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Posts posted by Oy_the_Great

  1. Watched the Barça game against Athletic yesterday, and they played awesome, as I expected/hoped. Ibra looking sturdy, Messi was wonderful of course and Bojan alert to the horrible passing from the defenders, hehe.


    http://www.footytube.com/video/barcelon ... ug23-21048 if you'd like to check the game yourself. Great website too btw.




    And I've got a question for any of you football-maniacs out there: if you could create your own dream team, the starting 11 and possibly also 7 subs, what would it look like? Given the facts that players would not have a problem with each other and would already know each other's playing style as if they have been playing together for a long time. Players would also not have a problem being on the bench and all of them were in excellent form.




    Here's mine:


    1/ Buffon
    2/ Tomas Vermaelen
    3/ Glen Johnson
    4/ Essien
    5/ Iniesta
    6/ Ronaldo
    7/ Ibrahimovi?




    A balanced 4-3-3 with tons of class, can't go wrong unless they're called Madrid.


    Yah, only the world champions. :|


    3 years ago...


    That team is pretty much still together I believe. I can only think of Nesta who has retired.




    Actually, I agree with Pan here: Italy was at least one of the 2 best teams in the world 3 years ago (I thought France was better at the time), but in football, and in any sport, 3 yrs is a long time. Players like Zambrotta, Totti, Cannavaro, Toni, Gattuso, Camoranesi, Materazzi and this year even Buffon are really going downhill. The only 'oldie' that I still consider world class, is Pirlo. The same for France: several of their former core players are now approaching their last playing days and they are obviously not as good as they once were.




    If you've seen the games Italy played recently, you could notice how Zambrotta, who was renowned for his speed and both offensive as defensive qualities, is seriously lacking on all fronts these days. He gave away possession far too easily, could no longer keep up with the pace of younger players and generally failed to reach his old glory. And that goes for most of the Italian team. They should give their younger players a chance, because, -although Lippi disagrees here- they have quite a lot of talented youngsters. Giovinco is inspiring and could be a very useful creative force in the currently uncreative team (without Pirlo they wouldn't even spot a chance when the goal was empty). Then there's Balotelli, who might become a world class striker if he can control himself a little more, both on and off the pitch. Giuseppe Rossi and him together would be a very complementary pair of strikers. Then there's Santon, that wing back from Inter, who has proven he can compete with the very best this year. And De Rossi, Aquilani, Barzagli, Palombo, ... are all players with great qualities that can go on for at least 6 more years. I don't understand why Lippi, or their former coach (forgot his name) never tried them out after Italy kept struggling with over aged players.




    Oh, and my top 5 would currently look like this:


    1/ Spain


    2/ Brazil


    3/ Argentina


    4/ England


    5/ Holland




    I wish I could add France to it, but Domenech is the worst thing that happened to France's international football since Zidane quit, and before that.

  3. The French aggorant little [kitty]? Really Reb, don't be so ignorant yourself. .


    Haha. Hahaha. Funny man we have here.




    You mocking someone for having a different opinion just proves he's right. Besides, on what do you base your judgement of the French, or any other people as a matter of fact? Have you lived in France for a significant amount of time, and if yes, have you visited various places? Do you base your knowledge of Europe on the same newspaper and TV channel you probably consult every day, or have you actually been there and formed a non-biased opinion of our behaviour?




    The only reason why America gets the hate is because they're the loudest.


    You know why America gets all the hate? Because everyone else is sitting in a frikkin' armchair, watching America do all the dirty work while making sure to point out every little mistake (or lack there of) along the way.




    Iz not cool >_>.




    My god, that must be the answer to all of our problems. Let the Americans do all the dirty 'work' that we are too afraid of doing, even if almost none of it is an actual problem and definitely not when their 'help' is unwanted. I mean, if the US of A hadn't stopped Communism, we'd all be filthy commies by now, because 'Nam surely stopped those commie bastards. 40 years later there are only about 2 billion of them left and thanks to that the whole world knows our peaceful democracy now works. And let's not forget how helpful they were for all the people in Iraq the last couple of years. And how they used their power to at least try to stop other unfair conflicts like Gaza.




