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Posts posted by RedHanyu888

  1. Me and a group of friends went out to kill some. We did this in F2P because it's much safer (no teleblocks or poison)


    revenants can tb, freeze and poison in f2p, so it's not that safe. I've been personally hit with two out of three, and there's no reason for me to believe the third isn't there.


    I wouldn't say I'm exactly afraid of revenants myself; if I were, I wouldn't ever go out into the Wild again, but I am very wary of them, as they do hit high and the normal defences like Prayer and armor are little help.

    Nope, they can't teleblock or poison, me and my friends didn't get tbed or poisoned once.




    And if a F2p was poisoned, that wouldn't be fair because theres no cure for poison in F2p.




    Trust me, they can. I've been killing them in f2p.

    Well, we went hunting about 2 days after their release, so possibly they changed it.




    It still confuses me why they would be foolish enough to put uncureable poison in f2p...

  2. Me and a group of friends went out to kill some. We did this in F2P because it's much safer (no teleblocks or poison)


    revenants can tb, freeze and poison in f2p, so it's not that safe. I've been personally hit with two out of three, and there's no reason for me to believe the third isn't there.


    I wouldn't say I'm exactly afraid of revenants myself; if I were, I wouldn't ever go out into the Wild again, but I am very wary of them, as they do hit high and the normal defences like Prayer and armor are little help.

    Nope, they can't teleblock or poison, me and my friends didn't get tbed or poisoned once.




    And if a F2p was poisoned, that wouldn't be fair because theres no cure for poison in F2p.

  3. When i was lvl 10 or so my pc got a virus and kept shuting down then on runescape a guy came up to me saying im with jagex plz give me ur pass thers been a bug. so oviously i belived him waited a hour got on and i lost rune pl8 =[ sad sad sad but then i killedc him got it back pissed on his grave (jk) and went about.


    Had a rune plate at level 10?






    I got scammed out of a mith 2h when I was level 35 or so. It was one of the trust games...

  4. I learned of Runescape through addictinggames, and my best friends learned of Runescape through Miniclip.




    Miniclip isn't to blame for the evil. What about the parents? Bad kids shouldnt be allowed to play. Parents are the ones who have control over whether the kids have internet, and the kids who are allowed are causing havoc because their parents don't care.




    Might be confusing, but you'll get the point :-k

  5. Me and a group of friends went out to kill some. We did this in F2P because it's much safer (no teleblocks or poison) We managed to take down only one vampire because of revanants regen.




    Then... a knight and 3 orc found us and we got annihilated. The knight hit a 30 on me, and koed us in less than a minute.




    Be afraid? Yes.

  6. (In PM)


    Noob: Congratz! You have won an rs lottery.


    Me: (Reports, then plays with him) Omfg


    Me: What did I win?


    Noob: YOu win phat set and upgraed to members for a year! (I was in a members world...)


    Me: zomg, where do i pick up?


    Noob: Give me your pass and we will trade the stuff to you from an admin.


    Me: okay, its Samysammiches (Not really.)


    Noob: Thank you, please log off now. (logs out)


    Me: (turns off private chat)


    Noob: (logs in) you gave me the wrong password, ***** :shame:


    Noob: (logs out)




    Common, but still nooby.

  7. My connection didn't seem too smooth when I was doing the event, so hopefully it's just a coincidence or something they noticed and work out.




    Then again, I was doing it the same time as just about everybody else.




    Then again again, the same overuse will probably happen when summoning is released.


    Hopefully, There wont be allocated spots for summoning, like there is for hunter.




    Although...The pet store does seem like a cramped spot.

  8. In the Christmas event, we get to build and create our own snowmen. We even get to choose their class. Whats more, we get to heal them with their own blood. If you think about it, it's like summoning.




    Has anyone noticed? Perhaps this is a taste of what Jagex has came up with for summoning. Maybe this will be like what we have to do when summoning rolls out.

  9. Ok weird kid online today(noob). Lvl.21




    Noob: I caught a pokemon.


    Me: G4U


    Noob: I caught Bronze ore. :wall:


    Me: That aint a pokemon


    Noob: Yes it is, im on the pokemon website right.


    Me: nooo. youre on runescape.


    Noob: Thats why this game has no Pikachu. Well bye.




    Uhhhhhhhhhh...If hes lvl 21 and thinks it pokemon then he is really blind.




    Wow hacker getting caught.




    Steven10824: Hello can i be your friend


    TailsBell(me): You seem familiar


    Steven10824: ive never seen you before


    TailsBell: Well thats because its my account


    Steven10824: liar!!!!


    TailsBell: You r reporterd noob now get off my account or ill report you to jagex.


    Steven10824 logged off


    TailsBell: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooobb!!


    Oilman: Reported!!!


    TailsBell: Y


    Oilman: For hacking noob.




    WRONG GUY!!!


    Lmao XD.




    Bronzor is a real 4th gen pokemon :-w

  10. stop with the pics of not rs!this thread is for rs pics ONLY!
    Stop with the inability to read! this is RS RELATED pictures, not just RS pictures. Moron.


    start reading what they are posting that isn't runescape. isnt related to it at all... i even see one that says noobs,that can be any game and one that includes monkeys ffs!

    Jagex made Runescape. ANdrew gower is the leader of Jagex. Noob is a frequently used term for alost all games, and since Runescape is a game, noob is RS related. And one of the hardest/longest quests in the game has to do with monkeys.




    All runescape related. Yes they are.

  11. I see someone else has started doing this as well. I've been running like this all day, at my current combat I can easily solo her using the godsword. Of course, I also bring a Mace for the specs.
    Why bring the mace? Godsword specs are way better than the mace spec.
  12. Me and a friend, walking around falador...


    Noob: Will U be my mammy?




    Noob:Plz be my mammy i m 10 yrs old irl


    Me: You have to be 13 to play Runescape.


    Friend: I'll be ur "mammy"


    Noob: OK ty ty mammy i luv uso muc what for dnner?


    Friend: Soup.


    Me: Lol


    Noob: I h8 suop


    Friend: Go to your room, you've been very bad. Stay there for 3 months


    Noob: omg I hate yu mammy go di


    Friend: I can't belive I brougght you into this world!




    Yeah, my friend is really good at runescape, and he acts really goofy sometimes.

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