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Posts posted by Neobot

  1. As far as I know Autohotkey isn't against the rules when used within the "1 input: 1 output" guideline (or if it's only used to remap your keyboard).


    So this would mean pressing a key could either


    a) Click the screen

    b) Move the mouse to a point


    Anything more than doing just one of these actions per keypress doesn't fit within the guideline. So you couldn't press a key and have it move the mouse and click because that breaks the input/output guideline. If the program is used to do that it's against the rules.


  2. Ye but I'm playing Minigolf with him right now to slow him down :thumbsup:

    (Kidding about the last part)


    Can I ask something I've been wondering for months.. what does Aasiwat mean? :)

    He is a devout Muslim, it is an ancient Estonian Islamic prayer I believe.

  3. dgs has known all mechanics of a hex for months now and this news was nothing new to them, we even had this discussion last night before the update, bunch of 3bo trolls are probably feeling stupid about now

    calm down son.

  4. That doesn't look like 66k/h rc xp.

    I laffed


    On topic:


    Changing the game for the 0.001% that think this game should have extremely high level content is silly and has killed other mmorpgs.


    There is no point in wasting developer time in something to cater for 0.001% of the player population (heck even lower for those going for 200m).


    Don't expect anyone to care/remember/clap when 200m in everything is achieved.

    I'll care/remember/clap, and I'm sure a lot of other people will as well, heck you remember Zezima and the crowds he'd pull in?

    Besides we have a thread of people who we're first to - 200mil xp in said skill, 200mil xp in everything will certainly be remembered.

    Will you really clap

    I will now haha

    ok I will amend my post to say only you will clap

  5. That doesn't look like 66k/h rc xp.

    I laffed


    On topic:


    Changing the game for the 0.001% that think this game should have extremely high level content is silly and has killed other mmorpgs.


    There is no point in wasting developer time in something to cater for 0.001% of the player population (heck even lower for those going for 200m).


    Don't expect anyone to care/remember/clap when 200m in everything is achieved.

    I'll care/remember/clap, and I'm sure a lot of other people will as well, heck you remember Zezima and the crowds he'd pull in?

    Besides we have a thread of people who we're first to - 200mil xp in said skill, 200mil xp in everything will certainly be remembered.

    Will you really clap

  6. That doesn't look like 66k/h rc xp.

    I laffed


    On topic:


    Changing the game for the 0.001% that think this game should have extremely high level content is silly and has killed other mmorpgs.


    There is no point in wasting developer time in something to cater for 0.001% of the player population (heck even lower for those going for 200m).


    Don't expect anyone (apart from mightymuddy) to care/remember/clap when 200m in everything is achieved.

  7. yeah i know its CC... just im not used to it i guess... noone around here gives it much, and ive just got used to that, heh.








    ok, hmm, this may be hard, but without to much crit on the style (i guess thats what i dont like about you =P) how can they be improved?
















    Less Lensflare (8








    Well keep doing them, they're great!




    I'd say try doing some group shots, a few more dynamic pose shots, and a few different angles of viewing would be nice (8








    Get used to CC, that's all I'm here for and its the best thing you'll get out of someone else commenting on your work.

  8. I love your drawing style.




    The anatomy looks fine to me, What's going on with the feet?








    Its just a sketch :P








    From the anatomy it looks off I think, I know her legs are a bit too muscular in relation to the rest of her body (although runescape does make the character walk around quite a lot of the time and you hardly have to do any heavy lifting :)).








    I'm just not too good with drawing girls and want to make sure its perfect before I develop it and colour it in (8

  9. Need some quick criticism on anatomy, lighting, perspective, balance, mood or anything else?








    Just pop your picture in here for a quick constructive criticism to help push you in the right way. This will help all the artists out there to give their lot on something and get some good things back they may have overlooked.








    So if you got something you are proud to display yet think there's something a little bit off you just can't place your finger on, then post it here!








    Anyone can post, anyone can criticize!








    Remember to say absolutely anything that you think may be wrong, be nice, and not flame, just give helpful comments :D




    When posting just givea brief description of what you think may be wrong (if anything) and what the situation of the picture is (if its a scene)




    Also, no ripping please, this is sincere.








    Here's one to start off,








    It's a girl with Bunnies trying to dislodge her dragon WC axe




    Just need a check on anatomy especially her torso and right light also, if someone could draw the position of the facial features in, that would be great, I'm not too good as this is my first time drawing at this angle, and also drawing a girl, so I need a lot of crit of drawing 'the anatomy' at that perspective >_<.

  10. I knew exactly who he is, I just got off playing Goldeneye on the old '65








    I would not try to create such outrage!




    I see it now :D








    Oh, small crit, give the penguin a beak :P

  11. Try blur out the semi-transparent render near the forehead and keep it pure white in the middle, make that nice and clear.








    Then you can put some sweet quote about a pure mind or something (8








    And then relate it to magic or prayer









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