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Posts posted by wolfboy

  1. Is any skill worth it? Is any quest worth it? Is it worth playing this game in the first place? If you enjoy runescape, it's worth it. If you enjoy the slayer skill it's worth it. What determines the "worth" of any skill (or lack there of) is the enjoyment you take from grinding it and the feeling of acheivement you get from leveling it.

  2. There are other ways to lure, aside from the promise of a trade. Luring could be as simple as "Follow me." I've actually seen people follow others blindly in to the wilderness with out being promised any monetary gain from it. To fall for a lure like this shows a great deal of ignorance about the game in general and the wild specifically, and would probably only work on new players; leading me to wonder what sort of "loot" the lurer would actually gain. However, such a lure would not be scamming, as nothing is being promised.

  3. Would I lure? No. Even if I could (As a p-mod I'm not allowed to lure, as it could be viewed as abusing my crown) I wouldn't do it. However, if you're smart enough to lure successfully and don't have a problem with doing it, good for you! Have fun. On the other hand, if you're stupid enough to fall for a lure, tough luck. Maybe next time you'll know better.

  4. If anyone is banned for stars, then they were banned unfairly. Chances are it's a mistake, and an appeal should solve it. I'd be very interested in how the conversation went leading up to the stars. I'll bet there were good examples of censor evasion, or other rules being broken, that the guilty party "forgot" to mention when complaining about being "banned for stars."

  5. I play dnd ;] i hate it when ppl cheat on the d20 lol i got a lvl 10 rouge kender :P kender are off dragonlance lol they are cool




    I play in forgotten realms :P




    Jagex should put halflings in rs they are like hobbits but very annoying but kender are worse...


    Hey, kender own. Tasselhoff FTW!




    Great article, glad to see remorse from the author.

  6. I've been enjoying reading all the posts, and I promise I'll be posting my thoughts on alternative-lifestyle (to not bypass the filter) marriages soon. I need to organize my thoughts and decide where I really stand on it. Thanks to everyone for making this fun and educational and remaining mature and intelligent about it.

  7. Why not? There are plenty of people who are knowledgeable about different religions' conceptions of god, but they personally deem it impossible to know whether he truly exists.




    I don't think he's saying that they don't know anything about God/gods, but that they profess that they don't know whether God/gods exist, thus making them ignorant (not knowing) in that one area.




    Despite the fact that you are going to disagree with me, I will make the point. NO ONE knows that god exists. You my believe that he exists to the point of ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅknowingÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

  8. . The pilgrims came to America so people would force their damned religions upon them and having laws made based on religious beliefs would undermine the whole concept of this country


    Yeah, but did you know that the early Americans then began forcing their religious beliefs on others? At least two states (Rhode Island and Utah) were founded by people fleeing the same persecution their fathers fleed when coming to America in the first place.

  9. . The pilgrims came to America so people would force their damned religions upon them and having laws made based on religious beliefs would undermine the whole concept of this country


    Yeah, but did you know that the early Americans then began forcing their religious beliefs on others? At least two states (Rhode Island and Utah) were founded by people fleeing the same persecution their fathers fleed when coming to America in the first place.

  10. . The pilgrims came to America so people would force their damned religions upon them and having laws made based on religious beliefs would undermine the whole concept of this country


    Yeah, but did you know that the early Americans then began forcing their religious beliefs on others? At least two states (Rhode Island and Utah) were founded by people fleeing the same persecution their fathers fleed when coming to America in the first place.

  11. . The pilgrims came to America so people would force their damned religions upon them and having laws made based on religious beliefs would undermine the whole concept of this country


    Yeah, but did you know that the early Americans then began forcing their religious beliefs on others? At least two states (Rhode Island and Utah) were founded by people fleeing the same persecution their fathers fleed when coming to America in the first place.

  12. . The pilgrims came to America so people would force their damned religions upon them and having laws made based on religious beliefs would undermine the whole concept of this country


    Yeah, but did you know that the early Americans then began forcing their religious beliefs on others? At least two states (Rhode Island and Utah) were founded by people fleeing the same persecution their fathers fleed when coming to America in the first place.

  13. . The pilgrims came to America so people would force their damned religions upon them and having laws made based on religious beliefs would undermine the whole concept of this country


    Yeah, but did you know that the early Americans then began forcing their religious beliefs on others? At least two states (Rhode Island and Utah) were founded by people fleeing the same persecution their fathers fleed when coming to America in the first place.

  14. . The pilgrims came to America so people would force their damned religions upon them and having laws made based on religious beliefs would undermine the whole concept of this country


    Yeah, but did you know that the early Americans then began forcing their religious beliefs on others? At least two states (Rhode Island and Utah) were founded by people fleeing the same persecution their fathers fleed when coming to America in the first place.

  15. Wow, this is getting fun already. It's a little past noon, so I need to go to bed. I'll respond to the latest posts (and any new ones if I have time) tomorrow. I also look forward to reading any responces the earlier posters have to the questions/comments I gave. Anyway, thanks everyone for your input!


    It was the former, and I apologize. Now can we please stay on topic?




    On topic? This is a topic about politics & religion is it not? So this is on topic.


    It's a topic about politics and religion, but it's being sidetracked by what we should call the president. If you think about it, he's not really the "leader" of anything. The president actually doesn't wield much power unless his decisions are ratified by the congress. My statement was intended to be a joke about how he speaks, not to spark an argument about any nicknames the president may have.

  17. I'm more likely to go to the anarchist side of the politic debate. We have way to much pointless rules in my opinion.


    I agree, but I think anarchy is too extreme. Anarchy, by its very nature, would inevitably lead to chaos.


