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Posts posted by mystical25

  1. wow that 2nd history is not very good not in the least.. and timmys is good and gives a good understanding of old clans.. but some of its still wrong.. but least these give some kind of history of old clans.. alot of these old clans though have historys on there websites where u can go read about them.. the alliance history I think Iam the only one still around.. I know joe is gone.. and sure alex and cj are too. and seen lucca around. but havent heard nothing from him




    Bk is not trying to be the clan they once were,there trying to become a clan they should have been from the start.Oh and as for Bk's egos growing after a Jag funwar,there was a Alliance free for all funwar,where Gladz hid in the corner to win.Guess they didnt wanna lose :wink: :D








    I dont know what u where talking about but bks was always to I left a community clan it was always a family clan.. when I joined back in 2001 bks had no requirments. bks dident have no requirments to after council was made. and requirments where still low then.
















    1. ask mysty how many times she has left BK








    I left plenty of times I know I did but most of the time I left to get what I believed in done...








    first time I left was because osiris and jb and others where going to delete people who dident meet requirments from the clan which was totally unfair. so I quit to keep them..








    it dident happen that way 1 of the first junior clans where created where these members went to they got the requirments.








    heck I got kicked one time too why because I had phunk attacked.. lol I did it and wont deny it lol..








    it was during the few weeks of constant tracking mks pk trips raimus and me where in the middle of making a truce in the middle of wild might not of been the best place but phunk came up and attacked raimus. I and others told him to stop but he wouldent stop. so I had him attacked to get him off raimus. and I also wouldent get into a fight between agassi and tar and cassie I refused because I dident want to be put in the middle. due to who the people where but nobody would understand that.








    I always had a reason on quiting but thats the main two times I remember. and most of the time I quit was under leadership of jbwhitnall only once when I was leader besides the time i was kicked. and jb wasent very smart.








    and I was forced out I wont go into it since the main person aint active anymore. but I been saying the same thing for over a year now and wont change none ever.








    I will also say I was thinking of coming back a few times but I wont turn my back on the alliance. unlike others.








    and xdx was banned from the alliance. like was said not because of hatred. because he joined and quit so many times and caused constant problems in the clans that let him in.








    and I have never been disloyal to bks I might not be in bks but I have never really been disloyal to bks. Iam loyal to the alliance which I will always will be.




















    I dont know what clan your in these days Erador (i thought you were Jagz but then i seen you with Gladz or The or both, very confusing to me), but surely you should remember someone by the name of M E X I C O? I believe he was also still in gladz even after BK left alliance. That guy was THE BIGGEST bser in the entire alliance. I remember reading Gladz forums and something like half of all the kill pics he'd post were actually alliance members .








    u are in the wrong here maybe u should go back and look. mexico was kicked out and banned from the alliance way before I even quit bks.








    and the reasoner bks was not a waring clan at all to the last year. or soo








    I think the only ones that ever tried to get wars was fos and rb and I always shot them down fast as I could. and osiris only tried getting wars for the syndicate now known as the alliance.








    bks was always a community clan and hopefully will be know again

  3. fos believe me I aint hating on bk again.. just getting the facts straight is all








    and rb lol yes it did but caused alot of upset feeling too on how it was done.








    maybe with a little more discussion it would of went alot easier.








    and bk nub maybe it was before your time lol but bks quite a few did call the alliance alot. like I said i think it was before your time or maybe when you where inactive.








    more then gunner

  4. sabres
















    the wanders




    the old rsd :P




















    death corps








    ps u wouldent believe this but I forgot bks Oohps








    di and ds is waaaaaaaaaaaay to new compared to these clans so no reason to list them

  5. ok kav u want to have a discussion theres 1 complete point that I will point out....








    we left because we didnt like being bsed constantly and then having to come and protect the alliance everytime they got into a fight?












    you forgetting the many many many times bks got themselves in heck of messes in wild and the alliance came and unburied them. I know I do because I was always mad because bks where calling them to come and help.....








    reason I was mad was because I wanted us to die I wanted bks to be taught to fight there own battles without relying on the alliance..








    but everytime there was bks calling in the alliance without permission








    I know gladz and bks where in fault for calling the alliance to help fight battles without the leaders permission








    and it came to be a heck of a problem...








    and to many people thats been in the alliance for awhile including me..








    it wasent about how u put it by saying betrayed








    its being betrayed by a family.. thats why everybody was sooooo mad








    not because u left because everybody was upset that a close family was leaving.. it happens...








    bks need to get off there high horses.. and quit thinking they where the strongest in the alliance....








    not 1 clan in the alliance was the strongest because it wasent the purpose of the alliance.. we where all equal in power if bks liked it or not...








    and I dont know 1 alliance clan that went up and down in power over the years.. including bks..








    gladz the and bks and jagz know this for a fact...








    because dident bks go thru a heck of a rough time after gladz war and tons of people quit..








    its clans nothing will change inless jagex brings in a system but it will never happen

  6. little one you guys had my noob following you guys last night








    there was 10 of u going after 5 gladz








    and all I heard was kill mystical25 shes gladz leader








    first I would like to inform u iam bks leader Iam not in gladz havent been for awhile.








    plus you people walked right by 30 bks mining for are fund for scammed members.








    so wow we are inactive and we had 30 people mining last night and then went pking looking for you all




    and you where gone








    then after we got done pking




    we got messaged








    4 bks smallest 1 being a lvl 99 3 the went back up to help the all the bks where out of wild at this time








    and we totally chase u out of wild








    4 bks where me,stoned pixie, darkchicken, darkedge and then the was annasweat and a few others.








    we have 90 active bks over now because of new recruits








    we have 117 115 112 111 and those are the biggest just to name a few








    so nice to see that me and cass and phunk and kind ninja are lvl 70s








    and bks are coming out of are slump of being inactive in rs








    tuesday night 27 bks where pking




    last night 30 bks where mining plus picked up about 5 bks when we went pking so 35 bks

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