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Posts posted by shadow_hawk

  1. this article was great, it is about 90% corret.




    The stronghold of security was a good update, although the warning signs are bogus... you learn from mistakes. Besides, they dont read them anyway, and if they do, they dont think its that bad, so they go anyway, because their ignorant.




    And yes, most of the community of runescape is still mature, but there are those few who ruin it for everyone and make the game childish.




    Just my $0.02.

  2. I totally support this, it adds another dimension to the game making it more challenging/rewarding at times.




    At the same time it also solve another serious problem, underaged gaming. With this it makes the game more intrecate which discourages younger players from playing and thus improving the game by removing beggars, immature children under 13, etc.




    The only problem i can see with this, is that Jagex will never do anything, they wont fix the bank system in anyway, because their insanely stupid...

  3. ~Unranked, yet you're supposedly dropping over 35M in stuff that you can't weild?~








    What they said ^^




    add a point to the board




    amount of people think he's telling a huge lie-3


    amount of people who know he's telling a huge lie-100% of everyone on here..




    make that 4




    No, make that 5... <.<




    or 6? i hate stupid noobs that have to lie, show us a pic of the stuff! -.-




    #7!! \'

  4. i dont know if im allowed to say this, so if im not plz just warn me because im not sure. You can even delete my post :)




    anyway, theres a big riot on world 66 in fally center, and random mages are tellying ppl to ice plateau and theres massive pking going on there.




    k im getting off anyway, see ya ppl!

  5. bottom line, its a great idea








    cept, youd have the problem of ppl fighting for who will be the leader. if you make it so you request a party and everyone is equal it will work out much nicer. and you should be able to share exp, plus make it so when in the party, no1 can attack each other if not its like making a team in the wild and ppl bsing for fun. the idea of everyone being able to see the drops is a great idea tho

  6. ive got the most amazing idea ever!




    get a firewall that works on keyloggers and trojans, that way you dont have a problem. and dont use stupid passwords that ppl can guess!




    maybe a virus scan that can look for keyloggers also. hows that?

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