    Seriously, no country in the whole world needs any aid from us, powerful and (what we call) civilised nations. Except when they really call for it. The only humane solution to trouble like oppression is by showing those nations the benefits of ours, by trading with them, not by invading them and forcing our views and political systems upon them.




    If you believe you actually helped the Iraqi people, I suggest you ask a thousand American soldiers who were there themselves.

  4. I would have agreed with the redundancy of these threads concerning those killings, or any tragedies for that matter, but when it happens close to you, you'll feel different about it. Besides, if you don't like discussing the horror of it, be mature and discuss the nature of this killing: is it not surreal that the killer was dressed up as the Joker from the dark knight, acted exactly the same towards the cops after he got caught and doesn't seem to give a crap?


    I find it pretty nauseating that some people can't separate fiction from reality. Makes me wonder whether extremely violent video games and movies should be allowed still.


    The kind of people who would do something like this would do it regardless of inspiration; he could have easily mimicked another movie, or a video game, or even past figures (i.e. a serial killer or historical figure). Extremely violent video games and movies don't make it difficult for people to discern fantasy over reality, they are a mere source of fantasy. If they weren't there, these kinds of people would find some other source of fantasy.




    It's true they'd find another way of feeding their fantasy, but it doesn't have to result into the same mess it did now. I am pretty convinced that the depression of this guy would result into him committing suicide instead of killing so many others if violence wasn't so often portrayed as 'cool', as it is in all action B-movies. I'm not talking about the Dark Knight though; I'm talking about the triviality of murder and other violence. I find all the apathetic reactions in this very thread evidence enough that society lost some basic values concerning respect for another person's life. Perhaps those apathetic reactions are because we get numbed by all the horrible news we get every day. But I think that a lot of violence is somehow justified by the criminals because they've seen and heard so much of it that they lower their 'natural common sense barriers' that would stop them from committing a crime.


    Of course their are nutters always, but I doubt this guy is: I think he's just very very depressed, sick with life and probably blames society for it. He didn't have a psychiatric past anyway. So that's why I wonder if the same thing would happen if violence wouldn't be in the media, in films and in games so often. And don't get me wrong, I don't mean to forbid all violence, because it's part of human nature, but toning down the extremes* wouldn't be bad IMHO.






    *=with extremes I mean:


    Games that make you slice throats of children in a peaceful village, punching the mothers and grandparents to death first (saw some very disturbing footage of such a game earlier this week)


    Films that make it seem as if killing someone is cool and needs no real motive. Also extremely violent films like Saw or all other movies that make it seem that torture can be cool and satisfying (even though the majority of all people are sane enough to find it disgusting)




    It's of course idiotic to go any further: boys will always like to play with toy soldiers, but that's because boys like to prove themselves. Those toy soldiers could just as easily be toy dinosaurs. It doesn't 'lower the barrier' like I said before.

  5. BTW, for the guy who said neutrons, pretty much everything has neutrons in it.




    Just single neutrons, seperated from protons + electrons.




    It doesn't occur in nature, but neither does lots of stuff that could be suggested.




    Actually, the phase a star is in right before it becomes a black hole is a huge mass of neutrons: all electrons will have been compressed with the protons to form neutrons. The density of the star is immense, so big that eventually it becomes a black hole. And AFAIK, you don't want to get close to a black hole for funsies.

  6. I would have agreed with the redundancy of these threads concerning those killings, or any tragedies for that matter, but when it happens close to you, you'll feel different about it. Besides, if you don't like discussing the horror of it, be mature and discuss the nature of this killing: is it not surreal that the killer was dressed up as the Joker from the dark knight, acted exactly the same towards the cops after he got caught and doesn't seem to give a crap?


    I find it pretty nauseating that some people can't separate fiction from reality. Makes me wonder whether extremely violent video games and movies should be allowed still.

