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Posts posted by x_slayer_765_x

  1. Er, high alch was used often in rsc, me and a friend use to high alch saradomin symbols in the general store for 80 mage.. I never use to see a ton of people in the mage guild using crumble undead on skele's etc as people state there was. Halfing the exp caused the inflation, now you gotta buy 2x more runes.. Who wants to do 2x crumble undeads when you can just alch and actually not lose money..?

  2. The good ol days... just remember NO ONE played in 2000. The game started in January 2001.








    I was there for the all the drops. I started in May 2001. Back before there was rune and adam was the new armor :) Before there was a wilderness and there was no safe place. Muhahahaha








    Alot of good friends back then. Most have quit long ago now. (Some by being banned :S) When I first mined rune I was level 59 combat and Zar used to save me the walk back to the bank from the wilderness ;) I kept low enough in combat for a while though and he kept going until I could just stand there and mine away. hehe (He couldn't mine rune)








    I would have Arris make me 2 handers to sell. He was the 3rd to 99 smith ever.








    !! Its mr Tiddles, its been a long time man. (its slayer 765) Still got me added? :P

  3. how about begging? all f2p noobs would be 99 in one day flat




    Wow if i saw you irl I'd punch you in face... Unless your saying "f2p noobs" as in a group of ppl not all f2pers. I don't really care if there is a new skill because I'm f2p and always will be so it really won't effect me that much.




    cool and i would punch you for being an f2p.

  4. Yep thats DI, i forgot who it was against (rsd?) theres a movie on that war on limewire somewhere - and i keep getting messaged about it to.... very annoying.... anyway, it was in 2004.




    Edit, it may have been the 3 team war, di vrs alliance and rsd or something. i know i was there though :oops:

  5. i personally cant see why u would want to connect it to the 360.. the graphics will be no better for one. xbox 360 as it will use the same rendering engine rs does off the computer.................. sounds like a big waste of time to me.

  6. i personally cant see why u would want to connect it to the 360.. the graphics will be no better for one. xbox 360 as it will use the same rendering engine rs does off the computer.................. sounds like a big waste of time to me.

  7. Wow who bumped this. Omg for the last time, it would take them a lot of effort to increase the cap as the would have to go over and instead of using an int(a type of storage for numbers in java, the max is ~ 2.1billion) type for their numbers, they would have to change it to something like a long(another type of "storage system" in java). This would cause too much stress/work for a very little purpose. =;


    Long integer signed: -2147483648 to 2147483647




    Intiger signed: -2147483648 to 2147483647




    They are both 4 bytes, so no.






    The value of int and long integers vary on where they are compiled. since rs is ment to be a game for people with poor computers who cant play wow etc, due to junk gfx cards they probably compile it on a 32bit system, thus we are stuck with 2.1B ( integer is stuck at 2,14 because of the 32bit compiler.

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