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Posts posted by Soul_failure

  1. Great Idea! I rarely trade as I prefer to get my own items etc... but I'm quite certain that if this was implemented I would trade more often. See, I'm one of these patient people who get totally thrown out of the trade area because of kindness. #-o




    I'm sure that this would be a fairly successful suggestion on the RSOF so give it a shot, if you don't try you will never get. :thumbsup: Good luck

  2. Yep hazlemere tried him, but no small seed :( thanks for the help guys \' much appreciated




    Edit: WWWOOOHHOOO I got it back, through brimstail, you just have to have a "chat" with him :oops: well I guess it wasn't obvious... hehe Thanks alot for all the help :thumbsup: ::'

  3. Hey guys, I can't wear my quest cape! and it's all down to a lost crystal seed, this is a crazy question as I have done all quests but the new one. Any ideas on where I can get it back? I have tried all the npc's i can think of. I even tried using my tele crystal and crystal bow. :boohoo:

  4. I don't think I had ever seen an auto up until a few months ago :shock: , but now they are everywhere and unmistakable. The people who create macrobots are the scum of the gaming community, an IP ban would be lovely :D




    I think if you gathered all the autos up there will be at least 2 worlds full :evil:

  5. That's just silly, the poor mod was just trying to lighten up his and your day. Like someone above me said (forgot name sorry :) ) We have sigs so it is very plausible that each mod has his/her own sig.




    :wall: It's people like you who rant about kindness and waste the time that Jagex could use for more important things like ridding the world of RS bots, and creating better updates, and 10 points to who ever can guess who will be moaning and whining about the lack of updates or the sheer mass of the botter population... <.<




    *I Think Jagex's updates are already great, people should really get off their backs. Jagex is a company, made up of human beings who have personalities and emotions. The staff at Jagex HQ are not the mindless moronic mechanized slaves you make them out to be.




    How about people don't work for your pleasure, you will be back complaining again. :uhh:

  6. What a load of Rubbish, sorry I get a perfect amount of sleep thanks, and seeing as I share a room, we have 2 Pc's, 2 walkmen, 1 minidisc player, 2 mp3 players, ps2 a 360 a TV two Radios (Which i use to listen to Metal -It helps me sleep :XD: ) BTW I'm not boasting it's just to point out that I am surrounded by electrical devices.




    If the teenager doesn't know when they are tired that's their problem, and I shouldn't be restricted because of an overload of Pixel junkies.




    Personally, I usually go to bed around 10 each night but i am usually awake until around 12 am I wake up dead on time :) I go to bed earlier if i need time to think (I think alot), and sometimes get up at 5 am, my brother is the same. It all depends on your own body's preferences and your diet, sure we all need a good amount of sleep but how does electrical equipment cause sleep deprivation? As long as each person maintains a good healthy sleep pattern, what's the problem? and even if said person doesn't sleep healthily then that's their problem, isn't it.




    Edit: I'm back, Sorry about the rush.




    I was going to say that at random points in my life i suffer from insomnia, but only if I have a huge amount of stress etc... and I actually sleep worse if I don't listen to some music before bedtime, My father is the same he watches TV. Some night's I get up and read a book so umm nope the computer isn't the cause, besides i turn off the juice at the wall i like it dark and there are millions of LED's. :x

  7. Animals could have souls as well. Or planets for that matter. I do believe that planets and stars are beings and i think being a sun would feel awsome.


    See, that's just thinking too much about mythology. I can understand the need to think we humans, who can feel empathy, have souls, but a burning mass of hydrogen :lol: ? That's pushing it.




    And where do you draw a line for a soul in living organisms? Zebras? Rats? Flies? Bacteria? There is no line to be made. The logic of the concept is just... nonexistent. From a human perspective anyways :| .




    I don't draw a line. Maybe soul is something inherent to anything. Maybe matter is just an expression of soul. A mountain may have soul to. It may also have consciouness.




