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Posts posted by Loth

  1. The Da Vinci Code.




    Yeah I know it's so mainstream, but I got it before the hype. My granddad has a relative who got it on the release day or something like that. Since then I've read it 8 times. Seen the movie twice. :/

  2. wallet3th.gif












    Skipass for "SÃÆÃâÃâälen"




    Personal discount card for "KappAhl"


    My brothers internet caf̮̩̉̉ card


    My VISA card


    4x500 sek bills


    2x100 sek bills


    5x20 sek bills








    /edit forgot to resize pictures.

  3. If you post a pic. of it and what the source says, I can help. I just need to view it again ;)




    EDIT: NVM, I went back to the lvl. Look in the source. The clue says: COME on! It'll be CLEAR! What will COME CLEAR? I don't know what'll COME CLEAR... It doesn't seem to COME CLEAR. Maybe it might COME CLEAR. Hmmm :wink:




    but wut will COME CLEAR??? :wall:




    ahah ive tried typing in come/clear, come_clear, come clear, comeclear and any other possible combination, but none of them work.




    I don't think you tried the last 1 ;)




    EDIT: I'm stuck on 91... Can any1 help me? :?










    It says hex to ascii. Just get a converter :)




    The url is:(highlight to see)removeit

  4. I'm on lvl 27, the one with the impossible journey.




    I've tried "forever" "ages" "erternity" but I just can't get the right word.




    Some1 gave me the spoiler: "Dude that would take me ..." (not forever but?)




    Please help

  5. I just finnished with nr 13.


    I had alot of fun with these questions, they remind me of the Da Vinci Code quest that is on Dan Browns homepage.




    I'll probably win the grand prize, just because I live in sweden. :/

  6. I would appreciate it if you would stop underhandedly insulting Christianity on every thread that makes it remotely possible. It makes you look quite intolerant.




    http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?p=285 ... t=#2850272




    You post your disbelief about a child dying on a schoolbus in front of someone's eyes and that is okay - but when he posts his disbelief concerning something related to your religion it is intolerant? Sounds like a double standard to me.




    I gave a valid reason for that belief. Merc often just says "Christians are fools" or "the Bible is a fairy tale", without providing any reason, or respect for that matter.




    The analgoy given is also fallacious. Merc isn't Jesus Christ, and he can't go comparing himself to Him saying "I can't do this, so niether can He".




    From the looks of it you just want no one to be able to disagree with you. And that sounds like intolerance to me.




    That is untrue - you missed the first part of my post where I disagreed with Bubsa but also said that I liked his post, and how he thought.






    Of course and so long as we're allowed to believe what we choose to believe, then it's all gravy, baby! :D




    I wouldn't go that far :P some people have some pretty hurtful/hateful beliefs.




    You're saying that you gave a valid reason. Sure the things you say are true if you going by the laws of nature. Which the bible isn't.


    And still the bible is true?

  7. How.. do you have 0 posts? If you posted this.. Lol..








    I'm sorry mate, but im gonna give you a 2/10, you made it, so theres two points, but I dont like it at all, not trying to be mean.








    You don't get post count for starting a topic ;)

  8. I have a bad habbit to bite or chew on stuff.








    I think I've destroyed atleast 50 pens that way. I'm addicted to chewing gum. And I have to have something in my hand to play with. Mostly a deck of cards with I kind of shoot from hand to hand :/

  9. hes supposed to be fat




    the legs are wide becuase he is wearing baggy pants








    i do agree that the shield is to big and the scimmy is to small








    thx for the CC




    more is welcome








    Then why did you give him noticeble abs?








    Try to look at some human anatomy, that would probably help you alot.




    Can you please take out the stolen images? They are ripped (as in, stolen) and I (and i'm sure many others) would aperciate if you take them out of the signatures.








    The backgrounds arn't bad. A lot of them just seem like brush piles, but it's hard to tell when a stolen picture takes up 70% of the sig.












    LMAO dumbest thing i had ever heard, please these are game renders provided by the company for us to use. And they ARE not stolen rofl.








    yes im jlr from another forum, i shoulda mentioned that since i had seen a jlr here. sorry bout that.








    oh and you wanna see a forum that has these things and you might learn




    a thing or 2?








    TYPE THIS IN URL ONLY!! - you might of heard of this already -








    http://www.sigsource.com NO THIS IS SOME STUPID KEYLOGGING CRAP




    its in the top ten sig gfx sites.








    Sigh. That was the dumbest thing I ever heard.




    Yes they let you download those renders, and I'm sure they don't mind if you use them for you're wallpaper.








    However, you're not allowed to remake them and call them your own. Try putting one of those up on a large website or even better try legally selling something with a stolen render in it. They could go to court and sue your wagon.
















    You must have been dropped as a baby.




    Where did I say you were selling anything?








    I said TRY to sell something and they COULD sue you.

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