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Posts posted by goosey134

  1. In case anyone tell me otherwise i have been PK'ing before 8-)




    In case anyone tells you otherwise, you are obviously a very inexperienced PKer. Kind of like women sportscasters on FOX.


    and that is called sexist with your insults to female sportscasters, learn some basic principles before you insult me next time involving what is what. :shame:




    and to your answer, 7 years =/= inexperiance. 8-)


    I have to agree it is sexist, if he hadn't said ON FOX. The fox sports casters are just people who read paper. They don't know anything, some girls out their do know their sports, cassie cambell for example.

  2. Well, did Jagex say it's for 1V1?






    Honestly, all it is is a place for clans to pray on smaller clans/individuals. That's why they're making the new 1V1 PVP area.


    Good, now i can get pjed all day long until my prey runs to the exit and leaves.

  3. Well, do you think that Jagex is going to fix this to a degree? Will the 1 on 1 arena do the trick? Or will that be luck of the draw?




    Also, I think that the timing of the click could be considered a skill. I know that I was lousy at player killing. I admit it. I did it extremely rarely, but I will say that on the few times that I was killed. I could tell the ones that were good and the ones that weren't.


    Horrah! i can't wait to get pjed in the 1 on 1 bounty hunter! and i can't wait to never win a fight since everyone will always be able to leave with 10 seconds of them starting to lose the fight(no matter what)

  4. Limpbizkit, I read the rules, and that's spamming. :-k




    Anyway, On topic; I dont really find that you needed any brain to PK unless it was a complicated battle between another smart Rs'er, which is quite hard to find in F2P.


    Sorry? :)




    I think people are definatly under rating how complicated f2p pking can be, some of the best fights i've ever had were on f2p.




    Me and my friend took down 6 clan members at once and the rest of them logged on 1 inventory of food each, theres no way you could have done that in multi members. F2p pking took odds, and judgement and all that. Its not just immature pure battles like most people think.

  5. Terrible. Just terrible. I miss the wild. Looking for a fight? Go to world 3 in full rune near the black knights, or edgeville in members worlds. Want a clan mauling go to the hill gaints. Wanna kill skillers, go to the green dragons, wanna risk go to the greaters. wanna kill 1 itemers go to the portals or mage bank.


    Now, wanna get owned by 1 iteming clans? Head to bounty hunter! woo hooo. Want to risk with no possibilty of a gain? Go to bounty hunter! Want to wait in a room for possibly hours go to bounty hunter! Want your target to portal out as soon as they see their about to get attacked? theres bounty hunter!


    There is no skill in bounty hunter, just mauling, no playing the chances, just lose, no reading the levels, its all you against the world.


    How is Jagex violating its own principles?



    Mainly by claiming that those under 13 are not allowed to set up new accounts while simultaneously marketing the game towards those same children. This makes their "no under 13" claims little more than lip service to appease their lawyers. They are encouraging children to lie in order to sign up for the game.




    Then there are other areas.. such as claiming parents should be responsible for their kids' gameplay but providing them with virtually no tools to help them do so; saying they greatly value an online presence when J mods are scarcer than hen's teeth; and a lot more.










    SAYS YOU, with your self-claimed CYNICAL mind. They are no more actively advertising the game at pre teens than at people aged 60-70, show me some proof, other than a picture of a guide from 5 years ago, which has an age description of 7+ (or w/e), because thats no proof at all . I'm sure WOW/Guild wars/any other game ever is this socially responsible and creates 'tools' for parents to monitor their childs activity. SHUH(this means yeh right!!!!!). Seriously its a game with almost no marketing (read NO MARKETING) and yet you are saying its 'TARGETED' at kids, thats not a strong arguing point.




    The problem i REALLY have with this article is not the content of the article but the responses to it from people like you, making ridiculous, unsubstantiated claims and then going omg the community suxors. [bleep] and moaning like 4 year olds about a poor community is the definition of irony, and thats all 99% of the posts on this thread are. I put it to you we have seen the dark side of Runescapes player base on this thread, from the ex-player who 'suddenly realises' the game sucked and can't compare to w/e flash in the pan game they found this month and can't help but tell everyone who plays RS that they are losers and playing a crap game, to the people who play going 'omg haxors, community blows its like Jagex really wants kids to play it r a fact based on how stupid everyone is and young, unlike me who r smart'. Thus endeth the tale.




