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Posts posted by HiddenTruth

  1. Wand + orb is higher dps, staff has higher initial hit & takes only one bind. At your stats, you'll probably be pure maging anyway, so use hood + wand + orb + runic top, train defence.


    For ranged, desperado, for magic, blazer, ranged is worth using but not if your magic is 2 tiers higher.

    Nice, thanks for the answers!


    And for wand + orb would I just be autocasting or actually using abilities?

  2. First off, my stats:

    85 Attack

    84 Strength

    87 Defence

    87 Range

    99 Magic


    Items currently bound: Gorg 2h, Gorg Legs, Gorg Plate, Runic Robe Top, Runic Bottoms, Shadow Hood, Celestial Staff + Orb + Wand, Grave Shortbow


    Which is better, Celestial Staff or Celestial Wand + Orb?


    As for class rings, which should I upgrade? Currently I've upgraded berserker for melee but I'm unsure which I should upgrade for mage. Also, is range worth using at all? Should I switch out mage even though I'm already maxed and have the best weaps for it?



  3. With the price of herbs and secondaries at the moment, I definitely would suggest making higher level pots as Q said. Of course making energy pots or prayer pots can be cheap but from 45 to 90 herblore you may burn out due to the sheer amount you have to make.

  4. At what point do we stop chastising people convicted of sex offenses, and allow them to integrate back into the community, albeit with controls. I mean, if we are going to go out and say "well he's set up a website based around a game that children play, thus is attracting teens..." is there anything we can't apply a round-a-bout logic to, in order to pull the same argument? Lagex have every right to protect their interests, but to publicly out him - again - after doing his time, well, I don't see that to be a moral action at all.


    All they had to do was say "we have removed Gold status from RV for a breach of terms" or some legally vague pile of rubbish like that. Instead they have unleashed a lynch-mob.



    This pretty much sums up my sentiments on the matter. Hopefully everything can get resolved over at Runevillage.


    Now Jagex, how about removing all those bots?

  5. Farming is most definitely one of the easiest. You plant and walk away. I think herblore is pretty hard unless you have a decent farming level or a lot of money.


    That's exactly what makes it hard, hard to level up. You can train it all at one time such as say fletching.

  6. I think it is just sad how greedy a lot of people are in this game.




    Well by safeing you making it pretty much impossible for the other player to have a chance to kill you and earn a few 100k, so your overprotecting your pixels. While usually the opposing player is not safeing as much as you. That seems a little greedy to me.




    ^^ Thats another way to look at it, which after writing i don't really completely agree with :S. Choose whatever side you want.




    No you are just making it harder for them to kill you. That is the law of the wild, kill or be killed. Pardon us for doing everything we can to be the killers and not the killed. Why shouldn't we do every possible thing to stay alive? Calling a person a "safer" is a stupid thing to do. Do you honestly expect people to allow you to kill them? :-s So go ahead and call me a "safer" all you want I'll be the one who's laughing when you're in Lumbridge/Falador and I'm trying on your armor. \'


    +1. That was an awesome point. I hate people who call me safers...


    QFT here. I find it stupid when people call me a safer, first it's teles (against teleing) then what teaming? Now safing, no that's just stupid, worst thing that happened to me is that I got called a safer when I didn't eat a single piece of food while I made the guy eat over 5 times when he was close to being red barred.

  7. Even if they said typo, it doesn't mean dragon pick isn't going to be made, I still believe one day dragon pick is going to be released, I remember they said they weren't going to make dragon full helms but look now. It's just a matter of time if anything.

  8. I started about a month before the halloween [Caution: Jagex Rule Violation] came out. Can't remember if that was 2001 or 2002.




    I've take two breaks that were over a year, and one that was two years. I just came back this past march.






    I'm almost up to 4 years on rs :D

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