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Posts posted by dhkiller

  1. My character had his first break ever since 2 years.


    Just had a quizmaster from bandits :). I was like Omg! finally mime!! after all those years!!! (and 96 combat lol). Had some lag and I was sitting in my chair.. for 2 minutes.. I was like: omg finally... Then I got a fricking quizmaster!

  2. The face and the left leg on the dragon armour guy are pretty weird, and the obby shield is a bit small




    On the second guy, the dagger and shield are kinda small, and his left hand is weird, also the arms shouldnt be bent that way




    The trees look pretty good, but the stars in the background are way too big. Also, is the 1/4 circle in the left corner a sun, or a moon? It looks like a sun, usually moons are drawn in their full form, not just at the edge. And the color is too sunny.




    But pretty nice for a first one, although there's a lot to improve.






    Yeah I also had something like: geez that looks like a sun.. and yes that dagger is small.

  3. well find a better skin tone...pink doesnt work for me..frankly..it aint sexy..if you look the obby sheild is waaay to small..and color in the patches around the whip..its white :shock:




    true, true.. I had a hard time on finding a skin color.. and yes the obby shield IS small.. Gonna change it all..

  4. ........




    forgive me for the following words...




    WHAHAHAAH, pmg the legs, whahahahah omgzors.








    on the other hand... did you made this with paint?




    ifso its a pixel sig :)








    Yup, paint. Also you need to know that I myself find this pretty crappy too. So I can take critisism. And do you know any good programs for this? :?

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