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Posts posted by Tosi

  1. mine would be taking my 89M cash to dag kings by accident, while skulled, forgetting guthans spear, used up my 10 laws for telegrab, and died losing guthans, infinity boots, mages book, 9k deaths, minds, 2 drag axes, 1 berserker ring, and a seercull bow...and obviously my cash.....stupid me




    Lieing... unless it only took you 20 minutes to get to the dags, fight them enough for two dragon axes and a zerker ring to drop.

  2. Do not waste your pity on this pathetic excuse of a RS "player"




    For those of you who aren't aware already, I've been a user of the #runescape IRC channel on the GameSurge network for about as long as I've played this game.




    "Tosi" as he calls himself on here and on there, pretends very well to be your average trustworthy player, but very quickly was discovered to be trying to pry personal information from players, relating to their recovery questions. He has been banned permanently from our channel for quite some time now, and even when he was given a chance to redeem himself, he ended up getting banned again.




    If Jagex didn't detect all the out-of-game scam attempts you've pulled, serves you right that they found something else to ban you for.




    Just my 2 cents on it. I'm not 100% sure what the RSN was of the Tosi I encountered, but from what I'm told on the channel, these two are one in the same.




    So owned. So very owned.




    Yes... Very owned I am. I decided to stop by #runescape and clear some things up. It seems, along with Jagex, I was banned for no apparent reason and they dont like to admit it. This convo was with Xero, the one who banned me from #runescape in the first place.







    What do you want?


    Just some clarification.




    I'd like to how I am a known cheater/scammer


    It was an op decision, and that's the decision that was made. Your accounts have been perm banned from runescape as well, you have no purpose in our channel.


    My runescape account was banned for a false reason as I was banned from #runescape


    When did I ever scam/cheat anyone?


    How about stealing rann's D Chain?


    How about that guy is full of it? Did you see what he recently posted? Now, along with his D Chain, its seems I also stole his red party hat


    I haven't even seen a D Chain (in trade window/inventory)


    I read the tip.it thread, and I have to say there is a lot of stuff that doesn't add up Tosi. You may have been falsely banned for macroing, but it should have been for Account Trading, Account Sharing, Multiple Logging


    Account trading and sharing?


    Rann said himself that he has played the account TosiLX, therefore implying sharing.


    The only logical ban reason for my brothers account would be multilogging, yes, we multilogged all the time, playing at the same time is now a crime just because we are relatives?


    Tosi, I'm not going to debate your childish antics with you, you were banned and that's all there is to it. Move on, there's nothing here for you anymore.


    Jagex has rules for a reason.


    Don't break them.


    I didn't break them, what childish antics are you referring to?


    What it seems like here is that you just don't like me and I've done nothing wrong at all.


    I'm not trying to be the bad guy here, I don't know why everyone thinks I'm this big bad person.


    And this is not an attempt to get unbanned, just for you to stop spreading false rumors and plagueing my name with your filth.


    Oh? How am I plaguing your name?


    ((Unbrokenxero) Tosi, known scammer and cheater, enough said.)


    I don't think I posted anything on your tip.it thread.


    I was the one who typed the ban.


    I know you were...


    a long time ago.


    you triggered it when you joined.


    Right, even then I was not a "known scammer/cheater"


    This conversation isn't getting you anywhere, so I'm done. Bye.


    Way to avoid the questions that need to be answered, I love how you just want to admit it. You banned me for absolutely nothing, nothing at all, Jagex must be rubbing off on people.


    Playing the ignoring game are we? It seems all the 'childish antics' are coming from you, good day.





    So very owned huh?

  3. Do not waste your pity on this pathetic excuse of a RS "player"




    For those of you who aren't aware already, I've been a user of the #runescape IRC channel on the GameSurge network for about as long as I've played this game.




    "Tosi" as he calls himself on here and on there, pretends very well to be your average trustworthy player, but very quickly was discovered to be trying to pry personal information from players, relating to their recovery questions. He has been banned permanently from our channel for quite some time now, and even when he was given a chance to redeem himself, he ended up getting banned again.




