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Posts posted by sweetybird

  1. I thought this was great reading. I don't usually post but this really caught my attention. I used to handle beggers by talking to them so badly that they called me meanie and ran away. Then I started talking to low lev ones, and some of them just need help. When you first start RS it is huge and you have no idea what to do. I am a chic so when I started a lev 20 I think guy took me under his wing and taught me how to do skills and train.




    I never begged however and never would.








    However, if someone wants to know how to get to lumby? There is no harm in telling them how to read there map. If they need help with a quest I tell them to look here. If they don't know how to get money I give them a bronze axe and tell them to cut trees and sell them to the general store in lumby. There is no quick way for low levels to make money just as there wasn't for me either. I worked my skills and never did start really making money until I could fletch and alch yews.




    The point of our game is to work your skills and the higher you get the more money you can make. This is easy to explain to noobs. *Wink* When they say there to lazy, you then laugh at them and tell them that is why they are broke and always will be.

  2. suspectye2.th.jpg


    does paypal actually send emails, or is this yet another failed attempted to get me to cough up my details?


    anyother people get emails like this?




    I went through this with Pay Pal which I use a lot. Pay Pal sends out few emails to you and they always adress you by your correct name. You must have an account to recieve emails from them. When they change a policy or something they send you an email. But as stated above, never click a link in an email unless you know exactly where it is taking you. If it was from pay pal, log into your account with them, go to help section and then send them the email so they can stop the person sending it. I believe it goes to *Spoof*@paypal but not sure. All this info is on there site..

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