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Posts posted by Gothique

  1. Favorite Band:




    the Cure.. I guess.. so many to choose from >_<




    I'm not a metalhead so I don't know too many guitarists.




    I'd almost hafta say my girlfriend is my favorite guitarist. She's the only one I know by name. ^_^




    All of you have really interesting taste in music. I like it!

  2. Fall Out Boy is the only emo band I can almost stand listening to...




    Coheed and Cambria need to die because Claudio is the worst singer/songwriter/actor ever. Not to mention his hair makes me want to vomit.




    Yellowcard...*makes vomit and gagging sounds*




    No, everyone who listens to emo has soemthing wrong with their taste in music. I mean WHO can stand [cabbage]ty 3 chord backgrounds with whiny vocals and drummers that (I swear it's true) sounds like they're havining epileptic seizures on the drums.

  3. DCFC is short for Death Cab for CUtie.




    Me I personally love their stuff, and I can almost play Crooked Teeth on bass...




    My favorite album is Plans, totally awesome...




    I want to see them in concert so badly!! Agh! They're playing at Last Laugh '05 (Comedy Central) and I can't wait to see them play... on the television...>_<




    Yay first post!

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