    If Jagex didn't detect all the out-of-game scam attempts you've pulled, serves you right that they found something else to ban you for.




    Just my 2 cents on it. I'm not 100% sure what the RSN was of the Tosi I encountered, but from what I'm told on the channel, these two are one in the same.




    Who are you in chat? And if you didn't know my ban was sorted out with Shirl and a few other admins. There was a 'situation'.




    and rannmann, I don't know you lol. First you say I stole your dragon chain and now I've stolen your phat also? Stop changing your story lol





    I was going to make a new account, a pure, because Rapman was going to help me with costs.




    Ive had him about a week and today I bought members for him.








    Hi B A N,




    We regret to inform you that your account has been banned due to the character name being deemed as offensive to other players.




    In order for this not to happen again, and for you to be able to play RuneScape with another character, please refer to Rule 1:






    You must not use any language which may be considered by others to be offensive, racist or obscene.






    RuneScape Customer Support




    This is total cabbage and Im super A)*ETHF&WE*WEGF( ing pissed.




    I had that account at 20 40 1 already, wow.

  5. I usually don't post... or even read these forums, but one of my friends said something about TosilX, and this thread being hillarious... Of course I've had my run-ins with TosilX... I don't play rs anymore, so I'll come out with it... ALL of it. Near the end of my RS "career" I suppose you could call it, I began heading down the black market path. I came across a lot of rs money (at the time about 115M, now it'd be around 330M), and was planning on selling the mils. If any of you wanna try this, I just have to say DON'T TRY IT! It's not worth it. I sold maybe 8M and I got scammed out of a red phat, d-chain, and a few mils. Not worth it. But here's where this part comes in. A person I met on ventrilo was willing to give me one of his accounts (he had at least 4), if I would let him borrow a Dragon Chain for a few days until he sold one of his accounts. Well... I let him. He gave me the TosilX and recoveries... but guess what!? The recovs didn't work, and he stole the account back along with the d-chain. Hrm... go figure. At the time I was still rich and had two d-chains, so it wasn't too big of deal. The reason I did it was to try rune mining. I don't beleive this story one bit... He was an wagon on vent, scammed me out of 28M, and actually gave me this account at one point. You'd think Jagex would notice the IP changing from one place in the US to Alaska in about 10 seconds. But TosilX SHOULD be banned for account sharing, account trading, and real life item trading. If I remember correctly he also keylogged people... but that part I cannot confirm. There were a lot of people on that vent who keylogged and I have a hard time keeping the straight after over half a year of not talking to any of them...




    Anyone remember the swift-switch.net keylogging scam? Those were some of thet people from that vent whom TosilX associated with, and called his "friends". Don't pity this kid, and moreover, don't give him any of your hard-earned money/items.




    And you are...




    I haven't played Runescape since the day that RS2 was officially launched and didn't return until late Febuary.




    I would actually love for you to post proof... And who said I was asking for items? I don't need them, if I don't get unbanned I'm quitting.





  6. It still stuns me that I was banned for macroing.




    Let me repeat, I was banned for macroing and yet my skills hardly differ (36 slayer) from when I played RS1.




    Unless I 'macroed' those 36 slayer levels... It seems I haven't really been macroing at all.




    UNLESS of course I managed to make a super advance auto staker bot that just sat around world 2 or 18 trying to stake people.





  7. I HIGHLY DOUBT it was because you use the same internet. Jagex does not actively search everyones accounts for ips that match to my knowledge, that would be a rediculus waste of time. They would however, if you were reported for account sharing.




    What I believe happened, was your brother said something in public or private chat, something like, "BRB getting on my sisters account" or something like that. A random person then reported him probably.




    I think part of the "new detection system" that the system flags accounts that are linked from one IP and then the customer support team looks into it from there. What puzzles me is that if my brother was banned for multiple logins, shouldn't an account besides his have been banned for multiple logins? I've pretty much draw conclusions for all the other things but that is one that has been bothering me.

  8. Do you know what aka means? if your story was true he would be saying "Thank you tonsilx and b l e e d s" not aka.




    Did I not already say I post my brothers kills on Runvillage under "TosiLX" forum name because he doesn't know how to use FTP lol




    Therefore if he were to post a pic on Runevillage they could identify the Runevillage account that he posts under and his character name.




