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Posts posted by 888Link

  1. I highly doubt it'll be glitched, at least not to badly, for 2 reasons. 1, because of the incident that happened with construction. And 2, there's no player vs player involved. I really can't think of anything that could go wrong. But then again, you never know. I'll probably head in with like 20 lobs, mabye some tele's and full rune. I doubt anything bad will happen.

  2. I have to dissagree for the most part. While giving away free stuff to needy people sounds rewarding and heart warming, it really isn't. I just spent the last hour or so giving away 20 sets of iron to low levels in lumby. Though I did it through trades, not dropping. And I must say, it's more work then it's worth, and it's not worth much except for your own satisfaction.




    Every trade I was meet with low levels not responding, or trying to give me random junk for the full iron. It was really annoying to the point where I yelled out. "God, can't a guy do a good dead!" I would have just dropped it all, but I wanted to give full sets to people who were training hard, and working hard. And after giving all theses iron sets away, what do I get. Not a single thankyou from 1. Hell, I didn't even get an abbreviated ty, or a thanks, nada, nothing, nothing at all. I'm telling you, that's the last time I give out free things, the very last time.

  3. People it's simple. If you don't have enough money to buy a rare, then don't worry about it. If you'd rather have stat boosting armor rather then rare hats or masks, then go for the armor. Nothing's stopping you. But leave the rares alone. They aren't hurting anyone. Hell, if it wasn't for rares, a hell of a lot of people would have quit runescape a while ago. It gives people a goal to work towards. And it's also a way to show off your wealth. Cause we all know we can't go around trading with everyone in runescape and showing them that 100m you've got.......






    Though I do have a solution for the raising rare prices. A shop that sells rares for a certain price, set about 1m-10m over the current rare's price. Though, the shop wouldn't be easy to get to, or easy to get access to. There would be a huge quest that you'd have to complete, mabye similiar to the fight caves or something. But something thin out the low level players. The shop would keep rares in check and around their current prices. And because of the fact that the shop would be hard to get to, it would make it still possible to merchant rares, since the price range would actually increse.




    That's my oppinion and suggestion on rares.

  4. Everyone here saying that they wouldn't do the same if that happened to them, are bold faced liars. You can't possibly tell me that if you had the chance to go on a huge killing spree, you wouldn't. I'm not even talking about for the money, just for the fun.




    Every single one of you here would jump at the chance to be in his shoes for a day. While I admit some of us would handle the situation a little bit differently then Duriel did. But you can't tell me that you wouldn't kill a single person, not even for money, just for fun.




    If he was really in it for the money, he'd of gotten a crap load of barrage runes and barraged the crowd like crazy. Which, yes he did do it a few times, but for the majority of the time he was using melee.




    He's just like any other teenager. He got caught up in the moment and had the time of his life, I'd imagine. You can't blame him for being human. Though I'm not saying he should get out scott free. He should be punished, but not an IP ban.

  5. I'm f2p (though It's not becuase I'm a cheapscape or don't have the money, my parents just don't trust anything over the internet, whether it's liscened or not.) and here's some stuff that I'd love to see.




    1. More bank space, even if it's just like 4 or 5 slots, I'd be happy.




    2. Team capes, nothing more anoying then accidently attacking your own teamate.




    3. Colored boots, I mean, we've got colored gloves, so why not the boots. I'm not even asking for armored boots, just some more boots so you don't see everyong walking around with the same brown.




    4. Enchanted rings, right now that's just a waste of a slot for what your wearing. Though I'm saying high level rings, just like up to rubby, mabye like diamonds, but I'm not particular. I'd be happy with enchanted sapphire rings




    5. Snare. As of now, the low level bind is almost a waste of runes. By the time you can even get an attack off he's unsnared, which in my oppinion is completly pointless, especially if you pk solo, like I do a lot of the time.






    Though here are some things that I don't think f2p players, like myself, need.




    1. Castle wars/duels/other minigames. While these would be some of the first things I'd check out if I ever got members, I really don't think f2p deserves it. Heck, this is one of the main draws for people to become p2p, so it'd be pointless for jagex to move it to f2p.




    2. Member's skills. They're called members skills for a reason, because only members can use them, and are able to use them.




    3. Better armor/weapons. While I would love for them to put in a lvl 50 defense armor/weapons for f2p, I just don't think they should.

  6. Actually runescape does sort of come in handy in real life. I'm not talking about the skills or anything, I'm talking about merchanting. Many people make their money in real life litterly by just merchanting goods. And runescape is a good trainer for that if you think past all the colorful pixels.

  7. It's a fake. Look in the box where it says follow. Right underneath the red, you see the bottom tip of the letters of the dude's name. Which is colored in dark red. Meaning, he just changed the side thing to say lvl 50 and blotted out the name.

  8. Yeah, so way to take my creation and give it out to everyone. And I was having fun amazing kids with that.




    And before you say anything, yes I was the first person to find this out.




    I figured it out the morning of the easter event, probably around 9:00 EST.

  9. I had fun with that ring. But not to confuse noobs, but to confuse others with the ring. I was one of the first few people (if not the first) who figured out how to slide with the egg. And I had loads of fun rolling around with everyone asking me how did I slide.

  10. I love scammers, as strange as that sounds. Nothing brightens my day better then messing around with some guy trying to get your pass. My recent scam convo. off the top of my head.




    Hey I'm a member of the Jagex Staff


    Really, you too!!!!!!


    Yeah, I can upgrade your account to members free of charge.






    That's amazing.


    Yeah, All I need is your pass.






    That's amazing!!!!111!!!!11!




    But before I give you my pass, I need you to do something for me.


    I need you to get me a jelly filled dounut. But, not Blueberry, go for strawberry, they taste better after soccer. And I also want a new car. Nothing to pricy now, just one that I can sell for a reasonable price, you know, a lexus or something.


    Allright, just give me your pass.


    But not a black one, go for red, it looks much cooler in the sunlight.




    And then he logs out, and I report him. So much fun.

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