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Posts posted by Wibbles_back

  1. used to play runescape, but i have realised that it is boring and mentally challenged:


    All you do is click on things and watched a badly animated character in tacky armour do something over and over again just so you can click on more things and watch more bad animations.




    Most people who play runescape have no life

  2. used to play runescape, but i have realised that it is boring and [developmentally delayed]ed:


    All you do is click on things and watched a badly animated character in tacky armour do something over and over again just so you can click on more things and watch more bad animations.




    Most people who play runescape have no life


    So many people are born around this time, must be cause December is so cold and boring. Their parents had to think of ways to have fun and keep warm :|




    It would have been October if you were born in June, not December :wink:




    october's cold too








    anyway happy birthday

  4. Heres the rules:




    I ask 10 questions




    You post your answers here




    I will check this thread regularly and PM u (on this forum) with the answers












    1- In the ocarina of time (oot from now on) in which hand does link hold the master sword?




    2- In oot which song looks most like a triforce?




    3- In oot what is the Third Gold Skultulla prize?




    4- In oot what is the name of the place in which you get Epona?




    5- In oot ow many items do you have to get to get the biggorons sword (just the items you have to trade)?




    6- In the wind waker (ww from now on) what is the first item you recieve?




    7- In ww what does medli call the picture on link's pajama top in the 2nd play through (when you complete the game and save it)




    8- In ww what is the name of the boat in which you sail?




    9- In ww how much does the sail cost?




    10- In ww Which temple do you need the iron boots inside (earth or wind)?

  5. rangers and mages own against meleers atm anyway:




    rangers can hit meleers when meleers cant hit rangers(across a fence or something)




    magers ditto+mage beats melee armour








    Melee- 3 skills to train




    Ranger- 1 skill to train




    Mage- 1 skill to train




    melee-4 if u count range 2 be able to wear dragonhide

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