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Posts posted by Brum_Brum

  1. prices will rise again but very slowly... my friends one ofwhom is lvl 73 has spent 25 mill on this skill and has nothing to show for it.. he thinks to get to lvl 90 is gona cost another 50m or so.




    if you think about the number of players who will be going for 70-80 a lot of money is gona be taken out of the economy so unlike with other updates like farming.. were money was just shared around the economy, there will actually be less supply of money now so less people will buy santas and thats how price falls.

  2. lol i bought 250k essence the other day, cuz i thought that 29 gp was cheap ( i had been on holiday for a few weeks so didnt know that this was actually quite a high price ) and then got really depressed when it was impossible to sell unless i made a loss of like 1,5 mill.




    So as I was concentrating on herblaw and cudnt be bothered to sell it i jst left it in bank.




    morale of the story ... I LuV the UpdaTe :P Cuz ive made about 5 mill off it (going by current prices)

  3. TIP: if you think that the ingredient things u need are very hard to get... if you click off the speech boxes after martimer tells you what u need, then it doesnt seem to register that you have spoken to him. Then if you go and dig up another skull and talk to him again he will give you different options..








    i did this by mistake the first time, but found it usefull.

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