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Posts posted by pyrodirtbike

  1. ok let me explain this.




    Level 3 moderator- players like u and me, any player is a level 3


    Level 2 moderator- silver crown, players selected by jagex staff


    Level 1 moderator- Jagex staff, gold crown


    God Account- Andrew and Paul Gower, and most of the technical updates team in jagex. Andrew is the main one though




    God Accounts can do anything they wish with the game. they can tele any where on the map, have any stat they choose, create npc's, and spawn items.




    I have seen Paul once, he was not wearing a black P Hat. he was wearing no armor.




    Seeing as how andrew created the game, i guess he could have one, or he could just make one. But i think i remember reading somewhere that there where 3 Black Party Hats in existence, Andrew has one, Paul has one, and 1 was given to the players of runescape. Im guessing it was someone who is really high up there in the stats and doesnt communicate with rs, or fansites because of annoying pms and posts




    Someone got the Black P Hat and quit, keeping it on their account so its still their and will never come off.

  2. Ok, ive been having a few suggestions which i think r pretty good, so in ur reply say anything you wish just:


    1.follow all Tip.it rules


    2.No Flaming!


    3.tell me what you think








    2.RS intermediate




    4.Pest Control






    if u decide to reply(which i hope you do),tell me which you support by saying the numbers, like, i suppport 1 and 3, but 2 could use somechanges.




    any feed back is appreciated




    The dwarves have already discovered the usage of gun powder in high velocity projectiles, so why cant the drill demon's army have found that usage in range training? Instead of having to kill monsters, why cant they shoot each other? The answer is simple, there would be no army left. Maybe with a little help from Jagex, his engineers could find a way to create a paintball bow...




    How to Unlock:


    In order to unlock this skill, there should be a quest. To start the quest you should have to speak with a person whos just in the game but doesnt really provide alot of usage, like the bank guards, or a paladin of ardougne, Jagex should decide, and the quest should be focused around the drill demon. as a reward you should get 50 paint-balls and a standard issue paint ball bow-Also the ability to buy paint ball bows of your respective level.






    The guns themselves should not be tradeable, however the actual paint-balls should. To raise levels, you should have to get a certain amount of coverage hits. As we all know, when you attack something, the amount of hit-points that attack took appears in white numbers inside a red splotch, well when when you shoot someone, it appears in white numbers inside a purple splotch. The coverage hit should be multiplied by 4 the same way combat skills are, however, this skill should not be able to raise combat levels.






    You should be able to shoot anyone any where in runescape, as this cannot kill you in any way, it should also not have anything to do with NPC's. More paint-balls and bows according to your level should be sold throughout RunScape by the drill-demon and his generals.




    More Ideas:




    -instead of a new skill it could be a new mini-game and per each game your team wins you get tickets to exchange for things like better bows and more paint balls, like in castle wars.




    -instead of a bow, maybe sling shots and dye packets, or slingshots and paint-balls (thx to electro jb)




    -different dyes to indicate different things, such as:


    red for stregnth


    blue for speed


    yellow for accurate


    pink for balanced


    (again thx to electro jb)








    ====================RS INTERMEDIATE===============


    Now we all know about runescape classic, well after jagex is done making all these huge updates, no-one will remember runescape the way it is now. so if we "freeze" runescape the way it is now, maybe when theyre done with all the big updates we can still play it the way it is now.




    Jagex could put a link on the main page below RS Classic and label it RS Intermediate, meaning middle. Maybe put 100 of the worlds there are now, jagex should decide. This way, when us kids who are playing Runescape now, have kids of our own, and they start playing runescape, we can show them how runescape was when we were kids. also, some of these updates seem to overwhelm some people, they dont know how to do anything because its to much to do, if you freeze it the way it is now, these people will be able to learn how to play slowly, with out a new update with more stuff every week to learn.










    Bring gods back to runescape, or at least let them communicate with us. Alot of people wish there god would return. Our prayers aren't being answered, and it seems like their grace has left us, as weve had to do over 105 things that they did in the past every day. so jagex, please allow us to communicate with the gods again!!!




    ========================PEST CONTROL=============




    The mini game we all know and love. Although sometimes we grow to hate the established point system. what i am suggesting is that there are a turn in"X points" function, or a turn in"all points" function for pest control, so that you dont have to turn in all of your points to one skill or dont have to wait until you get 100 points to get that level youve been waiting for. I know i speak for us all when i say this would greatly improve the game.








    Ultimate stregnth, incredible reflexes and steel skin aren't enough! people arent really inspired to get there perayer past 43, if they are, its to get it to 52, after that, people just use prayer pots, if there were things like dragone skin, perfect stregnth, and perfecct reflexes, all requiring level 99 prayer, then maybe some peopple will be inspired to get level 99 prayer, or at least raise it. we need more prayers, please.

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