Anti-Hack, and Anti-Scam guides, let alone tons of calculators, guides, and tips!








    Well, it's dinner time so I really ought to go.

  12. Yeah, I agree that "The Greed Factor" has gotton pretty out of hand. Upon trying to aquire a red mask 4 seperate people tried to scam me, whether the edgeville scam, or so on.








    And I agree with the last part of the merchant section. Many people see merchanting as unfair, or unethical, and in some ways it can be. It's what gets many scammers the opprotunity to scam. But in my mind, the honest way of merchanting is like ess merchanting. Because hey, if you take the time to get my 400k ess for 91 runecrafting, I'll be glad to pay the extra price!








    And you're right, many skills do not need money to be raised, or turn a profit. Jagex made the skills so you would NEVER need food to get to 99. Of course money does make it faster, but you can still raise it just as well without money to start with. Often times you can also earn enough money to make it a good income.

  13. Wait, would you just be able to go back and get any thing back for free?








    If so, it'd ruin the wood cutting and bow string industries.








    And would it basically save anything you ever alch? Because that might get to be a pretty big list, pretty fast (we have people already at the top xp for fletching).








    And it might mess up the rare market a bit. People alch to raise prices. and get it returned later.

  14. Ahh, I remember when I thought it was "cool" or "in" to be "tpign leik this" but I finally realized, that in fact, it only takes you another 5 seconds to write a post, or a fraction of a second to chat.








    And I liked the fact you did realize, that everywhere is an English Classroom. I mean sure now we don't have teachers that we have to worry about, but your language does change. This reference may be a more localized one for me, but its like seeing someone move from the suburbs to inner-city. If you meet that same person a year later, the way they talk will be completly transformed.








    And personally, now I see making little to no typos as actually the more envious of runescape chats. That way, you seem like you know what you're talking about, and people can just understand you. Like in the Runescape forums, you often times see people writing these long posts, sometimes with No punctuation. And I'm not talking a sentence or two. No I mean multiple paragraph lenght. I usually just reply with a friendly little note to try re-writing it, because, frankly, I can't understand more than a few words of what he's saying.








    Well anyway, I liked your Tip It Times article, it was something that really needed to be addressed.








    P.S. Going along with the "Natural evolution of english" this is not an evolution I'd want. As you may know, many people today around the world (when I say many I mean hundreds of millions) speak English as a second language. First off, I am disgusted, being an American, that many of us don't even have a second language. Yes many colleges are looking for atleast 3 years of foreign language, but if we started in 1st grade, we'd be pretty darn fluent.








    And English is also considered, by many, to be the main language of computer programming. From what I've heard, English just happens to have more words that other languages don't, that refer to computer related things.








    And seriously, if you know that "need=nede" and they are the same length letter-wise, why would you feel the need (no pun intended) to mess it up. Especially deliberately. And yes it is a habit. Even if you think "Oh when I need to type I'll remember to fix up my typing" you actually can't do tha 100%. You can try, but your natural inclination (try typing that with typo's) will always make you mess up.

  15. Sorry if I seem a little annoying for this, but you guys said,








    "This week's Tip.It Times article is entitled "Cleaning away the scum" and should provide some interesting reading. Be sure to follow the link at the end of the article for an interesting discussion on our forums."












    yet it is named "Taking out the trash"

  16. In short, I really liked this one. The writer (sorry i forgot exactly how to spell your name already), did a fantastic job of telling all the sides of the story, and making you feel like you support each character, or each feeling. Like the bit of sadness for the parchment being burned, then the small bit of not liking the change (but still realizing it was still made of the same ideas and principles).








    Well anyway I think this was really well written and, most importantly, enjoyable. Good job!

  17. well actually, its well known in many *true* pro-carpenter circles (basically all the people that made, bumped, and maintained Carpentry threads, not like all the people who post once on the sticky now) that carpentry "came" out in RSC, but everyone was level 1, and there was no way to raise it. A bit later it got deleted. Ever since Jagex has been promising it to us. Oh well....








    Hmm any1 no any good games liek the good ol days of RS? well actually i shouldn't be asking this.... you wouldn't be playing...








    I think Jagex is just trying to get RS to last as long as possible... Hence why J-mods don't really seem to have any personality, there updates could just as easily be written by a computer, and why they have the Jagex shop... All to last as long as possible, as "best" as possible, and so they can milk the most money from us








    And yes sadly i only joined August '04... Another product of comercialization, as i foudn RuneScape from miniclip... Miniclip made it seem like wat ive heard RSC was like...








    Oh well... I'm off to train a bit on RSC...












    And sadly, Jagex is now censoring Tip.it and tip it, but not tip dot it

  18. wow... when i heard bout "the good ol' days" where every1 was friends and every 1 knew who was who, i was just like "w/e that was then and this is now, get used to it"








    but now seeing this article and seeing those news items just really makes me realize how much a pro-customer game it was back then. but now we have millions of players, hundreds of worlds, and to be considered really good ya gotta be a lvl 126...








    but i wish i joined back in '01. sure the autoers woulda been annoying, but oh well...








    This really makes me wanna find a game just outta its beta testing phase

  19. im hopin it woudld come out... jagex said that they woudl have it out by the end of 2005... but im just not sure if i can really trust em








    in my oppionin i liked it better before jagex made a sticky in their forums about it... then only the true ppl would post about it

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