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Posts posted by PURESMITHER

  1. If you've been around these parts for 2-3 years you may remember me.


    I posted awful posts in almost every post in the library for the best part of 6 months, and wrote a completely god awful story (these posts are all around pages 25-35 now). This often consisted of me having been the last poster on half of the first page, with comments which most commonly featured "I love this, 10/10, -smiley face-". I whole-heartedly apologise for this.


    This is also an awful post, but I felt that I should attempt to apologise for the grief I caused, the only excuse I have is that I was 12 (I know, I said I was 14) and was trying to make a name for myself on the forums. Now that I am but a wee bit older I can see what an idiot I was.


    Anyway, if this is spam you can delete it, just felt that veterans of the Library should see this.


    God-Awful story here (the title makes me cringe now):


  2. Hey guys,


    I'm just back from a 2 year break from Runescape, and I could use some advice on how to make a lot of money in a fairly short time, don't care how boring or how many skills I train to do it.


    I also want to know about any activities or things such as Manage Thy Kingdom that can earn a lot of cash while not doing anything.


    I have about 50 mil right now to spend on any equipment, these are my skills:





    Thanks in advance,


  3. If you join a good corp (in a good ol' PVP alliance) early, you never have to grind. Most alliances will have a logistical backbone which can provide cheap ships, equipment and many other usable equipment. You cannot enjoy EVE when you play "single player" - it just gets boring to quickly. (Unless you go solo pirating, which will likely get you to a dead end of not being able to get new ships or travel much very quickly).




    Some people really do enjoy the mining (grind) side of EVE, and thats good for them - they provide us with our l33t ships. :D

  4. ^ What he said.




    EVE, IMHO, has some of the best gameplay features in the MMORPG world. The whole storyline of EVE is made by the players - and the really big Corps can make monumentous changes to the EVE Universe just by invading another large corps space.




    If anyones been playing EVE for a while they'll know of the BoB's invasion of the North, one alliance leader managed to take over a whole mass of EVE space with his fleets in a six month campaign. Try doing that in Runescape/WoW.

  5. Hey,




    As you may know, EVE Online is one of the best games ever \' . I was wondering if there was anyone here who has a subscription to it?






    I would like to know if (and how) it is possible to make 100 million ISK in 45 days starting from a new account?




    If anyones interested in EVE Online you can obtain a 14 day free trial here:





  6. I remember when I went paintballing for my first time.. me and 5 strangers stuck behind this 4 foot wooden barricade, swearing like anything because their dudes kept hitting our hands whenever we tried to return fire...




    Everyone trying to yell orders at everyone else... gawd that was fun.

  7. Rollercoasters are more scary than spinning rides but BELIEVE ME when I say your 100 times more likely to be sick on a spinning ride than a rollercoaster. I have never ever seen anyone throw up during or after a rollercoaster ride. I have seen at least 10 people throw up after spinning rides.

  8. All I can say is,


    Parents are often douches.


    You bring up the most logical, obvious answer to their queries and they still think they're right - or they just wont admit to being wrong. :|




    For my side. Apparently, this girl in my year-level has liked me for quite a while, her friends always do the 'we know she likes him so we'll do her a favour' thing, and ask me out for her. This has went on for like 6 weeks and has finally got me wondering, do I like her myself?


    I'm stuck between yes and no. It's difficult, I havent been in a relationship before :? , not only that, but I dont want to know what it feels like being dumped and all if it turns out good for me :|




    I had the same dilemma a couple of months back, except this girl was 2 years younger than me. Her friends all told me she liked me and tbh, so did I. I knew her for a year and I knew I wasn't interested in her back then. Then a couple of months ago, my feelings had changed and I asked her out, she told me she didn't like me in that way.




    So my advice is to get to know the girl yourself and don't just believe what other people say, and rethink the situation before rushing into it.




    I've known her for a little over a year, and everyone who knows her says she likes be in "that way" :P




    I go to a boys school but theres a girls school down the road and we hang out with the girls from another class at the weekend. I think (probably due to lack of female contact) everyone in our "friend circle" is obsessive about boyfriends and girlfriends - I'm the only one of the boys in our group that doesn't have a girlfriend - mainly because I tell people its stupid to have a girlfriend when your 14.




    Anyway, don't listen to friends, in the last 2 months I've been told about 3 different girls who "really like me". I know most people don't have this sort of stupidity going on, but its probably not worth listening to friends unless they go on about it for several months.

  9. this is a funny one, and i laughed so hard and he was so funny!!!! :ohnoes:




    noob: hey, can i have ur iron plate?


    me: its granite......


    noob: item hacking! reported!


    me: im a member......


    *noob follows me cussing*


    *i teleport to get the HELL AWAY*


    noob PM: you cant get away for hacking, ill make sure......


    me PM: .......... leecher, mabye?


    noob PM: *swear X 47 or so,*


    *i tele to where he was, and i see someone getting torchered by him*


    *he follows me*


    *i go to pvp world*


    *i got to lvl 40 wildy*


    *noob finds me*


    *i quickly kill him*


    *i put friends only chat and delete him and ignore him*




    the made up stories are always the best.... :shame:




    That made up story isn't even good though. Theres about 1000 like it in this thread.

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