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Posts posted by alkatmsu

  1. I mostly LOVE the bank update. Two things I have issue with though:




    1.) I'd like another update to lock in placeholders. That way I could actually organize/use items I only have one of. If items had a placeholder by default, "Right click > Withdraw all > Right click > remove placeholder" would fully remove the item. Or, "Right click > set placeholder" if placeholders weren't there by default. Maybe a toggle button 'all placeholders' or 'no placeholders' to change the default behavior.




    2.) The bank no longer leaves an empty spot when you withdraw all of something. I commonly withdraw all my gp, then deposit 1 coin back to preserve the placeholder. Now if I were to withdraw it all, it'd deposit back in the end of my bank and I'd have to put it back where I had it. This wouldn't be an issue of #1 was implemented.

  2. I think the new condensed version needs pictures and tips to make it complete. (A picture is worth 1K words!)




    However, I like the *numbered* steps that tell exactly what to do, instead of the paragraphs that have too many things in them all together. It's easier to follow along with the steps, and if I have to leave it I know where I am when I come back.




    Just my opinion.




    Pretty much exactly what I was going to say.




    I've found myself going to other sites (can I name them? Sal's is the main one) to find pictures of quest stuff quite often. I've also tended to get confused in paragraphs of instructions, to where I have to highlight the part I'm working on to be able to keep track.




    So, step format instructions, with MORE pictures than the old guides, would be my ideal.




    I'd get rid of the no macroing RULE. Think about it, if you could macro, would others being able to do so bother you any more? I'd keep the no multi-logging rule though. If enforced, it would put everyone on an even playing field again.
    That was quite idiotic. You're allowed to have your own point of view, but that.. Whew!








    I just love it when people bash someone else's idea with no reasoning for it whatsoever. You're saying that if Jagex were to make autoing legal, and provide an easy to use method to doing so, you wouldn't take advantage? Please.




    i wouldn't that would take the fun out of runescape




    I don't find woodcutting/fishing/mining/flax picking/firemaking etc to be 'fun.' I'd rather be able to set a macro, let my guy gather up all the supplies I need to play, then come home and go fight monsters and do minigames, things I actually consider fun.

  4. A few people have suggested making the RS play area bigger. I don't think that's possible, for the same reason that full-screen play is impossible... RS is already a HUGE java applet, making it bigger will slow down computers even more. My 2ghz computer with 512 RAM gets at least one white-out a day playing.








    Also, those that use 800x600 resolution, the applet takes up most of the screen. If the applet was bigger, it would go past the edges of the screen. Java applets don't change size when you scale a webpage up or down, so their only choice would be to increase their resolution.








    Issues like those lead more to the requirement of either a client of some sort, or a totally new RS (aka RS3).


    I'd get rid of the no macroing RULE. Think about it, if you could macro, would others being able to do so bother you any more? I'd keep the no multi-logging rule though. If enforced, it would put everyone on an even playing field again.
    That was quite idiotic. You're allowed to have your own point of view, but that.. Whew!








    I just love it when people bash someone else's idea with no reasoning for it whatsoever. You're saying that if Jagex were to make autoing legal, and provide an easy to use method to doing so, you wouldn't take advantage? Please.

  6. Okay folks, I took one for the team here and joined members. Diango DID NOT offer me the tree, I had to go back to Shanty Claws to get it. So, anyone participating in the event f2p will NOT have the tree available if they later join members.

  7. I don't really agree.




    That's what makes Swordfish hard to get.




    Else you can choose Salmons/Trouts aswell.




    Experience will go to fast...




    Not my vote...




    You should't be able to choose what you catch using a rod, there's no choice in what will bite. With a harpoon though, you would choose what you stab at, so it makes sense to be able to choose in game.








    I like this idea.

  8. I'm not so concerned with the tree, but will Diango have the hats to return if they are dropped? I'm a former member with an overflowing bank, no room to store it and I don't want to keep it on me forever...








    Also, I just realized that you only need to click the snow pile once and you'll keep making snowballs until you click to walk away, or autologoff!








    EDIT: finished event, Diango will return the hats! Snowballs and shards will disappear from your inventory when you speak to shanty claws, so drop them first if you want to keep them! You can't go back and get more!

  9. I like the gem rocks... I take a chisel with me, and cut all the gems I get. P2P gems I cut into bolt tips, then I keep all the F2P gems and bank them. Making the tips gives a bit of fletching xp, and you can then sell them or make bolts out of them later.

  10. If we're talking a FREE downloadable version, then why couldn't it and the java version parallel each other? Meaning, I could install the good version on my home computer and play it, but if I'm in a computer lab, at a relatives, etc, I could log on to the java version and just play it. After the inital re-coding/modeling of everything, it woudn't be THAT huge a deal to add the updates to both versions at the same time.








    If the downloadable/CD version is going to cost something more than the price of shipping a CD, then I'd want a better game than the java one; meaning first person perspective, faster play, offline play capabilities, etc.

  11. Agreed on moss giants. I trained there solely when I was F2P, then went to fire giants P2P. Now i'm 75 ranged and F2P again and probably won't train it for a while. I wouldn't do lessers. It's usually very crowded, and the occasional rune med isn't as good as constant big bones in my opinion.

  12. It's not a bad idea... IF there was also a better system to control bots.








    Celebi, I see where you're coming from, but even if everyone had 99 in everything, if the rares market was gone, and bots eliminated, every other product in the game would have a different price than in the 'normal' game. It'd be a grand experiment in RS economics at the very least.








    I suppose for a while, TT, dragon, barrows, and other hard to get items would be the new rares market, as more people got their levels up and did clues, the prices would stabalize again.

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