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Posts posted by S00NERfan

  1. Why did the god from the Christian belief do all these crazy miracles like splitting the red sea, killing a whole town, and bringing his son back to life, but now he doesn't do anything cool.. the bible kinda sounds like a story book.

  2. I don't think this is right. Being gay is wrong. It's blasphemy. It's genocide.




    I don't believe they were born that way, but rather their life experiences changed them. It makes me cringe whenever a gay person uses that excuse.




    You can go back to being normal if you want. You can stop going against The Lord if you please. If you can change one way, who's to say you can't change back?




    Go on, flame me.




    If you can make yourself sexually attracted to the same sex then I'll believe you... And I hate it when people just assume that everyone believes in the same religion as them.

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