    Its sad everyone has to be so negative all the time.

  9. It's semi-interesting that you said this because after I told my friend I was quitting Runescape due to my ban he said why and I responded with "I have nothing", he quickly noted that "You had nothing when you left tutorial island"

  10. Good observation but there is an explaination for that.




    My bro has been logging all of the progress he makes on his pure on Runevillage and Rapman123 happened to donate some materials when he was first starting out. They had became friends and he then also became friends with me because he is much closer to my combat level.




    I had lost my whip staking to Wilsonp (whom I also lost that santa too):






    And Jason had abunch of cash from alching so much so he lent me 3M and I said Id pay him back once I had enough. Jason told me to give the whip to Rapman because he had helped him alot and it was his birthday (I contributed the rune and money). Thats why it says TosiLX AKA BLEEDS

  11. To say the least, the last couple of weeks has been hell.




    In late 2003, I started my first Runescape character, 'TosiLX' I continued to play intensely right up to the release of RS2 due to the fact that I didn't not want to adjust to the new combat system, I had been hacked, and my parents were in the middle of a sticky divorce.




    About five weeks ago, my brother Jason (now age 12) decided he wanted to start playing Runescape. He was already familiar with the Runescape combat system and how the game worked because he often watched his friends play and such. He decided he wanted to make a one defence pure so he did and named it "B_L_E_E_D_S".




    Now someone of you might be familiar with the name because you might have seen his PK pics posted on various forums.




    Anyway after seeing him playing I had pretty much had forgotten about Runescape and I had some time (divorce had settled) I decided to start playing again and faimiliarize myself with RS2 environment.




    He trained his pure ALL the time (lucky him, no homework or job :x) and got the stats to decent level and when I had my days off from work I would go do what I had been doing best since RS1, staking (I'm TosiLX by the way). So between mining rune and staking and Jason pking and staking together we pooled enough cash to buy 100,000 nats to get him up to 94 mage. I bought all the natures and gave them to Jason (B_L_E_E_D_S) so he could alch them because I could think of better things to do then hi-alch 100k bows :x.




    Anyway he got to doing that and I continued staking, hanging out with old friends, and did a few F2P PK trips and everything was peachy.




    Jason comes to me (in tears) saying he got banned:




    March 14, 2006


    Hi B L E E D S,




    We regret to inform you that this account has been identified as breaking our rules on macro usage.




    Please refer to the Rules of conduct -




    Rule 7: You must not attempt to use other programs (e.g. bots, macros or autominers) in conjunction with our games to give yourself an unfair advantage at the game. You also may not circumvent any of our mechanisms designed to log out inactive users automatically.




    Please see the Macro FAQ in the FAQ section of the RuneScape website for more details on our macro policy.




    As a result of this recent offence, and in light of your previous record, your account has been permanently banned.




    If you feel you have been banned in error, you may appeal once. For the appeal to be successful you will need to explain why the ban should be lifted, and will need to convince us there wont be any further problems with this account.




    To make an appeal please do so using the Ban Appeal section of the Customer Support area of the RuneScape website.






    RuneScape Customer Support




    I was extremely confused at this point and I was 98% sure Jason was not macroing due to the fact that he was glued to the PC 24/7 training, he probably couldn't figure out a macro if he had one, and I thought macroing had ended with the creation of random events.




    So I helped him right a proper appeal and this is what came of it.




    March 14, 2006 (Same day as the appeal was sent)


    Dear B L E E D S,




    Thank you for your appeal,




    You have been caught breaking one of our Rules of RuneScape and as a result you have received a Permanent Ban.


    The Rule you were caught breaking was:




    Rule 7: You must not attempt to use other programs (e.g. bots, macros or autominers) in conjunction with our games


    to give yourself an unfair advantage at the game. You also may not circumvent any of our mechanisms designed to log out inactive users automatically




    For more information please see the Macro FAQ in the FAQ section of the RuneScape website.