    "They are no more actively advertising the game at pre teens than at people aged 60-70, show me some proof, other than a picture of a guide from 5 years ago, which has an age description of 7+ (or w/e), because thats no proof at all ."




    1- Miniclips


    2- child aimed books buy a child aiming at author(cant think of anything better but you know what i mean)


    3- child oriented game magazien articles






    and whens the last time you saw a great big runescape designed computer cozy at a knitting be, or a runescape fan club run diner? never, runescapes not advertized for people over the age of 25 really, you dont see runescape articles on tsn or martha stuwert to advertise to older people. you see it on kids websites and books.

  7. I find this article however well written to be utter rubbish.




    It is based on the over populated view that the community has had some sudden crash. The community is barely altered all the way through rs, sure f2ps community has died but so few of these "kids" become p2p tomakemuch difference.




    People just notice now and the RSC players are so reminiscent about the good ole days they make it out to be better than it was.




    As for the pre-teens its utter rubbish again, sure there are SOME,but since you have to be 13 (12?) to make an account the community is not made up of all largely kids now. Personally I have only come across 3 players under 15 in my time on rs.




    As for it being "easy" anyone can claims its easy if you sit here and use tip.it for every last quest and skill bit of info going. Try doing something for yourself and see how easy it is.




    It was no easy task for me and around 9 other players on RSOF one morning to figure out the ghostly robes after discovering the first ghost. It tooks as several hours to solve the clues and realise there was 3 routes.




    It was no easy task for anyone who did me2 before the guide came, anyone who knows me knows how good i am at puzzles and it took me 8 hours to solve.




    Even quests as low as medium difficulty require a good amount of skill and game knowledge to do without a guide, as you actually have to deduce what to bring where to go etc etc.




    ROFL! Do you have any idea how ridiculas this sounds, is their some sort of electro-shock thing programmed into the keyboard that stops 12 and under players from selecting 13+? not last time i checked...

  8. You know I agree with the article but the bottom in Jagex is a company and need to make money.




    Why shouldn't they cater for, as the author put it, there biggest audience slice.




    That said I am 26 and do get a bit annoyed with all the kids at times. People who follow you for help on a quest just because I have a quest cape. Is it that hard to to figure out? Is it that hard to find a fan site?.




    I've said for a while Runescape need more servers. Part of the members speil on the site is "more room to train more skills" yet recently member worlds have been more crowded at peak times than f2p worlds. Anyway I've rambled a bit, Jagex needs to make some adult servers. Members who pay by Credit Card/Debit card should have a tickbox option to access adult servers where there is no censor, maybe a bit more swearing in quests, blood effects and maybe other graphical differences. This would be like the German servers. As the option would need to be ticked as you make the payment parents could decide if they wanted there kids on these servers so everyone would be happy.




    jagex will never realise adult servers, and as for making more members servers, jagex wont make more untill their bulging at the sides, servers cost big money, which makes you wonder why there are more f2p servers, more less crowded member servers would be a draw to f2p players

  9. Brilliant post in my opinion, although i was only 12-13 when i started playing most players back then did know their place, rarely was there a person on that would be so obsessed to fuel the autoeing fire, "this is boring, i'll just get my mom to buy me a couple mill from autoers" and while they were still around they weren't so plentyifull...




    The main point of this excellent tip.it times is that the respect between players is no longer there, unless your like level 110 with as much money as most people would ever need and decent stats, you get no respect. A lvl 3 is a no-good noob, in todays game people think its just and autoer or pure(99.999 percent are nowadays) and zezima or any other high level is just someone with no life. People just see other people as npcs, not players who enjoy and play the game the same way they do.

