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Posts posted by bmxrider

  1. this is going to be a useless month for updates! :evil: i dont even know if i will keep my membership going for this month because all of the updates are going to be stupid and useless!!!! :x and what the hell is there going to be a laser for? they for sure did not have a laser back in the medieval ages! this kind of useless junk makes me mad when im paying $7.50 a month to play this game! i want good updates not stupid stuff, who cares about cabbage its useless and not even cool :x








  2. Okey just face it... 40% or more in f2p wild got def , and almost all pure melees got pray, and 30-40% of them pro items...








    And yes , lets talk about the high lvl def dudes, that can only fight lower lvls that are pure with armor on , and make them waste their food and run. That makes them think ''Whaha , i own a pure , im best...'' or what eva they thing. And when u do fight a def dude , 80% of them safe , 90% are afried 2 no armor , and almost all got teles with them.








    And yes , i dont wanna flame anyone or someone , i just wanna make my point clear... F2P wild aint as it was before , it has become more rubbish...








    Just post a comment and say what u think, im right or wrong?? , well thats all i gotta say i think , i edite if i come up with something new :o








    personally i think wildy has been ruined since rs2 came out and lots of other ppl will agree with me!








    back when there was no multi, when your lvls and catching ability mattered not how big of a team you had or whos got the best magic spell, back when you could truely have a fun fight without ppl being able to teleing mid combat or eat mid combat, back when it was a true challenge to survive.








    i have only been pking maybe 3 times since rs2 came out and i hated it every time :roll: its not fun, i am a rune miner and i do not mine in the wildy because if you are caught you die no matter what :roll: in rs you had a chance of survival while carrying a full load of ores :-s








    this is just my opinion flame me all you want because i dont care, its the truth :roll:

  3. I probably shouldn't even bother positng, never did like too, but one person it seems that is always still forgotten in all this is *phillip* kingleo is yes one of those who always has the longest list and close to accurate list.








    But i am fairly certain Lightning,rab,merlin,phillip was the begining of wanderers.








    To this day i still think everyone forgets phillip because he had the just plain name nothing stood out about it, but he was a great person and a great player.








    i totally agree, i remember phillip, you would hear his name a lot on forums and i agree that he should be put onto the legends list, even though most people do remember him (then again how many ppl here were there when rs was just starting out? )

  4. level 3 clue - around 84 when i first got members




    dragon drop - 100 (bout 2 weeks ago got dragon skirt from bronze dragon \' first good drop.....ever :-k )




    million gp - about 93 :P i hardly have 1mill right now haha




    d left half - never :-k








    im not a lucky person :wall: ive been playing rs for like 6 years now and have only got dragon skirt for a drop that was good #-o

  5. its really always been similar to real life (besides things like dragons and dagganoths and those types of things) its just been in the past of medieval era but it has been getting more modern latley like cmon those little creatures that are used as grenades :roll: hot air balloon :wink: these were not invented in the medieval era :wink: i think they should of stayed with medieval concept instead of bringing it more modern day :shame:

  6. I can see the arguements from both sides, and i agree with many of the points. allowing F2P to use some of the P2P skills and abilities (not all. That would be near impossible) could help with the arguements, and keep some F2P people who would have quit playing, because there would have finally been something new for them to do, and a potential way to earn more gold in-game.








    The problem with that arises when members begin to complain that they have lost part of what they pay for. If, say, fletching became F2P, members would lose one of the major advantages they had over F2P, even if all the options weren't available to F2P players.








    i agree that they should add a new skill to f2p (btw im p2p) but if they add fletching, p2p would lose a skill that is a very profitable skill, maybe a skill such as construction would be fine really how many ppl care about their house now? it was popular for the first 2 weeks then it just died down and settled in as any other skill :?