    However as this appears to be your first offence we will lift this permanent ban but your account will still have black marks placed on it and you will still receive a 7 day ban. Further to this we will be monitoring your account very closely and if we receive any further Abuse Reports against you, your account will be banned permanently with no further chances given.




    I suggest you take this time to make yourself familiar with our Rules of Conduct which can be found in the 'Information and Advice' section (left) on the main page of our website (http://www.RuneScape.com) by selecting the link named 'Read our rules'. This will make you more aware and help you avoid being banned from the game in future.






    RuneScape Customer Support




    Ok, seven day ban, at least he didn't lose everything.




    Seven days later, still not unbanned.


    Eight days later, still not unbanned.




    Ninth day I told me him to send in a query about why he wasn't unbanned yet and this was the response:




    March 23, 2006


    Dear B L E E D S,




    Thank you for your message,




    Unfortunately on this rarest of occasions we have made a mistake when processing a report against you, therefore your ban has been lifted and we have returned your account.




    Please except our apologies that this happened to yourself. If we can ever help you again in the future please don't hesitate to contact us.








    RuneScape Customer Support




    Apology accepted, thank you Jagex for handling it promptly.




    The conclusion I came to draw is that he was alching with public chat off and someone was trying to talk to him, he didn't respond and reported him and Jagex is probably overloaded with these sort of things that they didn't truely look into the matter.




    Everything is back to normal, I lost a whip + santa hat stake :( but besides that things are normal. Jason hits 80 mage (Charge) and decides to do a couple days of PKing.




    Then the unthinkable happens, March 26th, my brother wakes me up (some crazy time like 6:30AM on a weekend) freaking out because he had been banned, why I said, and he responds "Multilogin"




    We regret to inform you that this account has been banned because of Multiple Logins.




    Please refer to article number 8 in the rules:




    Rule 8: You may create more than one RuneScape account, but if you do, you may not log in to more than one account at any time, and they must not interact with each other in any way.




    Unfortunately, due to the severity of this complaint this ban is permanent.




    If you feel you have been banned in error, you may appeal once. For the appeal to be successful you will need to explain why the ban should be lifted, and will need to convince us there wont be any further problems with this account.




    To make an appeal please do so using the Ban Appeal section of the Customer Support area found on the RuneScape website at:






    At this point I could see there would be a reason for it due to that although we each have our own computers, we still play on the same wireless network, the same Linksys router, the same D-Link modem, and the same Comcast cable connection. I tell him what to included in the appeal so it can be sorted out quickly, he writes it and I go attempt to login.




    No suprises here that I was banned because I assumed since we were "Mutlilogging" that two accounts had to be banned since, multilogging is being logged in with two accounts lol. I try and login, "Your account has been disabled", no suprises here, I jump on my Jagex inbox and was completely and utterly STUN to see this.




    We regret to inform you that this account has been banned because of Macroing.




    Please refer to article number 7 in the rules:




    Rule 7: You must not attempt to use other programs (e.g. bots, macros or autominers) in conjunction with our games


    to give yourself an unfair advantage at the game. You also may not circumvent any of our mechanisms designed to log out inactive users automatically




    For more information please see the Macro FAQ in the FAQ section of the RuneScape website.




    Unfortunately, due to the severity of this complaint this ban is permanent.




    If you feel you have been banned in error, you may appeal once. For the appeal to be successful you will need to explain why the ban should be lifted, and will need to convince us there wont be any further problems with this account.




    To make an appeal please do so using the Ban Appeal section of the Customer Support area found on the RuneScape website at:






    Now I am very, very annoyed.




    So far its been problem after problem:




    March 14 - Jason banned for macroing (7 days)


    March 23 - Jagex says Jason was falsely banned


    March 26 - Jason is banned for multilogging (perm, with rejected appeal)


    March 26 - Chris (me) is banned for macroing (perm, with rejected appeal)




    So that leaves me here, explaining our story in a desperation that a Jagex staff is to see it and review the bans and the current situation.




    I am:


    - NOT trying to bash Jagex here, just get things straightened out


    - NOT making a new account, TosiLX was combat 97, 1300 skill total, and 86 mining - I'm not inclined to start again


    - Jason will play on if he gives but I won't be there to play "dad" and fund his pure




    Thanks for the memories Runescape, although I have noone of my old RSC pics, Ill post what Jason and myself have collected thusfar.




