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  • Location
    nsw austraila
  • Interests
    runescape, hanging out with firends, body boarding, making others laugh
  1. can someone please give me a good pure melle guide i would like to have another pure but i always been a mage and dont know how please post ty
  2. i dont think it is. becaus eits the standard price for them after reselling if you had like an extra 5% + on top of that i think it would be
  3. it seams that runescape and real life both suffer from the same thing, the greed factor. but if your not with me on this then answer me this "we all complain about greed but really it does help us in many ways, for example countries may want to stock up on a certain resource that may be only found in developing countries (i dont know why they would but anyways) people would notice the increase in it and they would start buying more of the same resource pushing its prices up and then in return helping that developing country. but then again it has the oposite effect as well a well delvelopt country like america or australia etc could put up their prices on something that developing countries need." you know what im just contradictinig myself now. meh oh well i guess its got pros and cons. (dont forget even though stuff poor countries depend on may be high we just wipped all their debts so i guess it was a win win for them except that there all poor and stuuf) GOD can i not shup up thats it im done
  4. he got it deposited it then later on he found out it was still in his bank acount a while after changing to male. i talked ot him to day he said it would only let him put the apropriate clothes on for the right gender so my apologies he does have both but can only wear the right one that goes with his gender.
  5. white long dress and umm i dont know white top with a weirdness at top of arms near sholders
  6. lol i have a friend who started as a girl and got a princess outfit then sex changed and now has a prince one too so its funny when u walking with him and he's got his dress on lol
  7. i know its old i found out about it ages but i only just joined this forum as my post count will show and btw what about all the newbies they may appreciate it.
  8. i dont know if any of you have noticed this befor ebut on tutorial island the only stat you cnat raise to lvl 3 is magic, i have found the answer what u do it get the 55 air and mind then drop them adn do this until u have 40 of each on the ground then pick them up so they dont disapear then drop them again and repet till u have abut 60 of each i find does it. now u cna just blast those chickens till ur lvl 3 magic adn leave with all stats on 3. (except if ur a pure) reply if u new or didnt know this so it keeps it going for others to see at least for a day or so
  9. Yea sorry about the whole jumping to conclusions thing. i can understand what your saying, i used to have a file on this when i was about 14 and i lost interest once i found girls and going out, i now have 2 jobs and am a volenteer fire fighter. i find this place (runescape) a place were i can chill out from society though and get away from the social sceen. (does what i just said make any sense??? lol) anyways i would also like to say once creating a new file and reentering falador i was quite amazed with the new update in the city kudos to you jagex staff now it does look like a white city protected by the great white knights.
  10. i take back what i said i worte that without reading every reply posted in this topic and i now see your side (dr elephant) and Puddin_tane's but i still have to agree more with puddin_tanes side of the argument that the both of you are having. ok i said my bit im done now (slowly backing away from the convo into the shadows)
  11. What the hell!!! you find it a interesting little social experiment heres a good tip for you. runescape is a game it is in no way a social place to have a life. go outside and go to your nearest pub or club and meet some real life people. That is what socialising is, meeting new people and having conversations face to face.
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