  10. This article is ridiculas.


    1) there is no ''honour'' in 1 iteming, 1 itemers are simply noobs who want to gain by risking nothing its like saying hey i'll draw up the plan for robbing the bank but you have to do all the hard work, they fight people who actually risk something and waste there resources




    2)the ''prayer noobs'' that get called prayer noobs are the ones who fight 1 on 1 and then pray.




    3)most of these points are common low level wilderness curticy.




    4)you never under any circumstances attack someone after they've fought a fight, thats just low taste and should be punishable by ip ban




    5)anyone who consents to a fight and runs is dishonourable,




    My advice you don't like the unwritten rules of pking dont pk. I have a feeling i would eat a running,preying 1 iteming peice of noob like you for breakfast




    the only thing you got right is the part with the freeze and attack just so you know

  11. I repeat that i doubt this is true, on acount of many points








    -using people to ''micro'' isn't microing there is a person behind the computer thus they aren't microers and they aren't breaking the rules until they sell there goods




    -if the so called ''master'' were smart, at least internet smart he could do on 2 computers what 30 humans could do on 30 computers and the 2 computers only cost the amount of a good high speed internet and a half decent computer.




    -at 1.5$ per mill they leave a very small bit of profit for the ''master'' were talking 50 cents to a dollar profit on each mill and as non members that coming every 3-4 days TOPS (from yews at least) they wold be some of the poorest masters around i know that for sure( talking without an army about 10-12 dollars a week)








    No matter how ''sad'' it is you can't ignore those facts, i don't buy the fact that you somehow recorded the intire conversation with the slave ether.




    You've probably been fooled by a skiller noob.

  12. I dont think this is real.








    #1 mass gold diggers or whatever you wanna call them write there own script and run multiple acounts on various good computers (yes it is possible)








    #2 they no use broken english when talking people they spend so much time reading english and typing english and all that they learn the correct way to use it , but not the grammatic reasons behind it like childeren








    #3 if this isn't fake then it makes no sence in the least because you have your timezones messed up ''we do it while you sleep''that makes no sence to put in they might as well of said '' i do it in the middle of the day since thats when im awake.








    #4 his wages = unrealistic ,now sweatshops, each peice of clothing is bought for $15-$30 and that take 40 cents of materal + what there being paid, if he gets 100 logs per day 3k=1 mill he gets 1 mill per month and last time i checked 1 mill goes for 7-8 dollars... he gets 1.5 dollars per month by your reasoning or whatever i see there being no profit for anyone in this situation(as in the owner of the company thing) once you add a computer and internet which mean your fully off, but i may have gotten mix up so heres my annaylises me f2p cutting 250kp/d 250k*4=1 mill 4 days =1 mill( this is 12 hour days or so at 81 cutting ) 1.5$ per day , and i still see 50 cents of profit for the owner in 4 days now consider i make 50 cents every day easily by walking down the street with my hands in my pockets... wow for this to be anywhere near profitable there must be millions of player run gold diggers in each warehou to make any money at all for the owners...

  13. "Instead of cooperating with the fansites and third-party developers, Jagex has once again apparently decided to go it alone.








    I have no idea what's behind these rule changes, but I think there's some wrong-headed thinking going on at Jagex Towers. I suspect they saw the loss in revenue caused by the bandwidth demand of the dynamic sig servers, and the potential loss in revenue caused by third-party users not clicking on all the advertising-bearing pages and came up with a "solution" that covered all the bases."












    I just want to say 2 things:
























    2:Jagex needs to make money just like any other company, they probably do make a lot more by forcing you to click on pages with advertisements to switch worlds, but what would you rather they do? up the cost of membership? you have to realise they only pull in 5 bucks a month from maybe a million people TOPS. Look at WoW they pull in 25 bucks a month from 7 million people....You have no buisness sense whatso-ever




    This , this is funny, ok. Do you have ANY idea the kind of money that the smallest add may or may not bring in? Heres an idea for you, for 1 commercial gatoraid paid crosby 90 MILLION DOLLARS thats right 90 mill for that cheesy fruity 5 second appearence when he throws his stick on the great big pile of sticks runescape adds wouldn't bring in that much but still.