  7. Since I'm feeling upside down by this tragedy, I'll repost my question in this thread:




    I know that a lot of these violent killings occur all around the world, from disturbed teens shooting randomly at school to targeted assassinations, but this one struck me, not just because it's in Belgium, 10 miles from where I live, but because it's truly absurd.The article I posted is only the summary of what happened: Eyewitnesses told the press they saw a young man dressed up with white make-up, black eye shade and red hair, covered in blood riding a bicycle. He got arrested, ridiculed the cops, acted bizarre and kept laughing out loud. The children and adults in the day care that survived are so badly mutilated that the plastic surgeon concluded he must have had an axe, not only a knife. And yes, they found an axe later on in his backpack.


    Does this ring a bell to anyone? I'm shocked to realise this heartless murderer based his alter ego on the Joker from the last Batman film.




    edit: a man working in the day care that tried to stop him just died from his wounds.




    PS: this is NOT a sensationalist thread about another massacre; my point is that many of these killings seem to be infused by other similar killings, films and video games. I used to be very sceptic towards the accusations of the entertainment business of giving lunatics ideas, but I don't think you can doubt about that any more now. This particular case being more than evidence enough.

  8. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/24/world ... lgium.html




    DENDERMONDE, Belgium Two children and an adult were killed and 12 others slashed in a knife attack at a day care center in western Belgium on Friday.




    The attack occurred about 20 miles northwest of Brussels, near the town of Dendermonde.




    Christian Du Four, a local prosecutor, said at a news conference that a man rode his bicycle to the Fabeltjesland day care center, entered and immediately began slashing adults and children. The two dead children were younger than 3; a woman working in the day care center was also killed.




    Theo Janssens, a social worker who arrived about five minutes after the attacks, said: People were screaming and crying. There was blood everywhere. Babies were crying. People had children in their arms. They were bleeding. One of the children was already dead.




    The assailant then walked out of the center and got on his bicycle. He was apprehended by the police at a nearby supermarket shortly after the 10 a.m. attack, Mr. Du Four said, according to The Associated Press.




    Dr. Ignace Demeyer, who was coordinating the medical response to the operation, told reporters that 10 children arrived at area hospitals with serious stab wounds. All required surgery, and all were now in stable condition.




    This was a particularly violent attack. All the kids had multiple stab wounds on their legs, arms and all over their bodies, he said.




    He said two adults also required surgery and were in stable condition. Nine of the 21 children who were at the center at the time of the attack were unharmed, he said.




    "People are totally in shock," said Leene Du Bois, a spokeswoman for the regional government of Flanders, The A.P. reported. She said the man suspected of carrying out the attack did not appear to have any connection to the day care center.




    Local police did not identify the assailant, nor did they give any biographical information about him beyond his age between 20 and 25 years old.




    One of the day care centers staff members told Belgian broadcaster RTBF that the attackers face had been painted with make-up. Other local media reports said that the man arrested was a local resident of the area with a history of mental illness.




    Sharon Otterman contributed reporting from New York.




    I know that a lot of these violent killings occur all around the world, from disturbed teens shooting randomly at school to targeted assassinations, but this one struck me, not just because it's in Belgium, 10 miles from where I live, but because it's truly absurd.The article I posted is only the summary of what happened: Eyewitnesses told the press they saw a young man dressed up with white make-up, black eye shade and red hair, covered in blood riding a bicycle. He got arrested, ridiculed the cops, acted bizarre and kept laughing out loud. The children and adults in the day care that survived are so badly mutilated that the plastic surgeon concluded he must have had an axe, not only a knife. And yes, they found an axe later on in his backpack.


    Does this ring a bell to anyone? I'm shocked to realise this heartless murderer based his alter ego on the Joker from the last Batman film.




    edit: a man working in the day care that tried to stop him just died from his wounds.




    PS: this is NOT a sensationalist thread about another massacre; my point is that many of these killings seem to be infused by other similar killings, films and video games. I used to be very sceptic towards the accusations of the entertainment business of giving lunatics ideas, but I don't think you can doubt about that any more now. This particular case being more than evidence enough.