    Final (hopefully not) Stats:






    No pic to be found :(


    79 Attack


    81 Str


    76 Def


    79 HP


    86 Mining


    70 Smithing


    77 Fishing


    77 Cooking












    Jason gets lucky at Rock Crabs (training, legitly :roll: ):






    Jason looses his first whip:






    Chris's best drop, ever (including RSC & RS2):








    Jason begins to train mage:






    Chris gives his best Runescape friend a hefty present (belated birthday):






    More mage for Jason:






    And hundreds of kills and stakes by both Jason and I here:


















    I was going to make a new account, a pure, because Rapman was going to help me with costs.




    Ive had him about a week and today I bought members for him.








    Hi B A N,




    We regret to inform you that your account has been banned due to the character name being deemed as offensive to other players.




    In order for this not to happen again, and for you to be able to play RuneScape with another character, please refer to Rule 1:






    You must not use any language which may be considered by others to be offensive, racist or obscene.






    RuneScape Customer Support




    This is total cabbage and Im super A)*ETHF&WE*WEGF( ing pissed.




    I had that account at 20 40 1 already, wow.

  12. In reality, rares = money.




    Go to world 2 with a blue party hat and say selling blue hat for 200M and see how many people offer it to you. People who have rares can sell them at any time if they wanted to.




    You obviously do not understand the concept of what I am trying to say.




    Rares are not money. If Jagex made all rares untradeable tomorrow, and you owned 2 blue party hats, would that make you rich? I think most peopls answer would be 'no'.




    If you buy yourself a blue party hat, are you rich? Whilst most people's answer would be 'yes', I would argue not. You have just paid out 230 million for a hat, you are now significantly shorter of cash than you were before. You do not have as much cash, therefore you cannot buy as much as you could before. Therefore, you are 'poorer'. 'Ah-hah!' you may cry, 'But you can sell your party hat!'. True, then you would be able to buy other items, but then you would not have the party hat.




    If your money is tied up in a rare, the money you have available t you to spend is reduced. Of course, it depends what your definition of being rich is, but my definition goes something like 'The amount of cash you have to available to spend indicates how rich you are'. Now, in the real world, I would not agree with this statement, as if you bought land, or an investment, that would all go towards increasing your worth, but in RS, that is my definition of wealth. This is because RS is incredibly unpredicatble, the market is not as stable or as steady. It is also not governed by laws.




    Agree or disagree, but Rares are not money. I will not go any deeper into this, because 1.) I can't be bothered, and 2.) I don't think many people will b interested/understand.




    You do not understand that a party hat isn't just to look cool, it's an investment. People invest their money into rares because as time goes on more rare are NOT put into circulation therefor making them even harder to obtain, plus the inflation of GP.




    Back in RSC I decided to invest in a party hat set, 10M.




    How can you say that a rare is not easily converted into GP.




    If Jagex made all rares untradeable tomorrow, and you owned 2 blue party hats, would that make you rich? I think most peopls answer would be 'no'.




    This is the "problem" the solution is addressing...

  13. I've been thinking, so many people feel rares should be taken out of the game. Well I feel I have some fair solutions to this problem.




    a) Jagex makes rares (meaning half wine, disk of returning, masks, easter eggs, pumpkins, santa hats, and party hats) and makes them complete untradable. Now they need to take a look at the market price of each rare. For example:




    Blue Party Hats are about 230M


    Santa hats are about 8.5-9.1M




    Now that rares are untradable, they are worthless? Well not really.




    To make it fair for those who worked hard and paid large sums of cash for their rare Jagex could put in an NPC.




    This NPC would be buying discountinued items above market value (i.e. giving 250M for blue hat or 10M for santa)




    This way, it gets rid of the rares (if people want to trade them in since their value cannot go up or down ever again)




    B) A much simpler solution, Jagex chances the rares into a certificate (untradable) which may be traded in for above market value also.




    (Plan B is different because the items would no longer be wearable)




    Tell me what you think.

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