    And there a gaint difference between runescape and WoW for instance Wows graphics don't suck runescape do, WoW qualtity game runescape , sure isn't that high a quality... If they charged 15$ to play runescape i would litterally laugh my rear end off ...right before i clicked the exit button .








    Look at WoWs expences , look at runescapes...in the same ballpark? you better beleive not. 2 hugely different games you can't compare them

  14. i wouldn't be surpried if even part of this article is pulle, though i completly agree with whats being said








    And whats with all these dang quests, they can't update a skill somehow so they go right ahead and make 200000 freakin more useless quests where you gain 1k an 1k theiving experience , goody gum drops thanks jagex rewarding me 1k xp and 1k gp after spending 1 and a half hours and fight swarms of people to do this quest! no wonder this game is of such high quality


    im a person that kills anyone they see including people who wont lose anything when the die so i cant say anything about that...( its a reflex when you ssomeone you can attack you should , the first attack really does matter)








    ummm heres mine , when your solo pking ( member or non-member) and you run into one of those undisaplined mini clans and you run into non multi ( so as to not get owned) you turn to fight and attack one you start to own and they run to multi where theyll attck you , naturally you run back to non multi then yu end up being attacked by someone else, and by the time your out of food you've fought and probably owned about 200 pjing noobs , and when you run so as not to die they say ha ha owned noob,








    or then theirs those noobs who tele, not a large problem in members but it is in non members , someone who just can't lose their rune simmy so they protect it and tele because at level 100+ you just can't afford to surrender your simmy , and often give up your man hood to keep it... ( i never tele i hate it i wouldn't tele unless i had an unbeleiveably large sum of money on me ( as in 100 mill+)

    so that means u wouldn't mind losing full d with whip in wildy?




    yeah, wouldn't mind it, but a few things








    1)name 2 people that bring more then 4 mill in items into the wild at once




    2)name 1 person who brings full dragon in




    3)i wouldn't be dumb enough to bring full d and a whip




    4) i don't bring teles because i think its cowardly ( even if it is just a game its only pixels) so i would never have to choose between teleing and dying

  16. im a person that kills anyone they see including people who wont lose anything when the die so i cant say anything about that...( its a reflex when you ssomeone you can attack you should , the first attack really does matter)








    ummm heres mine , when your solo pking ( member or non-member) and you run into one of those undisaplined mini clans and you run into non multi ( so as to not get owned) you turn to fight and attack one you start to own and they run to multi where theyll attck you , naturally you run back to non multi then yu end up being attacked by someone else, and by the time your out of food you've fought and probably owned about 200 pjing noobs , and when you run so as not to die they say ha ha owned noob,








    or then theirs those noobs who tele, not a large problem in members but it is in non members , someone who just can't lose their rune simmy so they protect it and tele because at level 100+ you just can't afford to surrender your simmy , and often give up your man hood to keep it... ( i never tele i hate it i wouldn't tele unless i had an unbeleiveably large sum of money on me ( as in 100 mill+)

  17. so this happened at the greaters i charged in and i saw this lvl 28 and heres my convo with the noob








    noob: please don't kill me




    me:i couldn't if i tried




    noob: oh really...




    me:you better beleive it sister




    noob: ha ha ha ha ha ha you cant kill me




    noob:you cant kill me








    after about 20 minutes of him fallowing me and me getting 4 simmy kills i got the bright idea to bring my pure in and kill him








    my noob:now i can kill you




    noob: i'll own you




    my noob: yeah right




    noob: you smell i'll own you with my 25 strength




    my noob: your right ,dang my noobie 57 range!

  18. kamykazy you want people to leave you alone ,not flame you and talk to you in a calm respectful manour ,but wait... didn't you come onto a thread meant for respecting the memory ,cherishing is you will , of the old nite? Also didn't you flame this whole thread and the people on it ,and disrespected him saying he shouldn't be remembered. although you weren't respectful it wasn't nessicary for people to flame you asap and as harshly as the first one was.

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