    Could it be? Yes, yes it is! References to paganist religions! I was waiting for this, just to see how people would react. Now kind sir or madam, I ask you to back up your claim, so we can turn it into a discussion point. Personally, I like talk about the old religions though I don't believe in any of them. =P




    I also believe everything has a soul,+1 on kelem_ryu for mentioning this as beliefs such as these often get shot down. :thumbsup: I also like the way you used words such as "maybe" and "may", as we do not know we can't prove it, but it is nice to accept that something may have a soul and then in turn to be able to respect that. It's like the fact that banana's give off electrical pulses when you peel them, this equates to the Banana screaming. The whole Banana screaming thing did not make me believe everything had a soul, it was an example, i just believe it and can't explain it. It's difficult to explain as this such thing is often discredited :-k .

  8. I just wanted to say congrats, I have meet some lovely people on RS and would love to meet them. Yours is a wonderful story I hope it all works out for you :thumbsup: Glad to hear you had a nice trip. It's a shame you live so far from each other but then again that just makes meeting up twice as fun eh? I have friends in all different countries so i know what it's like to travel to meet up.




    Shame I had to wade through a flame war just to say that. :uhh: but i'm not getting involved.

  9. '


    I believe in a soul, and I also believe it is physical to some extent, with a similar consistency to plasma perhaps, or light. I mean both light and plasma are physical but we find that hard to believe. 8-) Wow the universe is a cool yet strange place.

  10. Well I have a few questions,


    1.Why can no-one else see the fairies? :?


    2.If every nation is borrowing money, who from? Where does all the money come from? is everyone poor!?


    3.Why can't I walk upside down?


    1. No-one else (you've asked) smokes cannabis.


    2. The Government usually borrows money from the Central Bank (or whichever entity prints money in your country), (this being a big cause of inflation).


    3. You just haven't practised enough. If you had better agility/balance, you'd be able to.







    Oh my, you assume I smoke Cannabis :shock: that must mean everyone but me smokes cannabis. :-k Odd one out yet again... And with the bank thing I meant between nations, I.e. America borrowing from X and England borrowing from X, X borrowing from England, America, and Y. :ohnoes:




    How would you know if cannabis causes the sudden influx of fairies to existence? :-k




    Edit: I wasn't reffering to "handwalking" I can do that, I meant walking on one's feet upside down like a fly :D Anyway I already know the answer I would just like to have the ability :D

  11. I do personally believe in spirits etc... I was pushed down the stairs once by a pair of hands when no-one else was there :S i remember feeling the hands on my back then being at the bottom of the stairs i cried for my mum :/ I was about 4 at the time.




    Also my father was driving a Lorry once and a jewish man walked in front of his lorry, he slammed on the brakes he thought he had hit the man but the man was nowhere to be seen. My father got out of his cab and looked everywhere.




    It's a good idea to respect spirits :D.

  12. It takes alot to be truly "open-minded" at the end of the day everyone has a grudge or prejudice against someone or something, it's human nature.




    Everyone likes to say they are open minded, this may well be true for one subject yet not for another subject, therefore I feel that open-mindedness does not truly exist.

  13. Well I have a few questions,


    1.Why can no-one else see the fairies? :?


    2.If every nation is borrowing money, who from? Where does all the money come from? is everyone poor!?


    3.Why can't I walk upside down?






    And the maximum a person can stay awake is 11 days I think, and you can die from severe lack of sleep <.<

  14. I got my B in German so I'm happy :D lets not talk about the rest lol, I got an E in citizenship ROFL I hated that subject.




    EDIT: At least I passed them all, and gratz to people moving up to uni. :thumbsup:

  15. No need to flame him, he is only coming up with a valid topic :S




    I killed goblins <3:




    sold mails at goblin village for 500-1k ea to people doing the quest :) lol




    I had 30 def at level 15 or 16... wearing full addy with a steel dagger...




    made all the money from selling goblin mails <3:




    Exactly the same as me! :D :thumbsup: I also smithed my self to death...

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