  7. Size: 300 x 150 x 30kb




    Background style: similar to the first example




    Background colors: black/gray




    Renderized image: http://www.clantemplates.com/renders/ga ... a/73/8.jpg




    Text: Bmxrider




    Subtext: none




    Font: whatever looks good




    Text color: black or gray whatever stands out best




    Sub text color: n/a








    thanks, your sigs r looking good :thumbsup:

  8. those images your working wityh look alot like one i can make using this uber cool program =) lol








    its looking very good, texturing is definatly one of your strong points, not alot to say atm as its still a wip, but i like now it looks so far, nice linework structure(sp?) as well
















    they look like images from terragen :)








    and nice progress on the pixel =D> keep up the good work and hopefully ur wrist is better in no time 8-)

  9. if i got into a fight with a penguin and the penguin pulled out a gun and all i had was a toothpick who would win?








    what if i seen a toad in the north pole chasing after a worm in the southpole who would win the race to santas house in the north pole at 12 north pole drive, toadstool township which has the finish line in hong kong?

  10. I consider anyone that started pre-Summer 2001 and is still playing today is a legend in their own right. I remember tons of characters that helped craft what RS is today back in the old days. I personally envied King Sabre more than most.








    I feel we don't get as much respect as we deserve, but what we did was behind the scenes, simply playing the game for so long. Unsung heroes, if you will..








    w00t i guess u consider me a legend :3> haha i dont remember your name but maybe thats cuz i have a short memory for things like that :( i also agree that some "older players" dont get the respect they deserve, most of the "legends" ive read here r all ppl that had high skills....what about those who where not very "skilled" but made an impact on rs (such as..dam forgot his name but he was the founder of NKKA (newbie killing killing association) i believe that he may have changed clans and how they perform to this day!)










    I would recall M Oldfield, Twy, Krest, Gormis and Dmonik being pioneers of smithing, not Musashi.




    I believe all of them were banned? I don't think Dmonik was banned though, I'd hardly call him a pioneer though, being one of the first doesn't make you a pioneer, especially when you look at his smithing level. At least Bluerose13x went all the way. I don't consider accounts that have been banned and/or cheated to be pioneers for anything.








    Do all legends have to have maxed out stats? no! Dmonik wasnt even trying to be first smith, i remember him and Bluerose13x were a team, Dmonik was a miner and he gave his ores to Blue to smith, he was helping her become the first 99 smith!

  11. Rsc had a way better community then rs2, rsc had players who really loved their game since the graphics were a bit poor.








    yea, rs did have a better community, i loved rs until they created rs2 :wink: now i dont feel like its the same anymore, everything is so easy to do, like look at most the the skills they have Cook X or Smelt X it takes no effort to raise lvls :roll: back in rs you had to keep clicking to fish or cook and everything now u just click twice enter how many you want to do then sit back and relax :roll: it took the fun out of the game becuz its not hard to raise lvls, and i think the graphics of rs were awesome :D they werent too fancy and they werent too crappy :P if only they kept rs playable by f2p i wouldnt waste my $7.50 a month to play rs2 and play rs :)

  12. Here ya go PJB, enjoy it :)






    uknowhat, here ya go 8-)






    it looks awesome but can u jus put uknowhow no 80+ str, and can u get a bettr font :lol:




    sure, i dont have any fonts right now becuz i just had to redo my comp and havnt had time to get any but i will get some and change it :)




    eastking use the img (take out the spaces)

  13. ok first of all whats the point of "quitting" rs and staying on the forums? it will just remind u of the times uve had in rs and make u want to come back :roll: for some ppl rs is addicting and to others is might just be all the forums dealing with rs that is keeping them addicted




    personally, I could quit rs today for a number of reason and not come back, but its something for me to do when im bored and have nothing else to do. Runescape has changed a lot since RS there is more autoers, the community/friendlyness has dissapeared, clans have changed and the marketprices has changed drastically. After playing RS for a couple years then having to switch over to rs2 has made the game boring :wink: i miss the good RS days when ppl were nice and not calling everybody a noob for nothing, and when u actually had to work for ur skills not right click, click "cook X" "smelt X" "Fletch X" "Spin X" and click only once to fish a full load of fish :roll: how much fun is it to sit in on spot and let the game do the work for u? it seems pointless :wink: Rs2 isnt even challenging :roll: they need to bring back RS to f2p (yes i am p2p) so all of us "oldies" who still care about RS can go back to the original way of playing :cry:

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