  9. Lifetime republican, voted for Obama today. I did it for the rest of the world really. Billions of people off shore prefer Obama to McCain. The United States has a huge affect on the world, therefore I figure the world should have some say in the election.




    By the way, I don't care if your for Obama or not, American or not, whatever. Watch his victory speech, its one for the history books. So full of morals, strength, and done with no notes or teleprompter. Best speech I have ever seen:


    http://www.foxnews.com/video2/video08.h ... xnews.com/


    I never realised your thoughts were republican-coloured Trapical, and that's a good thing. Thoughts too blue or red are never good thoughts. You voting for Obama is probably the most noble thing I have seen in this thread, thanks for that.




    Btw, may I ask what so many people have against socialism? Is it the words of your families echoing through, or the cold war still playing a part? Don't get me wrong, or don't be deceived by my avatar, I'm a Christian-democrat, but if Marxism, or socialism for that matter, were actually compatible with human nature, I would definitely be a lot more left than I am now.

  10. The afternoon before I started playing runescape, must be over 7 years ago by now, a friend of mine was rolling a cigarette but kinda messed up, stuttering the legendary word 'oy' in the process. Because I'm a history fanatic, and because runescape required a nickname longer than 2 letters, I added the Great, which I must've thought sounded cool, referring to Alexander and Charles (Charlemagne). Now it just sounds pompous and ridiculous, but hey, I'm not the only one with a silly nickname.




    What about Frederik?


    Don't care so much for Freddy, all he did was bash some great philosophers and musicians after they had worked for him.

  11. The afternoon before I started playing runescape, must be over 7 years ago by now, a friend of mine was rolling a cigarette but kinda messed up, stuttering the legendary word 'oy' in the process. Because I'm a history fanatic, and because runescape required a nickname longer than 2 letters, I added the Great, which I must've thought sounded cool, referring to Alexander and Charles (Charlemagne). Now it just sounds pompous and ridiculous, but hey, I'm not the only one with a silly nickname.

  12. Are you dense?




    Obama is helping lower and middle class famalies, and making sure that the richest of the rich aren't given breaks. Someone really ought to stop this madness.


    Ok, I'll say "spreading the wealth" instead of socialism, since socialism consists of more than just that.


    So Obama is spreading the wealth. Which is bad as well.




    And I did read the article. Although Obama is making sure the upper class isn't "given a break", he is also raising taxes on them. So it isn't like they aren't being hurt by this.




    The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.




    Why is spreading the wealth bad?


    Are you freaking joking? Take a lesson from history buddy.


    I'll repeat NoMore's question: why is spreading the wealth bad?


    And this question comes from a Belgian guy with a Christian-democratic point of view that was raised by rich parents with a conservative background.

  13. [bleep].


    I doubt he'll be running a country at all by the end of his term. If a president can't respect the lives of the most innocent of people (children and elderly), how do we expect him to run our damn country.




    Uhm, what? Are you saying Obama delights in disrespecting children and elderly? Or is this just the heat of the moment that causes you to overreact?


    It's 5 AM here, but this moment is just as glorious as the 9/11 moment and all its following tragedies was a horrible one.


    I certainly hope your English is bad, or did I just hear you say that the murder of thousands of innocent people by those cold blooded, psychotic, murdering bastard fanatics was a glorious moment in history?


    Nope, it's your English that is bad mate, try reading it again.


    You know something's wrong when the 3rd language of a Belgian kid is better than the 1st language of an American.




    Anyway, I've always found McCain a very respectable republican, of whom I felt was obliged by his party to change some of his more liberal points of view. Now I'm amazed by his profound and respectful speech, and must give him credit for that.


    I would see Obama do the same, contrary to what some other guy said before. Even if Obama would have lost and demanded a recount, it would be with good reasons, because he was the favourite with a huge lead in the polls.

  15. Yep, 297 vs. 145 electoral votes: Obama will lead the US into a new age ::' :thumbup:




    I laugh at this.




    To be fair, congratulations!




    We're [bleep].




    That's good for you. I hope some day you'll find a spark of light somewhere in the cavity of your heart sometime and not loathe everything that isn't going your way.

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