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Posts posted by motarrunin

  1. With regard to PvM, its fun to read the speculation. The reality is that its not very hard to create a creature that can outsmart any player in the game, regardless of their stats and resources. The problem that Jagex faces isn't that of insufficient artificial intelligence... it is a problem of creating an enjoyable challenge with good repeat playability.




    If a creature has a super-high kill rate on players that challenge it, one of two things will happen (at least typically within the realm of Runescape). In the absence of a worthwhile payoff, most players will give up on it after a while, because of the futility of the effort. If there is a reward worthy of such an extreme challenge, then it may skew other areas of game play by giving the owners excessive advantages of one sort or another (the one possible exception being if it grants access to an exclusive area for additional gameplay or some such other unique feature of the game). Any monster foe needs to be hard enough to be challenging, but not so hard that people are consistently discouraged from facing it.




    Ultimately, Jagex wants to create playable content that will appeal to at least a reasonably-sized audience, otherwise those development resources are better used elsewhere. They have been responsive to the increasing skill levels of players by progressively introducing more difficult creatures for us to confront. Make no mistake, though...this is not a reflection of the upper limits of their programmers abilities (or the Java platform) in most cases - it is simply a reflection of the practical realities involved in developing content for a diverse audience. So once it is all said and done, I think the important question is "Is it worthwhile to develop a monster that regularly outsmarts most of the players".

  2. So I started playing initially because my son wanted to play online with his friends. Since he had never been allowed into MMO games before, I told him he could only play initially if I was online while he was, so we could talk through questionable things that showed up. Since I have been a gamer since I was a kid, I wanted a unique name in case I managed to do anything notable in the game. I also wanted a name that wouldn't embarass him as I was shadowing him at first. (None of that KidDad222 stuff :) )




    When I finally sat down to log on for the first time, "Born To Be Wild" by Steppenwolf was playing on the radio. The first line is "Get your motor runnin'... head out on the highway". I noticed that I could be obnoxious and make a "running"/"runing" pun. I combined that with an abbreviation used in my business ("m.o.t.a."), and the name just wrote itself: 'Motarrunin'




    Yes, I stopped shadowing my son in-game a long time ago. He's become very good at making smart online decisions for himself, and I like spending the time leveling up (going for 1900 by the end of the year... 1754 right now :) ) We now have a great arrangement....I make it and he'll merch it.




    (PS for you parents out there: If you take the time and effort, Runescape can be a great opportunity to teach your kid lots of academic and life skills... get creative and have some fun with them! If you already are...congratulations - creativity is a wonderful lesson to teach your kids!)

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