    I don't like the right side thou, in my country (Belgium) the right-winged party is pretty rascist and preaches hate. But seeing as the other parties are to scared to actually make a stand, it's a pretty bad situation.


    But down further you say that you support free speech, even if it hurts other people.




    As far as religion goes, I'm atheist, because I force meself to be. I don't go to a church or a moskee, and I don't believe in Jezus Christ as savior of mankind. So it would be hypocrital of me to call upon God when I'm in trouble.


    Why would that be hypocritical? Most Jews don't believe that Christ is the savior of mankind, but they believe in the same God.

    I also don't believe in fate,


    I do believe in fate, but I also believe in free will. I know that sounds contradictory, but it's hard to explain.

    and am a strong believer of free speach, even if it hurts other people. If you can say everything you want, I will atleast know what your stand are, it's better then hiding everything.


    This fits into your anarchal government, and like I said before would lead to chaos. I believe in free speech, but up to a point. Absolute free speech would lead to rioting. Again, chaos.




    I do think there is something bigger thou, I'm just not sure what it is.


    Then why "force" yourself to be an atheist? Why not look into this "something bigger" and find out what it means to you?

  18. The topic starter used the phrase, so it can't be really be so antiquated now can it?




    The very fact that he used it is enough for me. If you say such a thing now then you're either not thinking about its meaning and implications or you're arrogant.


    It was the former, and I apologize. Now can we please stay on topic?


    Hi, I'm 15 and very right-wing,


    Hello. I'm curious. You say you're right wing, then you go on to make some very liberal claims. This seems a bit contradictory to me.

    I do not believe in god and i think that religion does more harm than good in the world.


    All religion? There's good and bad in everything, and I like to think the good generally outweighs the bad. It's just that the bad gets more attention.

    I am pro-abortion


    This is what I was referring to above. This isn't exactly a right-wing viewpoint.

    and i think that women should get the right to make up for a mistake as what's the point in bringing up a child that you did not mean to have as you wouldn't truely love them.


    Adoption is another consideration. The woman wouldn't have to raise a child she doesn't want, but the child wouldn't have to die either.

  19. I just find it depressing when I hear him speak and remember that he's the leader of the free world.




    He's certainly not my leader. So many americans seem to forget that a world exists outside of the borders of the USA.


    True, but the American president has a good deal of power even outside the U.S. Too much, in my opinion. It's bad enough that our government has so much control over American citizens, but when they try controlling other countries, that's going way too far.

  20. What is the purpose of this thread? Is it just state your religion/political view (which is just glorified spam) or is it a discussion (which we have multiple of in this forum)?


    It's both. It's a place to state your religion and political views, and a place to discuss them. I know there are other threads like this, but most of the religion threads are Christian/Atheist and this is one where all religious views can be discussed. There also aren't any threads for both politics and religion, and the two can be very closely related. For example, most Fundamentalist Christians tend to be right wing, where as more tolerant religions lean more toward the left.


    What this isn't is a place for you to spam the thread by calling it spam. If you think it's spam and feel it should be deleted report it and a mod/admin will make that decision. Please don't post here again if you have nothing to contribute.

  21. I'm a follower of Christ.


    Interesting choice of words. Most people would have said "I'm a Christian." Was it intentional?

    I lean right although some of Bush's stuff I disagree with.


    What stuff? The war?

    I am conservative almost teetering on civil libertarian if it weren't for the Bible condoning some things.


    Such as...?

    The government's involvement always makes life tougher with more rules, more taxes, and less family involvement. I hate Big Brother. Get the government back in its place!


    I couldn't agree more. Well said.




    I am anti-homosexuality, for while one's genetics may cause you to have certain tendencies, you have a choice. It is wrong and God will never give you something you can't handle.


    This is also a good point. Even when you don't have a choice, you still have a choice. Dr. Dobson (Focus on the Family) said that it's not a sin to have feelings or desires for the same gender, but it is a sin to act on them. (Paraphrased)




    I am anti-abortion, for life begins at conception and murder is wrong.


    This is gonna be a real touchy subject, and a debate I'm looking forward to.




    I hate multi-culturalism, political correctness, and special rights for minorities. Why can't we just hire the best people?


    Indeed. I saw a comic strip that had two frames. In the first a black man is at a job interview. The hiring person says "I'm sorry Mr. Black, but we won't hire you because of your color." This was before affirmative action. The second frame had the same interviewer, but this time a white man. The interviewer is saying "I'm sorry Mr. White, but we won't hire you because of your color." This was after affirmative action.




    I hate this impression of post-modern beliefs on kids in public schools. I disagree with the forced form of tolerance we preach today. I disagree with the post-modern view of truth and relativism.


    I disagree with you here. I think tolerance is important. I think that different theological views (including Christian, but by no means limited to it) should be taught in public schools.




    I am disappointed with the Christian church today


    So am I. I love the message of Christ, but the message of today's Christians seems far different. With exceptions, of course.

    and wish people would start having an actual life change instead of finding more rules to follow.


    One could have such a change in other religions as well. Buddhism, for example, with it's search for enlightenment can lead to some very positive life changes.

    I wish Christians would actually talk to God and hear His voice.


    Me, too, but not just Christians. I wish that followers of all religions would spend more time praying/speaking/meditating with their deity of choice.

    I wish Christians would fall in love with Christ. I pray I do more every day. I wish they would love Him with all of their heart, mind, soul, and strength.


    Again, I agree, but again I think it should be all religions. To quote Serendipity "It doesn't matter what you have faith in, just that you have faith.

    I am eagerly awaiting the day of Christ's return.


    Until that day comes, may you have a long and happy life. Thanks for sharing your views!

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